Translate the sentences following the model

1. To show the importance of this effect we consider a unit in bright sunlight at sea level.

2. To obtain a low value of I and hence a large sensitivity, it is necessary to cool the diode.

3. To understand the limitation set by this technique, we turn to the equivalent circuit of the diode.

4. A similar arrangement can be used to measure the lifetime of minority carriers.

5. To prove this relation we consider a cylinder of n-type material, with its axis in parallel to the x-axis.

6. A cathode ray is used in television receivers to display the image transmitted.

7. In 1650 Guericke invented the air pump which he used to create a partial vacuum.

8. Henry repeated Sturgeon’s work in 1829, using an insulated wire to prevent short-circuiting.

9. The law of induction was generalized to include the production of electric force in space.

10. He invented sensitive apparatus to measure the electrical forces involved in Priestley’s law.

11. The unit used to measure an electric charge is the coulomb.

12. To treat the overall effect of the current, its direction is usually taken to be that of the positive charge carrier.

13. To free for the first time several very active metals from their liquid compounds Humphry Davy used a stronger battery.

14. When the force was strong enough to distort the fields of forces that held the molecules together so as to permit the interaction of these fields with neighbouring particles, the tension was relieved by the migration of particles along the lines of tension.

15. The glass served merely to detect the effect.

16. To explain the colours of thin films he used his new wave theory of light.


Define the tense form of the infinitive:

a. Indefinite b. Continuous

c. Perfect d. Perfect Continuous

And translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I am glad to be working with this scientist.

2. Galileo was the first to observe sun spots.

3. He seems to have been working at this problem for two years.

4. To study this phenomenon we need very complicated equipment.

5. He is proud to have taken part in this research.

6. He is proud to be taking part in this research.

7. The professor was glad to see his students.

8. The professor was glad to have such good students.

9. The post-graduate was glad to have published a number of articles.


Define the voice of the infinitive (Active Voice or Passive Voice) and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She likes to be visited by her friends.

2. I am happy to be at home again.

3. I was happy to be listening to this great singer.

4. The student wanted to be examined as soon as possible.

5. The workers were proud to have built several blocks of flats before the fixed time.

6. He was sorry not to have enough time for studying the second foreign language.

7. She seems to have been waiting for you for about an hour.

8. I am glad to have been introduced to this great scientist.

9. He was happy to have been to the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

10. I expect to be helped.


Choose the right translation.

1. Я доволен, что принял участие в обсуждении этого доклада.

a. I am glad to take part in the discussion of this report.

b. I am glad to be taking part in the discussion of this report.

c. I am glad to have taken part in the discussion of this report.

2. Кажется, они заканчивают их исследование.

a. They seem to finish their investigation.

b. They seem to be finishing their investigation.

c. They seem to have finished their investigation.

3. Он очень рад, что его выбрали делегатом на съезд.

a. Не is very glad to be elected delegate to the Congress.

b. He is very glad to elect delegates to the Congress.

c. He is very glad to have been elected delegate to the Congress.

4. Он не любит, когда его беспокоят во время работ.

a. Не doesn't like to be disturbed during his work.

b. He doesn't like to disturb people during their work.

c. He doesn’t like to have been disturbed during his work.

5. Я хочу, чтобы мне помогли.

a. I want to help you.

b. I want to be helped.

c. I want to have helped.

6. Для того чтобы быть опубликованной в английском журнале, статья должна быть переведена на английский язык.

a. То be published in an English journal the article must be translated into, English.

b. In order to publish an article in an English journal, it is necessary to translate it into English.


Choose the right translation. Pay attention to the function of the infinitive (the subject and the adverbial modifier of purpose).

1. Решитьэту задачу значит добиться большого успеха.

а). They successfully solved this problem.

b). То solve this problem is to achieve great success.

2. Чтобы решить эту проблему, нам нужно обсудить ряд вопросов.

a). Having discussed a number of questions we solved this problem.

b). То solve this problem we should discuss a number of questions.

3.Решить этупроблему трудно.

а). It is difficult to solve this problem.

b). This difficult problem was solved.

4. Чтобы понять этот процесс, надо знать физику.

a). Knowing physics we can understand this process.

b). In order to understand this process one must know physics.

5. Построение магнитного поля требует определенной энергии.

а). То build up a magnetic field requires a certain amount of energy.

b). A certain amount of energy is required for building up a magnetic field.

6. Чтобы превратить звук в электрические импульсы, мы используеммикрофон.

а). It is possible to convert sound pressures into electrical impulses by using a microphone.

b). To convert the sound pressures into electrical impulses one иses a microphone.

7. Очень важно знать количество энергии, имеющейся в теле.

a). The quantity of energy present in the body is known.

b). To know the quantity of energy present in a body is very important.

8. Мы должны были использовать транзисторы, чтобы сконструировать этот компьютер.

a). We had to use transistors to design this computer.

b). We had to design a computer and we used transistors.

9. Для изучения ионосферы были запущены многочисленные спутники.

a). The ionosphere is studied by means of numerous sputniks.

b). То study the ionosphere numerous sputniks have been launched.


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