Exercise 1. Put the verb into the correct form

1 If I knew his number, I would phone him. (know)

2 I wouldn't buy that coat if I were you. (not/buy)

3 I……you if I could, but I'm afraid I can't. (help)

4 We would need a car if we……in the country. (live)

5 If we had the choice, we……in the country. (live)

6 This soup isn't very good. It……better if it wasn't so salty. (taste)

7 I wouldn't mind living in England if the weather……better. (be)

8 If I were you, I……(not/wait). I……now. (go)

9 You're always tired. If you……to bed so late every night, you

wouldn't be tired all the time. (not/go)

10 I think there are too many cars. If there……so many cars (not/be),

There……so much pollution. (not/be)

Exercise 2. Write a sentence with If... for each situation.

1 We don't visit you very often because you live so far away.

If you didn't live so far a way, we'd visit you more often.

2 He doesn't speak very clearly - that's why people don't understand him.

If he……more.. , people……

3 That book is too expensive, so I'm not going to buy it.

If the book……, I……

4 We don't go out very often because we can't afford it.


5 It's raining, so we can't have lunch in the garden.


6 I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can't meet you.


Exercise 3. Write sentences beginning I wish... .

1 I don't know many people (and I'm lonely) I wish I knew more people.

2 I don't have a key (and I need one). I wish ……

3 Ann isn't here (and I need to see her)……

4 It's cold (and I hate cold weather)……

5 I live in a big city (and I don't like it)……

6 I can't go to the party (and I'd like to)……

7 I have to work tomorrow (but I'd like to stay in bed)……

8 I don't know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).


9 I'm not lying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that's a pity).


Exercise 4. Write your own sentences beginning I wish... .

1 (somewhere you'd like to be now - on the beach, in New York, in bed etc.)

I wish I……

2 (something you'd like to have - a computer, a job, lots of money etc.)


3 (something you'd like to be able to do - sing, speak a language, fly etc.)


4 (something you'd like to be - beautiful, strong, rich etc.)



Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using would + one of the following verbs in the correct form:

be do be enjoy enjoy phone stop

1 They helped me a lot. I don't know what I would have done without their help.

2 You should go and see the film. You……it.

3 It's a pity you couldn't come to the party last night. You……it.

4 I……you last night but I didn't have your number.

5 Why don't you go and see Clare? She……very pleased to see you.

6 I was in a hurry when I saw you. Otherwise I……to talk.

Exercise 2. Write sentences using promised.

1 I wonder why she's late. She promised she wouldn't be late.

2 I wonder why Tom hasn't written to me. He promised……

3 I'm surprised they didn't wait for us. They……

4 Why did you tell Jill what I said? You……

Exercise 3. What do you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish...would... .

1It's raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain. You say: I wish it would stop raining.

2 You're waiting for John. He's late and you're getting impatient.

You say (to yourself): I wish……

3 You can hear a baby crying and you're trying to study.

You say:……

4 You're looking for a job - so far without success. Nobody will give you a job.

You say: I wish somebody……

5 Brian has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he needs some new clothes.
You say (to Brian):……

For the following situations, write sentences with I wish…...wouldn't…… .

6 Your friend drives very fast. You don't like this.

You say (to your friend): I wish you……

7 Jack always leaves the door open. This annoys you.

You say (to Jack):……

8 A lot of people drop litter in the street. You don't like this.

You say: I wish people……

Exercise 4. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.

1I wish Sarah would be here now. WRONG: I wish Sarah were here now.

2 I wish you would listen to me. ……

3 I wish I would have more money................................................................. ……

4 I wish it wouldn't be so cold today............................................................. ……

5 I wish the weather would change................................................................. ……

6 I wish you wouldn't complain all the time……

7 I wish everything wouldn't be so expensive……

Exercise 5. These sentences are about things that often happened in the past. Complete the sentences using would + one of these verbs:

forget shake share walk

1 Whenever Arthur was angry, he would walk out of the room.

2 I used to live next to a railway line. Whenever a train went past, the house …… .

3 You could never rely on George. It didn't matter how many times you reminded him to do something, he……always……

4 Brenda was always very generous. She didn't have much but she……

what she had with everyone else.


Exercise 1. Put the verb into the correct form.

1 I didn't know you were in hospital. If I'd known (I/know), I would have gone(I/go) to visit you.

2 Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If……

(he/miss) it,……(he/be) late for his interview.

3 It's good that you reminded me about Ann's birthday……

(I/forget) if……(you/not/remind) me.

4 Unfortunately, I didn't have my address book with me when I was in New York. If

……(I/have) your address, ……

(I/send) you a postcard.

5 A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time?

B: It was OK, but……(we/enjoy) it more if

……(the weather/be) better.

6 I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad……

(it/be) quicker if……(I/walk).

7 I'm not tired. If……(I/be) tired, I'd go home now.

8 I wasn't tired last night. If……(I/be) tired, I would have

gone home earlier.

Exercise 2. Write a sentence with if for each situation.

1 I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat anything.

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