Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Sometimes no other words are necessary. Sometimes you need the or of the


1 I wasn't well yesterday. I spent most of the day in bed .(most/day)

2 Some cars can go faster than others. (some/cars)

3 ..…. drive too fast. (many/people)

4 ……you took on holiday were very good. (some/photographs)

5 ……learn more quickly than others. (some/people)

6 We've eaten……we bought. There's very little left. (most/food)

7 Have you spent……you borrowed? (all/money)

8 Peter can't stop talking. He talks……(all/time)

9 We had a lazy holiday. We spent……on the beach. (most/time)

a. George is easy to get on with……like him. (most/people)

10 The exam was difficult. I could only answer...................... (half/questions)

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use all/some/none + it/them/us (all of it / some of them etc.).

1 These books are all Jane's. None of thembelong to me.

2 'How many of these books have you read?' '…… Every one.'

3 We all got wet in the rain because……had an umbrella.

4 Some of this money is yours and……is mine.

5 I asked some people for directions but……were able to help me.

6 She made up the whole story from beginning to end……was true.

7 Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish……were French.

8 I watched most of the film but not……


Exercise 1. Translate into English

1 Я предлагаю вам остаться здесь на всю ночь.

2 Они предложили уехать прямо сейчас, но он отказался.

3 Она предложила им не возвращаться домой так поздно.

Exercise 2. Translate into English

1 - Но это же первый раз, когда я опоздал!

- Вы не совсем правы: это уже второй раз,

когда это происходит.

Exercise 3. Translate into English

1 - Простите меня, я так опоздал.

- Все в порядке, Вы как раз вовремя.

2 - Поезд пришел вовремя

- Да, эти поезда всегда приходят по расписанию.

Exercise 4. Translate into English

1 Как Вы думаете, в полиции хорошо платят? (полиция хорошо оплачиваема)

2 Твои волосы такие мягкие!

3 Тысячи людей пришли на вчерашний концерт.

4 Почти две тысячи людей посетили эту выставку.

Exercise 5. Translate into English

1 Я бы предпочел пойти прогуляться, чем оставаться дома весь вечер.

2 А я по вечерам предпочитаю читать по вечерам.

3 Я бы лучше сделал всю свою работу сегодня, чтобы иметь свободное время в выходные.

4 Мне бы лучше, чтобы она никому не говорила о нашем разговоре.

Exercise 6. Translate into English

1 Это платье намного лучше предыдущего.

2 Эти книги самые интересные из всех, которые я когда-либо читала.

3 Чем лучше погода, тем лучше я себя чувствую.

Exercise 7. Translate into English

1 Когда я приехала в Англию впервые, мне было непривычно ездить слева (к левостороннему движению). (я не была привычна к езде слева)

2 Но через несколько месяцев я привыкла к этому.

3 Я не привык к такой дождливой погоде. В моей стране я бывало гулял каждый день по много часов, а здесь я должен оставаться дома из-за дождя.

Exercise 8. Translate into English

1 Мои родители женаты уже двадцать один год.

2 В следующем году они будут женаты уже двадцать два года.

3 Мы опаздываем. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы придем на вокзал.

Exercise 9. Translate into English

1 Я не могу вообразить его работающим целый день. Он такой ленивый!

2 Они отложили публикацию отчета.

3 Мы решили перенести принятие решения по этому вопросу.

4 Он признал, что был эгоистичен в этой ситуации.

5 Критикуя своего начальника вслух, ты рискуешь потерять свою работу.

6 Я не собираюсь продолжать быть секретаршей всю свою жизнь.

7 Я не возражаю пойти туда вдвоем.

Exercise 10. Translate into English

1 Он согласен нам помочь, но только при одном условии.

2 Он стремиться стать знаменитым писателем.

3 Он пытался уйти раньше, но мы остановили его.

4 Наконец-то мне удалось найти то, что я искал весь день.

5 Террористы грозили взорвать поезд, если их требования не будут выполнены.

6 Он кажется очень уставшим.

7 Они заявили, что нашли лекарство от этой болезни, но это еще не доказано.

8 Они рискуют пропустить свой поезд.



