How mr. Schwartz set off on an expedition to the golden river, and how he prospered therein

(/о том/, как мистер Шварц отправился в экспедицию к Золотой реке, и что из этого вышло: «как он в этом преуспел»)

POOR little Gluck waited very anxiously, alone in the house, for Hans' return (/сидя/ дома один, бедный Глюк тревожно/с волнением ожидал возвращения Ганса). Finding he did not come back (когда: «убедившись/увидев, что» тот так и не вернулся; to find — находить, обнаруживать; убеждаться, приходить к заключению), he was terribly frightened (он ужасно испугался), and went and told Schwartz in the prison all that had happened (пошел в тюрьму к Шварцу и рассказал все, что произошло). Then Schwartz was very much pleased (тогда Шварц очень обрадовался: «был очень доволен»), and said that Hans must certainly have been turned into a black stone (и сказал, что Ганс наверняка был превращен в черный камень), and he should have all the gold to himself (и /что теперь/ он сам получит все золото). But Gluck was very sorry (Глюк же сильно горевал: «был очень опечален»), and cried all night (и проплакал всю ночь).

anxiously ['xNklqslI], frightened [fraItnd], prison [prIz(q)n]

POOR little Gluck waited very anxiously, alone in the house, for Hans' return. Finding he did not come back, he was terribly frightened, and went and told Schwartz in the prison all that had happened. Then Schwartz was very much pleased, and said that Hans must certainly have been turned into a black stone, and he should have all the gold to himself. But Gluck was very sorry, and cried all night.

When he got up in the morning (когда он встал утром), there was no bread in the house, nor any money (в доме не было ни хлеба, ни денег); so Gluck went and hired himself to another goldsmith (поэтому он пошел и нанялся на работу к другому ювелиру), and he worked so hard and so neatly, and so long every day (и работал так усердно/старательно, так ловко и подолгу каждый день; neat — аккуратный; искусный, ловкий), that he soon got money enough together to pay his brother's fine (что вскоре скопил достаточно денег, чтобы заплатить штраф за брата; to get together — собирать /вместе/), and he went, and gave it all to Schwartz (и он пошел и отдал их все Шварцу), and Schwartz got out of prison (и Шварц вышел из тюрьмы). Then Schwartz was quite pleased (Шварц был очень доволен), and said he should have some of the gold of the river (и сказал, что он = Глюк получит часть золота из реки). But Gluck only begged he would go and see what had become of Hans (но Глюк просил только, чтобы тот пошел и посмотрел/узнал, что случилось с Гансом).

hired ['haIqd], together [tq'geDq], begged [begd]

When he got up in the morning, there was no bread in the house, nor any money; so Gluck went and hired himself to another goldsmith, and he worked so hard and so neatly, and so long every day, that he soon got money enough together to pay his brother's fine, and he went, and gave it all to Schwartz, and Schwartz got out of prison. Then Schwartz was quite pleased, and said he should have some of the gold of the river. But Gluck only begged he would go and see what had become of Hans.

Now when Schwartz had heard that Hans had stolen the holy water (когда Шварц узнал, что святую воду Ганс выкрал; to steal), he thought to himself that such a proceeding might not be considered altogether correct by the King of the Golden River (он подумал про себя, что такой поступок мог показаться королю Золотой реки не совсем правильным/подобающим: «мог быть сочтен королем…»; to consider — взвешивать, обдумывать; думать, полагать, считать), and determined to manage matters better (и решил устроить дело лучше; to manage — управлять; уметь обращаться; справляться; обходиться; matter — вещество; материал; вопрос, дело). So he took some more of Gluck's money, and went to a bad priest (поэтому он взял еще денег у Глюка и пошел к плохому/нечестному священнику), who gave him some holy water very readily for it (который охотно дал ему за них святую воду; readily — охотно, быстро, с готовностью; ready — готовый). Then Schwartz was sure it was all quite right (теперь Шварц был уверен, что все в полном порядке). So Schwartz got up early in the morning before the sun rose (и вот Шварц встал рано утром до восхода солнца: «прежде чем взошло солнце»), and took some bread and wine, in a basket (взял в корзину хлеба и вина), and put his holy water in a flask (налил во флягу/бутыль святой воды), and set off for the mountains (и отправился в горы).

considered [kqn'sIdqd], altogether ["Lltq'geDq], manage ['mxnIG]

Now when Schwartz had heard that Hans had stolen the holy water, he thought to himself that such a proceeding might not be considered altogether correct by the King of the Golden River, and determined to manage matters better. So he took some more of Gluck's money, and went to a bad priest, who gave him some holy water very readily for it. Then Schwartz was sure it was all quite right. So Schwartz got up early in the morning before the sun rose, and took some bread and wine, in a basket, and put his holy water in a flask, and set off for the mountains.

