She gave him a look of scorn.

"That's all you can think of. My heart is breaking, and you can talk of a

movement that I made quite accidentally."

But he saw by the expression of her face (но он видел, по выражению на ее

лице) that she was registering it in her memory (что она отмечала его

/движение/ в своей памяти; to register — регистрировать, вносить в список,

запоминать), and he knew (и он знал) that when the occasion arose (что когда

будет /подходящий/ случай; to arise (arose, arisen) — возникать, появляться)

she would make effective use of it (она эффектно воспользуется им).

"After all (в конце концов) love isn't everything (любовь — это еще не все). It's

all very well (она очень хороша) at its proper time (в свое /подходящее/ время)

and in its proper place (и в своем /подходящем/ месте). We had a lot of fun on

our honeymoon (мы хорошо развлеклись в наш медовый месяц), that's what a

honeymoon's for (для этого и есть медовый месяц: «это то, для чего медовый

месяц есть»), but now we've got to get down to work (но сейчас мы должны

серьезно заняться делом; to get down to (one's) work — взяться за работу)."

They had been lucky (им повезло; to be lucky — иметь счастье,

посчастливиться). They had managed (им удалось) to get fairly good parts

together (получить достаточно хорошие роли вместе) in a play that had proved

a success (в пьесе, которая имела успех; to prove — доказывать,

удостоверять, оказываться). Julia had one good acting scene (у Джулии была

одна хорошая сцена /для демонстрации актерского мастерства/) in which she

had brought down the house (в которой она вызывала бурные аплодисменты; to

bring down the house — вызывать гром аплодисментов, house — зд. театр.

театр, публика, представление), and Michael's astonishing beauty (и

удивительная красота Майкла) had made a sensation (произвела сенсацию).

She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. - She gave him a look of scorn. -

Michael with his gentlemanly push (Майкл, с его благородной энергичностью;

push — толчок, давление, разг. энергия, решительность, напористость),

with his breezy good-nature (с его веселым добродушием; breezy — свежий,

открытый ветру, беззаботный), had got them both a lot of publicity (принес

им обоим /много/ известности) and their photographs appeared in the illustrated

papers (и их фотографии появлялись в иллюстрированных изданиях:


registering ['redZIst(q)rIN] occasion [q'keIZ(q)n] honeymoon ['hAnImu:n]

But he saw by the expression of her face that she was registering it in her

Memory, and he knew that when the occasion arose she would make effective

Use of it.

"After all love isn't everything. It's all very well at its proper time and in its

proper place. We had a lot of fun on our honeymoon, that's what a

honeymoon's for, but now we've got to get down to work."

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