Test 4. Choose the right form for filling in the blank and translate the sentences into Russian

Define the function of the -ed form and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. During the experiment we … the strength of the field.

a) measured b) were measured

2. During the experiment the strength of the field ... several times.

a) measured b) was measured

3. This property of objects ... by Newton.

a) stated b) was stated

4. Last year they ... mechanics.

a) studied b) were studied

5. He ... the electric flux by the letter N.

a) denoted b) was denoted

6. The electric flux ... by the letter N.

a) denoted b) was denoted

7. In this case the electromagnetic field … by an aerial.

a) radiated b) was radiated

8. Every physical law ... on experiments.

a) based b) is based

9. Lomonosov … various natural phenomena.

a) observed b) was observed

10. He … his observations in numerous scientific papers.

a) described b) was described

Test 2. Choose the right form for filling in the blank.

1. According to the relativity theory kinetic energy ... with mass energy.

a) is combined b) combined

2. At first the problem ... most carefully.

a) was analysed b) analysed

3. The problem ... by our workers was solved later on the computer.

a) was analysed b) analysed

4. The surface charge density … .

a) was measured b) measured

5. One form of energy ... into another.

a) can bе converted b) converted

6. The experiments show that bodies … with like charges repel one another.

a) are charged b) charged

7. The electrons ... by the anode collect on the latter.

a) are attracted b) attracted

8. The electromagnetic field ... in space interacts with charges and currents.

a) is distributed b) distributed

9. The electrical resistance of a conductor ... by several factors.

a) is affected b) affected

10. The broken line ABCDE thus ... will give the direction of the electric field.

a) is obtained b) obtained

Test 3. Choose the right translation.

1. Этот метод дает хорошие результаты, если его используют правильно.

a) The method used properly gives good results.

b) If used properly the method gives good results.

2. Тела притягиваются друг к другу, когда они заряжены разноименными зарядами.

a) The bodies charged with unlike charges attract one another.

b) When charged with unlike charges bodies attract one another.

3. Ньютон открыл одно общее свойство сил, выраженное им в третьем законе.

a) Newton discovered one general property of forces expressed by him in the Third Law.

b) Newton discovered one general property of forces and expressed it in his Third Law.

4. Эксперимент, повторенный несколько раз, наконец дал ожидаемый (предсказанный) результат.

a) The experiment was repeated several times and at last gave the predicted result.

b) The experiment repeated several times at last gave the predicted result.

5. Молекулы вещества двигаются быстрее, если его нагревают.

a) If heated, molecules of a substance move faster.

b) We heated the substance and its molecules moved faster.

6. Уравнение, полученное для этой цели, описывает процесс полностью.

a) The equation was obtained for this purpose, it describes the process completely.

b) The equation obtained for this purpose describes the process completely.

7. Освобожденная энергия позднее была использована для приведения в действие мотора.

a) The released energy was later used to drive the motor.

b) When energy was released, it was used to drive the motor.

8. Железо намагничивается, если его помещают в сильное магнитное поле.

a) Iron becomes magnetized if we place it in a strong magnetic field.

b) Iron becomes magnetized if placed in a strong magnetic field.

9. Большинства элементов легко соединяются, особенно когда их нагревают.

a) Moat elements combine easily, especially when heated.

b) When we heat elements, they combine easily.

10. Приложенные силы изменили положение тела в пространстве.

a) The force applied to the object changed its position in space.

b) The applied forces changed the position of the object in apace.

Test 4. Choose the right form for filling in the blank and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Voltmeters, ammeters, thermometers are all … devices.

a) measuring

b) being measured

с) having measured

d) having been measured

2. ... the research they published a number of articles on the results obtained.

a) completing

b) being completed

c) having completed

d) having been completed

3. ... to take part in the work of a scientific society the young scientist went to Moscow.

a) Inviting

b) Being invited

c) Having invited

d) Having been invited

4. Man lived for ages on the Earth without ... anything about electricity.

a) knowing

b) being known

c) having known

d) having been .known

5. ... to take part in the research the students began to study the theory of the problem.

a) Asking

b) Being asked

c) Having asked

d) Having been asked

6. We know of Newton's ... the principles of mechanics.

a) developing

b) being developed

c) having developed

d) having been developed

7. Resistance is one of the most important properties greatly … an electric current.

a) affecting

b) being affected

c) having affected

d) having been affected

8. … the flight around the Moon the automatic station returned safely to the Earth.

a) Performing

b) Being performed

с) Having performed

d) Having been performed

9. At last they obtained the necessary result by ... the strength of the field.

a) changing

b) being changed

c) having changed

d) having been changed

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