Like his brother, he was much surprised at the sight of the glacier (как и его брат, он был очень удивлен, увидев ледник: «при виде ледника»), and had great difficulty in crossing it (и ему стоило огромных трудов преодолеть его: «имел большие трудности в его преодолении»), even after leaving his basket behind him (даже бросив корзину: «оставив корзину позади себя»). The day was cloudless, but not bright (день был безоблачный, но не ясный/светлый); there was a heavy purple haze hanging over the sky (небо было покрыто густой багряной пеленой тумана; «на небе висела густая…»; heavy — тяжелый; обогащенный, насыщенный; сильный, интенсивный), and the hills looked lowering and gloomy (и холмы/горы выглядели хмурыми и темными/мрачными; to lower — хмурить брови, смотреть сердито, мрачно; выглядеть мрачным, угрожающим). And as Schwartz climbed the steep rock path (и когда Шварц карабкался по крутой горной тропе), the thirst came upon him, as it had upon his brother (жажда одолевала его, как /раньше/ его брата: «нашла на него, как /раньше/ на…»; had здесь кратко вместо had come), until he lifted his flask to his lips to drink (пока он не поднял = и в конце концов он поднял фляжку к губам, чтобы попить). Then he saw the fair child lying near him on the rocks (и тут он увидел, что рядом с ним на камнях лежит прекрасный ребенок), and it cried to him (и он = который кричал ему), and moaned for water (и стонал, прося воды).

glacier ['glxsIq], lowering ['laVqrIN], climbed [klaImd]

Like his brother, he was much surprised at the sight of the glacier, and had great difficulty in crossing it, even after leaving his basket behind him. The day was cloudless, but not bright; there was a heavy purple haze hanging over the sky, and the hills looked lowering and gloomy. And as Schwartz climbed the steep rock path, the thirst came upon him, as it had upon his brother, until he lifted his flask to his lips to drink. Then he saw the fair child lying near him on the rocks, and it cried to him, and moaned for water.

"Water, indeed (воды, еще чего)," said Schwartz; "I haven't half enough for myself (мне и самому-то мало: «у меня /ее/ и наполовину не достаточно для себя самого»)," and passed on (и пошагал дальше). And as he went he thought the sunbeams grew more dim (и когда он пошел, ему показалось, будто солнечные лучи потускнели: «стали более тусклыми»), and he saw a low bank of black cloud rising out of the west (и он увидел, как с запада поднимается низкая черная туча: «низкая нагроможденная масса черной тучи»; bank — вал, насыпь; гряда, скопление /облаков/); and, when he had climbed for another hour (и после того как он карабкался /по скалам/ еще час), the thirst overcame him again (жажда снова овладела им), and he would have drunk (и он собрался попить). Then he saw the old man lying before him on the path (в этот момент он заметил старика, лежащего /прямо/ перед ним на тропе), and heard him cry out for water (и услышал, как тот просит воды). "Water, indeed," said Schwartz, "I haven't half enough for myself," and on he went (и пошел дальше).

rising ['raIzIN], overcame ["qVvq'keIm], heard [hWd]

"Water, indeed," said Schwartz; "I haven't half enough for myself," and passed on. And as he went he thought the sunbeams grew more dim, and he saw a low bank of black cloud rising out of the west; and, when he had climbed for another hour, the thirst overcame him again, and he would have drunk. Then he saw the old man lying before him on the path, and heard him cry out for water. "Water, indeed," said Schwartz, "I haven't half enough for myself," and on he went.

Then again the light seemed to fade from before his eyes (и снова свет, казалось, померк перед его глазами; to fade — вянуть, увядать; блекнуть, тускнеть; постепенно исчезать), and he looked up (он посмотрел вверх), and, behold, a mist, of the color of blood, had come over the sun (и, вот оно что — мгла цвета крови покрыла солнце; to behold — увидеть, заметить, узреть; behold — вот!, смотри!); and the bank of black cloud had risen very high (и огромная черная туча поднялась очень высоко), and its edges were tossing and tumbling like the waves of an angry sea (и ее края вздымались и перекатывались, как волны бурного: «сердитого» моря; to toss — бросать вверх и вниз, из стороны в сторону; беспокойно метаться; to tumble — падать; кувыркаться; валяться, кататься, метаться). And they cast long shadows (они отбрасывали длинные тени), which flickered over Schwartz's path (которые дрожали на дороге, которой шел Шварц; to flicker — трепетать, дрожать; мерцать).

behold [bI'hqVld], color ['kAlq], cast [kRst]

Then again the light seemed to fade from before his eyes, and he looked up, and, behold, a mist, of the color of blood, had come over the sun; and the bank of black cloud had risen very high, and its edges were tossing and tumbling like the waves of an angry sea. And they cast long shadows, which flickered over Schwartz's path.