Both have a common verb "to adhere" which means to stick.
Adhesion is the physical condition: This paint has excellent adhesion.
Adherence has the figurative sense: They are to be admired for their adherence to moral principles.


Admission means permission of entry. It can be physical: The admission of immigrants had to be restricted.
Admittanceis a formal term for right of entry. A notice that says NO ADMITTANCE on a door means KEEP OUT.
Using the two words together, you could say that a drunk was refused admittance to the show even though he had paid his admission.

To affect/to effect

These two verbs are often mis-spelled, also in English-speaking countries. The reason may be that they have a common noun: effect.
To affect means have an influence on something: The strong wind affected the tennis game.
To effectmeans cause, bring about: The new manager effected an improvement in the EDP Department.
The adjective affected can also mean the same as in many other languages: displaying mannerisms that are not natural.


Although your Latin may be rusty these days, you probably still recognize that these two words must have something to do with friend.
Amiable is always applied to people who are pleasant, easy-going, likeable.
Amicablecannot be applied to people, only to relationships that are friendly. Using both words in one sentence, you could comment: The two amiable proprietors had an amicable business relationship for many years.


Beside refers to the physical situation, it means side by side, close to: He sat beside her. Still in a sense physical, but used figuratively are: Beside the point, meaning irrelevant, and the slightly old-fashioned expression: He was beside himself with rage, which indicates a really boiling temper.
Besides is used in two ways: as an adverb in the sense of moreover, in addition: He has not improved; and besides, he does not seem to care .
Less frequently, it can also be a preposition, meaning apart from: Besides curtains, they also sell sun blinds.


Both have something to do with the movement of the eyelids.
Blink is what you do involuntarily every few seconds with both eyelids.
A wink is the lowering of one eyelid to give a signal. Here is the difference, shown in artistic form in its three stages: Not quite logically, wink (not blink) is used in phrases connected with sleep:
I didn't sleep a wink last night = got no sleep at all. They had forty winks after lunch= a brief sleep, a nap.


When you are temporarily red in the face, it can be the result of either blush or flush. Emotion (embarrassment or shyness) makes you blush: When he complimented her on her first-class work, she blushed.
Physical exertion causes you to be flushed: She was flushed after running for the last bus.
An in-between situation can exist when you are red in the face because of a mixture of emotion and physical
causes. You can, for example, be flushed with excitement.


Childish is no compliment. It means immature: His reaction to their mild letter of complaint was very childish. (He sulked for months.)
Childlike can be a compliment, as its meaning of like a child refers to positive attributes such as innocence,
grace, honesty, etc.: The movements of the dancers had a childlike grace.


Contentsis what you find in some form of container: the contents of a bottle, bag, box, book, and so on. Make sure you use the plural. In other languages you use the singular.
Content is the presence of one element in another, often expressed as a percentage or proportion: the water content in my glass of wine, the copper content in an aluminium alloy, etc.
The content(singular) of a book or a speech can also mean the essential element:
It's a bestseller but devoid of serious content.


Continuous means without interruption, all the time, non-stop: There is a continuous performance from four to eleven.
Continualmeans very frequent: They are notorious for their continual complaints.
Nobody can complain 'continuously'. People have to sleep some of the time.
Note: Constant is near in meaning to continuous, but not quite non-stop: her constant companion, constant headache, constant worries.


A customer buys goods and pays a price.
A client buys professional services and pays a fee.
Professional services are provided by lawyers, architects, accountants, and various consultants, who do not sell goods but give information or advice in some form or other. Doctors and dentists are also part of the professional group. They have patients and charge a fee.
The English word profession means the same as in your language: He is a carpenter by profession. She is a professional tennis player.
The English expression the professions, however, refers to a group of activities that require academic training, a university education: He is not sure yet, but will probably go in for one of the professions.


Definite means certain, clearly defined: Their arrival time is now definite.
Definitive means final, often implying not merely the last, but also the best: It is probably the definitive book on the Vietnam war.
This sentence means that the author has treated the subject so much better than anyone before him, that it will be the book on the war in Vietnam.


