Non-finite forms of the verb


Use constructions with the Infinitive.

1. I saw as he crossed the street.

2. I have never heard how she plays the piano.

3. I saw as the driver opened the window and threw a box into the bushes.

4. I felt as somebody looked at me.

5. Nobody noticed as he left the hall.


Write about yourself. Use the Gerund.

1. I really miss ________.

2. I love ________.

3. I hate ________.

4. It’s no use ________.

5. I’m fond of ________.

6. I’m interested in ________.

7. I’m looking forward to ________.

8. I’m afraid of ________.

9. I’m good at ________.

10. I’m responsible for _______.


Use the Infinitive, Gerund or Participle.

1. What was in the letter? — I don’t know. I did not want ________ (open) it as it wasn’t addressed to me

2. I can hear the bell ________ (ring) but nobody seems ________ (be coming) ________ (open) the door.

3. Please, go on ________ (write), I don’t mind ________ (wait).

4. Most people prefer _______ (spend) money to _______ (earn) it.

5. Did you advise him ________ (go) to the police? — No, I didn’t like ________ (give) any advice on such a difficult matter.

6. It’s no use ________ (write) to him, he never answers letters. The only thing ________ (do) is ________ (go) and ________ (see) him.

7. Ask him ________ (come) in. Don’t keep him ________ (stand) at the door.

8. I advise you ________ (start) ________ (look) for a flat at once.

9. He tried __________ (explain) but she didn’t want __________ (listen).

10. I’m looking forward to ________ (see) you.



Make the following sentences passive.

1. Julia rescued three cats.

2. The students handed in the reports.

3. Maria crashed into the blue car.

4. Alex learned the poem.

5. Steven has forgotten the book.

6. The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.

7. They play handball.

8. Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.

9. The girls had lost the match.

10. The teacher is not going to open the window.



Use one of the modal verbs in brackets to fill each gap.

1. They (can/might)________________be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.

2. You (may/might)________________leave now if you wish.

3. (Could/May)________________you open the window a bit, please?

4. He (can/could)________________be from Sheffield, judging by his accent.

5. (May/Can)________________you swim?

6. Listen, please. You (may not/might not)________________ speak during this exam.

7. They (can't/may not)________________still be out!

8. You (couldn't/might not)________________smoke on the bus.

9. With luck, tomorrow (can/could)________________be a cooler day.

10. You (can/might)________________be right but I'm going back to check the times.



Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb.

1. I wish I knew Nick's address. If I (know/ had known/ knew) his address I would send him a letter.

2. If I (am/ will be/ were) you I wouldn't trust him.

3. If I (am/ would be/ will be/ were) rich I would buy a big house.

4. If I (can/ will be able to/ could) speak English I wouldn't need an interpreter now.

5. I wish I (don't/ will not/ didn't) have to work. But I've got a lot of work to do.

6. I would spend more time with you if I (was not/ won't be/ were not) so busy.

7. He would study better if he (has/ had/ will have) more time.

8. It's raining heavily. I wish I (have/ will have/ had) an umbrella.

9. If I (have/ would have/ had/ had have/ had had) more money last year I would (buy/ have bought) Tom's ear.

10. If the weather (were not/ has not been/ hadn't been) so bad yes­terday we would have gone to the party.

11. If I (knew/ had known/ would know) you were ill I would have come to see you.

12. If he (was not/ were not/ had not been) so hungry that evening he would never have eaten so much.

13. If only I (haven't/ had not) spent so much money yesterday I wouldn't be hungry now.


Make up sentences in the reported speech.

1. Mr Brown said:" I was watching TV last night."

Mr Brown said (that) ________________.

2. Sandy explained: “I saw the accident at the corner of High Street.”

Sandy explained (that) ______________.

3. Bob said:" We had a wonderful time at Peter's party."

Bob said (that) they _______________.

4. The farmer said:" I didn't see her."

The farmer said (that) ______________.

