Read and translate the dialogues
Малкова Ю.Г.
Юнгблюд Л.Г.
Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Деловой иностранный язык»
Для студентов очной формы обучения
специальностей 080507.65 «Менеджмент организации»,
080500.62 «Менеджмент»
Одобрены на совместном заседании кафедр ГСЭД, ОПД и ЕНД и УМСС Кировского филиала СПбГУСЭ,
протокол № 6 от 21.02.2012г.
Деловой английский язык. Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Деловой иностранный язык» для студентов очной формы обучения специальностей 080507.65 «Менеджмент организации», 080500.62 «Менеджмент». – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУСЭ, 2012. – 98 c.
Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с ГОС ВПО, предполагает формирование умений адекватно воспринимать тексты по специальности, участвовать в устном и письменном общении, отражает современные тенденции и требования к обучению и практическому владению деловым иностранным языком. Оно содержит материал, включающий 9 разделов, отражающих актуальную тематику, связанную с бытовыми и производственными вопросами, возникающими при работе с иностранными партнёрами за границей. Пособие направлено на овладение иностранным языком для активного применения, как в повседневной, так и в профессиональной деятельности, на повышение общей и коммуникативной культуры специалистов-менеджеров, совершенствование навыков грамотного составления документации и ведения деловой переписки, повышение качества профессионального образования и мобильности специалиста. В каждом разделе имеется материал для обязательного овладения в процессе аудиторных занятий, а также для самостоятельной проработки.
Составители: ст. пр. кафедры гуманитарных и социально-
экономических дисциплин Малкова Ю.Г.
к.э.н., доц. кафедры гуманитарных и социально-
экономических дисциплин Юнгблюд Л.Г.;
Рецензент: к.ф.н., доц. Шабардина С.В.
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет сервиса и экономики
Кировский филиал СПбГУСЭ
Unit I. Visit of a Foreign Partner | ……………………………. | |
Unit II. Applying for a Job | ……………………………. | |
Unit III. On a Business Trip | ……………………………. | |
Unit IV. Arriving to the Country | ……………………………. | |
Unit V. Everyday Life and Service | ……………………………. | |
Unit VI. At a Company | ……………………………. | |
Unit VII. Ways of Payment | ……………………………. | |
Unit VIII. Orders | ……………………………. | |
Unit IX. Complaints and Adjustments | ……………………………. |
Unit I
Visit of a Foreign Partner
Here are some expressions that may be useful while formal conversation with your colleague or business partner. Read and translate them and try to remember everything.
How do you do? (the answer is always the same – How do you do!) Hello! Good morning (afternoon, evening)! | |
How are you? How are you getting on? How is life? How is your mother (your father, your family)? How is your health? How are your things? | |
I’m fine (good, great, nice, wonderful, all right), thank you. I’m fare, thank you. Not so bad, thank you. So-so, thank you. |
Saying Goodbye.
Goodbye! Bye-bye! | |
So long! See you! See you later! See you tomorrow / on Monday / next week! See you soon! | |
Remember me to your colleagues / Give my regards to Mr. Brown…. |
Thanks and Possible Answers.
Thanks. Thank you. | |
Thanks for the tour. | |
I appreciate it. / I appreciate your hospitality. | |
It’s very kind of you. | |
I’m very grateful to you. | |
Not at all. | |
My pleasure. | |
You are welcome. | |
Don’t mention it. | |
It’s nothing. |
Allow me to introduce you to … May I / Could I introduce Mr. / Mrs. to you… I'd like you to meet my co-worker… | |
This is my boss, Mr. Stratford | |
Have you met, Jason? | |
I don't believe we've met. I'm Greg. | |
I am glad (pleased, happy, delighted) to meet you. It is nice (good, great, wonderful) to meet you (to see you). My pleasure. |
Asking for Help.
Could you . . . . (for me) ? / Could you possibly . . . ? | |
Would you please . . . ? | |
Would you mind V+ing . . . .? | |
Do you have a minute? | |
Can you spare a few minutes? | |
Could you do me a favour? / Could I ask you a favour? | |
Can I ask you to . . . ? | |
I need some help (if you have time). | |
(If you're not busy) I could use your help. | |
Okay, no problem. | |
Sure, I'd be glad to. | |
Sorry, I'm (kind of) busy now. | |
I'm sorry. I don't have time right now. |
Informal: | |
Would you like to . . . | |
We're going to . . . . Would you like to come along? | |
There's a . . . . (tonight). Would you like to go? | |
How about (V+ing) . . . ? | |
Do you want to . . . ? | |
I wonder if you would like to . . . | |
I was wondering if you would like to . . . | |
Formal: | |
I'd like to invite you to . . . | |
If you have time, I'd like to invite you . . . | |
Would you like to join us for (event) at (time)? | |
We'd be glad to have you accompany us . . . | |
We'd be delighted/honored to have you as our guest at… |
Informal: | |
Cigarette? | |
Would you like some coffee? | |
How about a glass of water? | |
Here / Have a/some . . . | |
Would you like one of these? | |
Can I get you something? | |
What can I get you something to drink? / No thank you. / Yes, please. / Sure. Thanks. / Okay. Thanks. / I really shouldn't. / No. Thanks anyway. / Juice would be fine. | |
Formal: | |
Would you care for some . . . | |
Would you like to try . . . | |
Let me offer you . . . | |
Let me get you a/some … |
Forms of Address.
Обращение к: | |
Mister (Mr) Johnson | мужчине |
Mistress (Mrs) Green | замужней женщине |
Miss Lee | незамужней девушке |
Ms Lee | женщине независимо от ее статуса |
Doctor (Dr) Sage / Professor Jones | человеку, имеющему ученую степень |
Sir / Madam | клиенту в ресторане, магазине, к незнакомому человеку |
Ladies and Gentlemen | аудитории на собрании, конференции и т.п. |
Closing a Conversation.
Pre-closing | |
It's been nice / great talking to / with you. | |
I really enjoyed meeting you. | |
It was nice meeting you, Mr. Brown. | |
I'm sorry, but I have to go now. | |
I'm afraid I have to leave now. | |
Thanks for taking the time to talk with us. | |
Follow up | |
I'll give you a call. | |
I'll send you an e-mail. | |
I'll put a packet in the mail for you. | |
We'll send out that information right away. | |
I'll have my secretary schedule an appointment. | |
Could you send me a brochure/some more information? | |
Could I contact you by e-mail/at your office? | |
How do I get in touch with you? | |
How can I reach/contact you? | |
Closing | |
I look (I’m looking) forward to seeing you again. | |
Let me give you my business card. | |
Here's my e-mail/office number. | |
Let's keep in touch by e-mail. / We'll be in touch. | |
Call me if you have any questions. | |
E-mail me. |
Read and translate the dialogues.
Dialogue 1