Write a short summary of the main aims of Interpol.


1 Some new words to the text:

Bilateral двусторонний

To some extent в некоторой степени

To what extent до какой степени

To disapprove of smth не одобрять что-либо

Expertise знания, умения

Error ошибка

Expressly специально, особенно

For instance например

To respond реагировать

To depend on smb/smth зависеть от кого/чего-либо

To take steps to do smth предпринимать шаги для того,

чтобы сделать что-либо

2. Read and translate the text:

Interpol and bilateral cooperation

To some extent, Interpol disapproves of direct bilateral contacts between investigating police officers which take place outside the Interpol system. Interpol says that it possesses considerable expertise and experience in international enquiries. Interpol stresses that officers using direct bilateral contacts run the danger of duplicating other investigations. They may deprive other police of information and possibly make errors by failing to understand other criminal justice systems.

A number of countries expressly forbid direct bilateral contacts and insist that all the information should be channeled through Interpol. For instance, in Germany it is an offence for an officer in a local force to make an inquiry abroad or to respond to such an inquiry from another country.

On the other hand, Interpol has taken some steps to promote bilateral contacts. There is, for example, a special agreement between Interpol, the German BKA and the British Metropolitan Police which was signed in 1961.

And Interpol does not deny the fact that the successful investigation of difficult cases, whether in one country or two, often depends upon the ability of detectives to develop personal contacts and work cooperatively outside formal structures.

3. Write short sentences with these expressions:

To some extent -----------------------------------------

On the one hand -----------------------------------------

On the other hand ----------------------------------------

As far as I know -----------------------------------------

Most probably -------------------------------------------

4 Translate into English using the following verbs:

To disapprove of smth

Мы не одобряем этого решения.

Они не одобрили этот план.

Почему они не одобрили решения дочери поступить в этот институт?

To depend on smth

Все зависело от самого молодого человека.

От меня ничего не зависит.

Все зависит от обстоятельств.

To take steps to do smth

Мы предпринимаем определенные шаги, чтобы помочь им.

Они предпринимают меры, чтобы исправить ситуацию.

Мы не можем предпринять никаких других действий.

5. Find the answers in the text:

1. Does Interpol approve or disapprove of bilateral contacts between police officers outside Interpol?

2. What does it say about its own experience and expertise?

3. Against what danger and errors is it warning the police officers in case of direct bilateral contacts?

4. Do any countries forbid direct bilateral contacts?

5. What did the special agreement between Interpol, the German police and the British police testify to?

6. Agree or disagree:

1. Sometimes the time factor makes officers use direct contacts.

2. Direct contacts may sometimes result in errors.

3. Interpol can make errors as well.

Supplementary reading

Text №1

1. Some new words to the text:

Menaсe угроза, опасность

Traffic торговля

Abuse злоупотребление

Drugs наркотики

Implement выполнять, осуществлять

Profitable прибыльный, выгодный

Illegal нелегальный

Street-corner pusher уличный торговец

Ruthless безжалостный, жестокий

Contain сдерживать

To gain momentum усиливаться

Hidden economy теневая экономика

Proceeds доход

Heroin героин

Сocainе кокаин

Cannabis конопля

Confine ограничивать

Counter противостоять

Illicit незаконный

Combat сражаться

Comply исполнять просьбу

Index каталог

Request просьба, заявка

Disseminate распространять

Intelligence сведения, информация

Liaison officers офицеры связи взаимодействия

Seizure конфискация

2. Read and translate the text:

Наши рекомендации