5. Will and Tim said: “We were very happy about the present.

Will and Tim said (that) _____________.

6. Mr Jones said: “As a young boy I collected stickers."

Mr Jones said (that) _______________.

7. Peter reported:" We played a lot of tennis last year."

Peter reported (that) ______________.

8. Mother said:" I have a headache."

Mother said (that) ________________.

9. Tine Clarks told us:" We drove right down to Athens last summer.”

The Clarks told us (that) _____________

10. Helen said:" I'm watching the late night show."

Helen said (that) ___________________.

11. Peter said:"They were interested in other countries."

Peter said (that) _______________.

12. Mr Cooper said:"I take my medicine regularly."

Mr Cooper said (that) ______________.

13. Mrs Miller said:" I don't feel better now."

Mrs Miller said (that) ___________________.

14. Sarah said:" My father takes me to school every day."

Sarah said (that) ________________________.

15. He said to the reporters:" I'm a farmer in Cornwell."

He said to the reporters (that) _______________.





1. houses; 2. leaves; 3. (pieces of) news; 4. pairs of pyjamas; 5. children; 6. (pieces of) luggage; 7. crashes; 8. information; 9. people; 10. toasts; 11. (pieces of) advice; 12. months, teeth;


1. kangaroos; 2. children; 3. fruit; 4. man; 5. deer; 6; women; 7. strawberries; 8. wives; 9. films; 10. jeans; 11. money.


1. the children’s; 2. Al’s; 3. my parents’; 4. the Wilsons’; 5. Carol and Alice’s.



A dog; an umbrella; an apple; a dandelion; a hospital; an hour; a camera; an actor; a person; an animal; a letter; a car; an interest; an answer; an message; a word; a chair; an expression; an absence; a bear; a bone; a cake; an eye; a horse; an island; a lady; a jug; a notice; a queen; a cloud.

B. 1. —, the; 2. —;3. a, the;4. —; 5. —, —; 6. a, the; 7. —; 8. —; 9. —, the; 10. the, the; 11. the, the, the.


1. a 2.a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a 7.—,— 8. —,a 9.— 10.—,— 11. the 12.—13. the 14.a 15. the 16. the 17.—,— 18.— 19. the


1. a, a 2. a, a 3. —, — 4. —, — 5. a, the 6. the 7. the, — 8. the, —, the 9. — 10, —, —, —, the 11. the, the 12. —, — 13. the, a, —, the, the, —, the, a, the, —, the, —, a, the, the, the, —, the, the —, —



1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c; 6. d; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. b


1. two hundred and thirty-five. 2. six hundred and fifty-nine. 3. four thousand seven hundred and forty-one. 4. eight hundred twelve thousand six hundred and ninety-four. 5. three and a half. 6. four point four five. 7. thirty-nine point nought six.



My favorite picture is by a Dutch artist. An elegant man sits on a wooden bench in the corner. He has a small black dog at his feet. The dog looks sleepy. Through the open window you can see bright sunshine. When I look at this picture I feel warm and happy.

B. Open the brackets and fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the necessary form.

1. stronger 2. the coldest 3. the best 4. the longest 5. better 6. more difficult 7. colder, yellower 8. the most beautiful 9. more 10. worse, worse.


B. happy. 2. happily. 3. coldly. 4. cold. 5. perfect. 6. perfectly. 7. helpless. 8. helplessly. 9. exact. 10. exactly. 11. late. 12. lately

C. 1. faster. 2. most fluently. 3. harder. 4. earlier. 5. worst.


1. I have often been to London.

2. Have you ever been to Boston?

3. He sometimes plays golf on Sundays.

4. The weather is always bad in November.

5. It never rains in California.

6. We seldom have fish for dinner.

7. She will rarely see him?

8. Peter doesn't usuallyget up before seven.

9. They do not always play tennis on Sundays.

10. Mary hardly ever watches TV.


1. a) 2 a) 3 c) 4 a) 5 b) 6 b) 7 a) 8 a) 9 b) 10 c)


1. She speaks slowly.

2. They sang wonderfully.

3. He treated her respectfully.

4. John speaks English well.

5. The dog barks loudly.

6. My sister plays the piano awfully.

7. She met him secretly.

8. The children laughed happily.

9. She hurt her leg badly.

10. They sneaked out of the house quietly.


1. The cinema is over there.

2.Let's go inside.

