Them copy her clothes. She was always beautifully dressed.

Even Michael (даже Майкл), fondly thinking she got her clothes for nothing

(который доверчиво считал, что она покупала свою одежду за бесценок:

«даром, бесплатно») did not know how much she really spent on them (не знал,

насколько много она в действительности тратила на них). Morally she had the

best of both worlds (в отношении моральных качеств, она считалась лучшей в

обоих /ее/ мирах). Everyone knew (все знали) that her marriage with Michael

was exemplary (что ее брак с Майклом был /просто таки/ образцовым;

exemplar — образец, пример для подражания). She was a pattern of conjugal

fidelity (она сама являлась моделью супружеской верности; pattern —

образец, пример, шаблон). At the same time (в то же самое время) many people

in that particular set (многие люди в /том/ определенном кругу; set —

комплект, набор, зд. компания, круг) were convinced that she was Charles

Tamerley's mistress (были убеждены, что она была любовницей Чарльза

Тэмерли). It was an affair (это была связь /такого рода/) that was supposed to

have been going on so long (что, как предполагали, она продолжалась так

долго) that it had acquired respectability (что она уже приобрела

респектабельность), and tolerant hostesses (и понимающие: «терпимые»

хозяйки) when they were asked to the same house for a week-end (когда их

приглашали в один и тот де дом на уик-энд) gave them adjoining rooms

(предоставляли им соседние комнаты; adjoining — примыкающий).

exemplary [Ig'zemplqrI] conjugal ['kOndZVg(q)l] fidelity [fI'delItI]

respectability [rI"spektq'bIlItI] tolerant ['tOl(q)rqnt] adjoining [q'dZOInIN]

Even Michael, fondly thinking she got her clothes for nothing, did not know

How much she really spent on them. Morally she had the best of both worlds.

Everyone knew that her marriage with Michael was exemplary. She was a

Pattern of conjugal fidelity. At the same time many people in that particular

set were convinced that she was Charles Tamerley's mistress. It was an affair

That was supposed to have been going on so long that it had acquired

Respectability, and tolerant hostesses when they were asked to the same house

For a week-end gave them adjoining rooms.

This belief had been started by Lady Charles (это убеждение начала

/поддерживать сама/ Леди Чарльз; belief — вера, доверие, мнение), from whom

Charles Tamerley had been long separated (с которой Чарльз Тэмерли долгое

время жил отдельно: «с которой Чарльз Тэмерли давно разошелся»), and in

point of fact (и, по правде говоря) there was not a word of truth in it (в этом не

было и слова правды). The only foundation for it was (единственным

основанием для этого /убеждения/ было то) that Charles had been madly in love

with her for twenty years (что Чарльз был безумно влюблен в нее /вот уже/

двадцать лет), and it was certainly on Julia's account (и, несомненно из-за

Джулии /случилось так/) that the Tamerleys (что супруги Тэмерли), who had

never got on very well (которые никогда особо не ладили), agreed to separate

(согласились разъехаться). It was indeed Lady Charles (на самом деле именно

Леди Чарльз была той) who had first brought Julia and Charles together (кто

изначально: «впервые» познакомила: «свела вместе» Джулию и Чарльза).

They happened, all three, to be lunching at Dolly de Vries's (случилось так, что

они, все трое, обедали у Долли де Фриз) when Julia, a young actress (когда

Джулия, /тогда/ молодая актриса), had made her first great success in London

(добилась своего первого успеха в Лондоне).

belief [bI'li:f] separate ['sepqreIt] foundation [faVn'deIS(q)n]

This belief had been started by Lady Charles, from whom Charles Tamerley

Had been long separated, and in point of fact there was not a word of truth in

It. The only foundation for it was that Charles had been madly in love with

her for twenty years, and it was certainly on Julia's account that the

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