Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays.

One of them out to be a winner."

"Of course if one did that (конечно, если сделать это), one ought to make a point

of acting together (то следует и особенно подчеркнуть важность того, что мы

играем вместе; to make a point of — обратить особое внимание,

удостовериться, взять за правило) so that the public got accustomed (так,

чтобы публика привыкла) to seeing the two names on the same bill (видеть два

имени на одной афише; bill — счет, документ, программа, плакат)."

"I don't know (я не думаю) that there's much in that (что это так важно). The

great thing is (самое лучшее, так это) to have good, strong parts (иметь

хорошие, сильные роли). There's no doubt in my mind (я ни на минуту не

сомневаюсь: «нет сомнения в моих мыслях») that it would be much easier to

find backers (что будет гораздо легче найти тех, кто тебя поддержит

деньгами: «кто поставит на тебя»; to back — поддерживать, подкреплять,

субсидировать, финансировать) if one had made a bit of a reputation in London

(если заработать хоть чуточку репутации в Лондоне)."

ought [O:t] accustomed [q'kAstqmd] reputation ["repjV'teIS(q)n]

"Of course if one did that, one ought to make a point of acting together so that

the public got accustomed to seeing the two names on the same bill."

"I don't know that there's much in that. The great thing is to have good,

strong parts. There's no doubt in my mind that it would be much easier to

find backers if one had made a bit of a reputation in London."

Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. - student2.ru

IT was getting on for Easter (приближалась Пасха; to get on — надевать,

делать успехи, продвигаться), and Jimmie Langton always closed his theatre (и

Джимми Лэнгтон всегда закрывал свой театр) for Holy Week (на Страстную

неделю; holy — святой, священный). Julia did not quite know (Джулия совсем

не знала) what to do with herself (чем ей заняться: «занять себя»); it seemed

hardly worth while to go to Jersey (казалось, что вряд ли ей стоит ехать /к

своим/ на /остров/ Джерси; worth — стоящий, имеющий ценность,

стоимость). She was surprised (она была удивлена) to receive a letter one

morning from Mrs. Gosselyn (/когда/ получила письмо однажды утром от

миссис Госселин), Michael's mother (матери Майкла), saying that (/в котором/

говорилось, что) it would give the Colonel and herself (что полковнику и ей

доставит; colonel — полковник) so much pleasure (огромное: «так много»

удовольствие) if she would come with Michael (если она приедет с Майклом)

to spend the week at Cheltenham (и проведет неделю в Челтенхеме). When she

showed the letter to Michael (когда она показала письмо Майклу) he beamed

(он просиял; to beam — испускать лучи, светить; улыбаться лучезарной


"I asked her to invite you (я попросил ее, чтобы она пригласила тебя). I thought

(я подумал) it would be more polite (это будет более вежливо; polite —

учтивый, любезный, благовоспитанный) than if I just took you along (чем если

бы я просто взял тебя с собой)."

"You are sweet (ты /такой/ милый; sweet — сладкий; милый, приятный). Of

course I shall love to come (конечно, я с удовольствием поеду)."

receive [rI'si:v] colonel ['kq:n(q)l] Jersey ['dZq:zI]

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