Then Schwartz climbed for another hour (потом он взбирался /по скалам/ еще час), and again his thirst returned (и жажда вернулась снова); and as he lifted his flask to his lips (и когда он поднял флягу к губам), he thought he saw his brother Hans lying exhausted on the path before him (ему почудилось, что он видит своего брата Ганса, в изнеможении лежащего на тропе перед ним), and, as he gazed, the figure stretched its arms to him, and cried for water (и, пока он всматривался, фигура протянула к нему свои руки и попросила воды). "Ha, ha!" laughed Schwartz (рассмеялся Шварц), "are you there (ты здесь)? Remember the prison bars, my boy (вспомни-ка тюремную решетку, мой мальчик/дружок). Water, indeed (воды, еще чего)! do you suppose I carried it all the way up here for you (ты думаешь, я нес ее так далеко: «всю дорогу» сюда вверх для тебя; to suppose — предполагать; полагать, думать)?" And he strode over the figure (и он перешагнул через фигуру; to stride); yet, as he passed, he thought he saw a strange expression of mockery about its lips (но, когда он проходил, ему показалось, что он заметил на ее губах какую-то странную насмешливую улыбку: «странное выражение насмешки»). And, when he had gone a few yards farther, he looked back (и, пройдя несколько ярдов дальше, он посмотрел назад); but the figure was not there (но фигура исчезла).

exhausted [Ig'zLstId], figure ['fIgq], farther ['fRDq]

Then Schwartz climbed for another hour, and again his thirst returned; and as he lifted his flask to his lips, he thought he saw his brother Hans lying exhausted on the path before him, and, as he gazed, the figure stretched its arms to him, and cried for water. "Ha, ha!" laughed Schwartz, "are you there? Remember the prison bars, my boy. Water, indeed! do you suppose I carried it all the way up here for you?" And he strode over the figure; yet, as he passed, he thought he saw a strange expression of mockery about its lips. And, when he had gone a few yards farther, he looked back; but the figure was not there.

And a sudden horror came over Schwartz, he knew not why (и вдруг, непонятно почему, Шварца охватил ужас: «внезапный ужас овладел Шварцем, он не знал почему»); but the thirst for gold prevailed over his fear (но жажда золота победила его страх; to prevail — одержать победу; возобладать над чем-либо), and he rushed on (и он ринулся вперед). And the bank of black cloud rose to the zenith (и огромная черная туча поднялась до зенита), and out of it came bursts of spiry lightning (и вспышки ломаных, остроконечных молний вырывались из нее; burst — взрыв; разрыв; вспышка; spiry — остроконечный; изобилующий шпилями, остроконечными крышами и т. п.; spire — /остроконечный/ стебель, росток; острие, остроконечный верх /чего-либо/), and waves of darkness seemed to heave and float between their flashes over the whole heavens (а между их сверканиями, казалось, поднимались = вырастали волны тьмы и плыли по всему небосводу = покрывали все небо). And the sky where the sun was setting was all level and like a lake of blood (та же часть неба, где садилось солнце, была совершенно ровной/гладкой и похожей на озеро крови); and a strong wind came out of that sky (и сильный ветер налетел с того неба = оттуда), tearing its crimson clouds into fragments (разрывая багряные облака на части), and scattering them far into the darkness (и рассеивая их далеко во тьму).

prevail [prI'veIl], zenith ['zenIθ], heaven ['hev(q)n]

And a sudden horror came over Schwartz, he knew not why; but the thirst for gold prevailed over his fear, and he rushed on. And the bank of black cloud rose to the zenith, and out of it came bursts of spiry lightning, and waves of darkness seemed to heave and float between their flashes over the whole heavens. And the sky where the sun was setting was all level and like a lake of blood; and a strong wind came out of that sky, tearing its crimson clouds into fragments, and scattering them far into the darkness.

And when Schwartz stood by the brink of the Golden River (и когда Шварц стал у края Золотой реки), its waves were black, like thunder-clouds (ее волны были черны, как грозовые тучи), but their foam was like fire (но их пена = покрывавшая их пена была как огонь = словно горела огнем); and the roar of the waters below and the thunder above met (рев вод внизу и раскаты грома вверху слились вместе: «встретились»; to meet), as he cast the flask into the stream (/в тот момент/, когда он бросил флягу в речной поток). And, as he did so, the lightning glared in his eyes (и как только он это сделал, молния ослепила ему глаза: «вспыхнула в его глазах»), and the earth gave way beneath him (земля провалилась под ногами; to give way — давать дорогу, отступать; расступиться), and the waters closed over his cry (и сомкнувшиеся воды заглушили его крик: «воды сомкнулись над его криком»). And the moaning of the river rose wildly into the night (и стон реки дико раздавался в ночи), as it gushed over the TWO BLACK STONES (когда она перекатывалась через ДВА ЧЕРНЫХ КАМНЯ).

glared [gleqd], earth [Wθ], beneath [bI'nJθ]

And when Schwartz stood by the brink of the Golden River, its waves were black, like thunder-clouds, but their foam was like fire; and the roar of the waters below and the thunder above met, as he cast the flask into the stream. And, as he did so, the lightning glared in his eyes, and the earth gave way beneath him, and the waters closed over his cry. And the moaning of the river rose wildly into the night, as it gushed over the TWO BLACK STONES.

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