The birds and the bees – взрослые темы

the grass is always greener – on the other side of the fence - хорошо там, где нас нет

the icing on the cake – sweet things are considered to be particularly pleasant or luxurious – вишенка на торте

the law of the jungle – it`s very depressing – закон джунглей

there is no enough room to swing a cat – негде яблоку упасть

there`s no point/it`s no good crying over spilt milk – there`s no point in getting upset over something bad that`s happened when you can`t change it – окингеннен пайда жок))

tighten your belt – spend less than you did before, because you have less money

to be (talking) at cross-purposes – not understand each other because they are trying to do or say different things – не поним друг-друга

to be a basket case – so bad that it cannot be helped – ненормальный, псих

to be a flavor of the month – to be a very popular – популярный, хит сезона

to be a victim of their/its own success – their/its success has negative effects as well as on instead of positive ones

to be after someone's blood – to want to catch them in order to hurt or punish them – быть очень злым на кого то

to be all there – to be a little bit stupid or crazy – быть в порядке

to be as fid as a fiddle – to be in perfect health – быть в полном здравии

to be as nutty as a fruitcake – to be irrational or crazy – бестолковый; сумасбродный

to be at loggerheads – disagree strongly with each other – быть не в ладах

to be at my wits' end – at the limit of one's mental resources – стать в тупик, ума не приложу

to be down-to-earth – to be very practical – реалистичный, действительный

to be fed up (to the back teeth) with smth – to have had too much of smthng; to be tired of, bored with – быть сытым по горло

to be floating/ walking on air – to be very happy about something good that has happened – быть в экстазе

to be headhunted – to be invented to join a new workplace which had noticed his talents – востребованный

to be in dire straits – to be in difficult or dangerous situation – быть в затруднительном положений

to be in seventh heaven – to be extremely happy – на седьмом небе

to be in someone`s good books – someone is pleased with you – быть чьим-то любимчиком

to be off his rocker – to be crazy – не в своём уме, безумный

to be off one`s trolley – to be mentally unstable – в душевном смятении; не в себе

to be on a level playing field – in a fair situation – с равными шансами

to be on the ball – quick to understand and react – схватывать все на лету

to be on the breadline– to be very poor – жить в нужде

to be on the cards – to be likely happen – на роду написано

to be on the go - to be very busy – быть очень занятым

to be on the mend – improving, especially in health – идти на поправку

to be on the road to recovery – getting better – поправляться

to be one`s bread and butter – to be an activity or job you do to get the money you need – хлеб (то, тем зарабатываешь)

to be out for blood – to be determined to find smone to attack or blame for something bad that has happened – жаждать крови

to be out of sorts – slightly unhappy or slightly ill – быть не в духе

to be out of touch – not to know for some period of time – быть не в курсе

to be over the moon – to be extremely happy – на седьмом небе

to be over the moon – to be overjoyed – на седьмом небе

to be snowed under- to be very busy – быть очень занятым

to be the be all and end all – is the most important thing – самое главное, суть

to be the best/greatest thing since sliced bread – to be fantastic – самое лучшее

to be thrilled to bits – to be extremely pleased or excited about something – в полном восторге

to be up to own eyes/ears- to be very busy – быть очень занятым

to be upper-crust – to belong to a very high social class – сливки общества; высшие слои общества, "аристократия"

to be wide of the mark – to be wrong or miss what you were trying to hit – промазать

to be/to turn out to be a blessing in disguise – to hve a good effect even though at 1st it seemed it wld be bad – превзойти ожид.

to call someone`s bluff – to make someone prove that what they are saying is true – выводить на чистую воду

to chase one`s tail – to do a lot, but it is all pointless/without effect – быть как на иголках

to clear the air – to make bad feelings between people disappear – разрешить все споры

to climb to the top of career ladder – to get to a top position in a work organization or … - верх карьерной лестницы

to clutch at straws – to be in such a difficult situation that will try anything – хвататься за соломинку

to come (back) down to earth with a bang – when something brings you suddenly back to reality – спуститься на землю

to come up against a brick wall – something is blocking one from doing what I want to do – наткнуться на стену

to come up against a stumbling block – a problem which stops me from achieving something – натолкнуться на преграду

to cut a long story short – way of shortening a story by getting to to the end or the point – короче говоря

to dig smne into a hole – to cause a problem that will be difficult to escape from – загнать себя в угол

to do something for kicks – to do something because it is exciting, usually something dangerous – ради удовольствия

to do something on the spur of the moment – to do something suddenly – как гром среди ясного неба

to do the trick – to bring success in doing something – достигать цели, получиться

to drive someone up the wall – to make someone very angry (or sometimes very bored) – раздражать, бесить

to drive/send smne round the bend/twist – to make smne very angry – доводить (кого-л.) до безумия, сводить (кого-л.) с ума

to face the music – accept criticism or punishment for what you have done – расплачиваться

to find out how the land lies – to see how the situation is before you get involved - как обстоят дела, каково положение дел

to follow suit – reference to playing same suit – следовать чьему-либо примеру

to get a (real) kick out of something – very much enjoy doing something (informal) – получать кайф, ловить кайф от чего-л

to get on like a house on fire – to get on extremely well with someone – быть в хороших отношениях

to get out of a rut – to escape from boring situation – отказываться, уходить от монотонности

to get own hands full-to be very busy – быть очень занятым

to get smne over a barrel – to put smne in a situation where smne has no choice over he can – оставить кого-либо в безвыходном положений

to get the sack – to be dismissed from the work/job – уволить кого-либо

to get wrong end of the stick – to understand incorrect, to come to the wrong conclusion – неправильно понять

to get/put someone's back up- to make someone annoyed – гладить против шерсти, действовать на нервы

to give someone a piece of your mind – to tell somone how angry you are with them – передать кому-либо как ты зол на него

to give someone a taste/dose of their own medicine – to do the same bad thing to someone that they have done to you in order to show them how unpleasant it is – отплатить той же монетой

to give someone an earful – to tell smne how angry you are with them (informal) – to give smne an earful – поругать кого-либо

to give someone free rein – to give complete freedom – дать волю делать что-л.

to give up the ghost – they/it stop(s) working or they stop trying succeed because they know they will not – опустить руки

to go back to square one – to go back to the beginning of a project, because it has failed – возвращаться к началу из-за неудачи

to go from strength to strength – to get better and better – все лучше и лучше

to go off the deep end / go spare / do his nut / blow a fuse – to be extremely angry – выйти из себя, взрываться от гнева

to go places – to be successful (is not used in the simple tense – пойти далеко

to have a familiar ring – it seems I`ve heard it before - иметь знакомое звучание

to have a soft spot for – to feel a lot of affection for one particular person, often without knwing why – питать слбсть к кому-л.

to have a sweet tooth – to like sweet things – сладкоежка

to have bitten the dust – this is a way of saying that smbd has died, especially if they are killed violently like a soldier in battle

to have butterflies in one`s stomach – to feel very nervous – нервозность

to have drawn a blank – to be unable to find information or achieve something – бесполезно

to have egg on your face – to be left feeling stupid or embarrassed because of something you did – опозориться

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