3. The kitchen is downstairs.

4. The kids are playing outside.

5. She has not been here.

6. The bathroom is upstairs.

7. We were looking for you everywhere.

8. We couldn't find you anywhere.

9. Is there a post office nearby?

10. We must walk back home.


1. The cinema is over there.

2. Let's go inside.

3. The kitchen is downstairs.

4. The kids are playing outside.

5. She has not been here.

6. The bathroom is upstairs.

7. We were looking for you everywhere.

8. We couldn't find you anywhere.

9. Is there a post office nearby?

10. We must walk back horned.



1. my; yours. 2. your; mine. 3. Her. 4. his. 5. hers. 6. theirs. 7. mine. 8. ours. 9. hers. 10. your

C. 1. that. 2. this. 3. these. 4. this. 5. those.


1. whose. 2. who. 3. who/that. 4. which / that. 5. whose.


1. somebody/someone. 2. any; somewhere. 3. anything. 4. anyone. 5. nothing; anything; nobody. 6. something; anything. 7. somebody/someone. 8. anyone; somewhere. 9. nothing. 10. nobody.


1. much. 2. A lot of. 3. many. 4. much. 5. much. 6. a lot of. 7. many. 8. a lot of. 9. many. 10. many.


1. a few. 2. little. 3. few. 4. a little. 5. little. 6. a few. 7. little. 8. few. 9. a little. 10. A few.




1. on, from 2. on, from 3. in, in, to, in 4. in, in 5. at, at 6. in 7. in 8. at 9. in 10. in


1. during 2. for 3. during 4. while 5. during 6. while


1. Kate is standing at the top of the stairs.

2. Label is on the bottle.

3. The cat is at the bottom of the stairs.

4. Tom is standing near the gate.

5. The mirror is on the wall.

6. He's looking in the mirror.

7. The children are at the back of the car.

8. The theatre is to the left of the park. And the bank is to the right.

9. The boy is standing at the corner of the street.


1. about 2. at, in, in, in, in 3. with, of, with 4. in, with 5. in, in, on 6. to, at, in 7. by, of 8. in, between 9. from 10. from 11. In, to.



1. if. 2. because. 3. if. 4. and. 5. as soon as. 6. although. 7. until. 8. while. 9. after. 10. because.


1. either ... or. 2. both. 3. neither ... nor. 4. both ... and. 5. both ... and. 6. either ... or. 7. Both ... and. 8. either ... or. 9. either ... or. 10. Neither ... nor.


1. I like Sally but I don’t like Bob.

2. She likes her because she is always friendly.

3. That’s the painting which my father bought last year.

4. This is the house where I’ve lived for 7 years.

5. In the morning I always have coffee and toast.

6. In our house lives a man who is a detective.

7. She is happy because her test is good.

8. Tell me when you can come.

9. He always thinks that he is so clever.

10. We had dinner, watched TV, and then we went to bed.

11. When we arrived he had already gone.

12. That’s the longest test which we have ever written.

13. Did you understand why he told you that story?

14. I was not really interested in what he was talking about.

15. Is this the hotel where we stayed last year?




1. Do. 2. doesn’t. 3. do. 4. don’t. 5. did. 6. Does. 7. didn’t. 8. does. 9. don’t. 10. did.


1. are. 2. isn’t; is. 3. was. 4. were; was. 5. is. 6. were. 7. are. 8. will you be. 9. isn’t. 10. was.


1. have. 2. had. 3. has. 4. Have. 5. have. 6. has. 7. have. 8. Did ___ have. 9. Have ___ got. 10. had.


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