In one of your idle moments - perhaps when sitting at your desk in the office this morning - you may have been wondering whether there is any difference between these two words.
If you are thinking about the organization in a company, American usage prefers division for all but the tiniest sections in a firm: Chemical Division, Marketing Division, Export Division.
British usage has always preferred department, reserving division for major integrated parts of a company: Export Department, Marketing Department, Consumer Products Division.
Division, with its military connotation, somehow sounds more impressive than department. That must be the reason why companies outside North America tend to use it increasingly for modest departments that would previously not have qualified for this distinction.
This idea that the division is bigger than department is reversed when it comes to the government. Then department is really the big thing. The State Department, for example, is that vast United States ministry known in other countries as Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministry, Ministry for External Affairs, and similar more descriptive terms. (It is called Foreign Office in the UK).


Distinct is clear: a distinct difference, distinct outline, distinct advantage. Distinctive means being different from something else. You may need a distinctive trademark, distinctive design, distinctive slogan, i.e. something that stands out, something that people recognize because it is striking.
Combining the two, you could say that a signpost can be made more distinctive by using more distinct lettering.


Eatable means that something is of a quality suitable for eating. As comment on somebody's standard of cooking it expresses a very low degree of enthusiasm:

16 How did you like her dinner? Well, it was eatable…

Ediblemeans suitable for human consumption, because the food contains nothing that will poison you. Illustrated books will enlighten you on edible and inedible mushrooms, for example.
Negative form of eatable: uneatable.


Economic refers to the science of economics. You can have economic factors, an economic return on investment, an economic business. People can never be called economic.
Economicalis the opposite of wasteful and can be applied to people and objects. If money is involved, economical is simply money-saving.
He is very economical in his buying habits = spends little. The new engine is highly economical = uses little fuel. In a court case someone once admitted that he had been economical with the truth, a very elegant way of saying that he was not telling the whole truth.


Efficientis competent, well organized. It can be applied to people or things:
She is incredibly efficient.
Proficient means qualified, skilled, an expert at something. It can be applied to people only:
They are proficient in (at) braille.
It is quite possible that someone proficient (who knows his special field) can at the same time be inefficient, if he forgets to answer letters or has a messy workshop.
e.g. /i.e.
These two abbreviations are often confused. An example, a limited selection is introduced by e.g. This is short for "exempli gratia". When reading it aloud, say for example, for instance or, if you insist, 'ee-gee':
They manufacture medical appliances, e.g. syringes, catheters, surgical instruments, etc.
An explanation, a definition is introduced by i.e. (id est). Say 'eye-ee", 'namely', 'that is 'or 'that is to say' when reading it aloud: They have three major product lines, i.e. chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.


The extra 't' makes a considerable difference, although both people are not wildly attractive characters. An egoist is the same kind of person you have in other languages; someone who thinks only of himself; someone who is selfish. An egotist (remember that 't' to denote talking) is a person who talks a lot about himself.
An egotist is probably also an egoist, but an egoist is often no egotist. (He keeps very quiet while he is gobbling that pound of chocolates when nobody is looking.)


Electricdescribes individual products that are in some way actuated by electricity:
electric light, electric train, electric motor, and so on. It includes electric eel and electric shock.
Electrical describes anything else connected with electricity, also the collective nouns of electricity-powered products: electrical engineer, electrical science, electrical appliances, electrical phenomenon, and so forth. Using the two adjectives in one sentence you would be quite correct in saying: Our electric toaster is an electrical appliance.


The difference between the two is not enormous, but error is usually less serious than mistake.
If I ask you to multiply 312 by 758, and you tell me that the result is 236 498, you probably made a slip when typing the last digit. I would call this an error. If you tell me that you bought a company two years ago, which has so far lost two million dollars, you made a mistake (How could you do such a thing?).


Here is something for the connoisseur. Every applies to an unspecified number of objects. Each is usually better when the number of objects is known or small. Examples:
In Glasgow you find a pub in every block. You do not know the number of blocks in merry Glasgow. You are making a general statement, therefore every.
There is an entrance at each corner of the park. You know that the park has four corners. Therefore each. Here are two nearly identical sentences with a difference in interpretation:
Every airliner has a Certificate of Airworthiness. All airliners have it. A general statement.
Each airliner has a Certificate of Airworthiness. Each single aircraft I am talking about; presumably of one specific company, production run, type.

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