Ex. 7. Re-write these sentences in the Past.

Example:The birds are in the cage. — The birds were in the cage.

1. The cat is on the chair. _______________________

2. There are a lot of people here. ________________

3. There is a tree behind my house. _______________

4. They are in France now. ______________________

5. We are in the theatre. ________________________

6. He is in hospital. ____________________________


Ex. 8. Some people say that family is the most important thing in life. Do you agree with them? You will need these words to talk about your family and your relatives. Do you know them?

Aunt, husband, brother-in-low, cousin, mother, daughter, nephew, father, niece, mother-in-law, grandfather, relatives, father-in-law, grandmother, sister, grandson, great grandmother, uncle, great grandchildren, wife, son-in-law.

Ex. 9. Asking questions in English may be difficult sometimes, but we are sure you can manage it. You simply have to follow the example.

Example:you/a camera – Have you got a camera? Roberto/a grandfather – Has Roberto got a grandfather?

1. Angela/sunglasses ________________________

2. you/any money __________________________

3. Julia/a backpack _________________________

4. David/an umbrella ________________________

5. your friends/tickets _______________________

6. you/a car _______________________________

Ex. 10. Now try to make negative sentences. Don’t forget to use article where necessary.

Example:I/a camera – I haven’t got a camera. Roberto/grandchildren – Roberto hasn’t got any grandchildren.

1. you/a bike ______________________________

2. Maria/children ___________________________

3. Samantha/husband ________________________

4. I/this book ______________________________

5. Irene/camera ____________________________

6. my friends/tickets ________________________

7. Maria’s cousin/job ________________________



Man – men, woman – women, child – children, foot – feet, mouse – mice, tooth – teeth, sheep – sheep, goose – geese.

Ex. 11. Form the plural form of the following nouns.

Address, boy, box, child, knife, leaf, lorry, man, potato, tomato, watch, woman.

Ex. 12. Complete each of the following sentences by using the plural form of one of the given nouns. Use each noun once only.

Country, day, foot, shelf, coach, dress, sandwich, tooth.

1. He always has two ____________________ and an apple for the lunch.

2. I clean my ______________ after every meal.

3. How many ______________ are your parents staying here?

4. There are two _______________ outside to take us to the show.

5. We have students from seventeen different _________________.

6. I need some more ________________ to put all my books on.

7. My ______________ hurt after all that running.

8. She wants to buy two new ______________ to wear on holiday.


Ex. 13. Arrange the words so that they would express belonging.

Example: Tent, Thanos – Thanos’s tent.

1. seat, Steve _________________

2. seven pets, Angela_______________________

3. lesson, Maria_________________________

4. Chair, Catherine ___________________________

5. children, Angela and Roberto __________________________________

6. clothes, my friends __________________________

Ex. 14. Fill in the blanks with the possessive form of a noun.

Example:He is (Angela) _Angela’s_ son.

1. Marco is (Roberto) _____________ nephew.

2. Look at the (cats) ______________ basket.

3. This is my (teacher) ____________ bag.

4. Those are the (babies) ____________ toys.

5. The (children) _____________ bags are under the table.

6. Those (men) ___________ trousers are old – fashioned.

7. This is (John and Mary) _________________ child.



I me
we us
you he you him
she her
it it
they them

Julia likes me. Julia likes us. Julia likes you. Julia likes him. Julia likes her. Julia likes them. Julia likes it.

Ex. 15. Can you finish the sentences using the correct form of the objective pronouns?

Example:I see Mr. Barret – I see him.

1. I see Roberto’s wife. _____________________

2. I see my friends. ________________________

3. I see my friend’s son. ____________________

4. I see a beautiful house. ___________________

5. I see her clothes. ________________________

6. I see a bird. ____________________________


I my mine
we our ours
you he your his yours his
she her hers
it its  
they their theirs

It's my money. It's our money. It's your money. It's his money. It's her money. It's their money.

This money is mine. This money is ours. This money is yours. This money is his. This money is hers. This money is theirs.

Ex. 16. Finish the sentences using the correct form of the possessive pronouns.

Example:Whose umbrella is this? (I) – This is my umbrella. This umbrella is mine. Whose pens are these? (we) – These are our pens. They are ours.

1. Whose camera is this? (she) __________________


2. Whose ticket is this? (he) ____________________


3. Whose letter is this? (they) ___________________


4. Whose house is this? (we) __________________


5. Whose clothes are these? (I) ________________


7. Whose driving licence is this? (you) __________


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