Been so badly wounded that they had got their discharge.

There was a wonderful opening (это была удивительно благоприятная

возможность; opening — отверстие, начало, удобный случай), and Michael

saw (и Майкл видел) that if he were available quickly (что если он сможет

быстро предложить себя /импресарио/: «он будет доступным в ближайшее

время») he could get his choice of parts (он сможет получить на выбор много

ролей). When he had recalled himself to the recollection of the public (когда он

напомнит публике о себе: «когда он напомнит о себе в воспоминаниях

публики») they could look about for a theatre (они смогут начать подыскивать

театр), and with the reputation Julia had now acquired (и с той репутацией,

которую теперь приобрела Джулия) it would be safe to start in management

(будет безопасно начинать собственное дело).

They talked late into the night (они проговорили до поздней ночи) and then they

went to bed (и затем отправились спать; to go to bed — ложиться спать). She

cuddled up to him voluptuously (она прижалась к нему сладострастно) and he

put his arms round her (и он обнял ее: «положил свои руки вокруг нее»). After

three months of abstinence (после трех месяцев воздержания) he was amorous

(он был настроен на любовный лад; amorous — влюбчивый, эротический).

"You're the most wonderful little wife (ты /моя самая/ удивительная женушка),"

he whispered (прошептал он).

available [q'veIlqb(q)l] acquire [q'kwaIq] abstinence ['xbstInqns]

There was a wonderful opening, and Michael saw that if he were available

Quickly he could get his choice of parts. When he had recalled himself to the

Recollection of the public they could look about for a theatre, and with the

Reputation Julia had now acquired it would be safe to start in management.

They talked late into the night and then they went to bed. She cuddled up to

Him voluptuously and he put his arms round her. After three months of

Abstinence he was amorous.

"You're the most wonderful little wife," he whispered.

He pressed his mouth to hers (он прижался своими губами к ее: «своим ртом к

ее»). She was filled (она испытала: «ее переполнило»; to be filled with — быть

в каком-либо состоянии, испытать какое-либо чувство) on a sudden

(внезапно) with a faint disgust (неясное отвращение). She had to resist an

inclination (ей пришлось сопротивляться желанию) to push him away

(оттолкнуть его). Before (раньше), to her passionate nostrils (для ее

чувственных ноздрей) his body, his young beautiful body (его тело, его

молодое красивое тело), had seemed to have a perfume of flowers and honey

(казалось пахло: «имело запах» цветами и медом), and this had been one of the

things (и это был один из тех элементов: «вещей») that had most enchained her

to him (что сильнее приковывали ее к нему; chain — цепь, узы, оковы; to

enchain — заковывать, сажать на цепь, связывать), but now in some strange

way (но теперь, каким-то странным образом) it had left him (он /запах/

оставил его). She realized (она осознала) that he no longer smelt like a youth

(что он больше не пахнет, как юноша), he smelt like a man (он пахнет, как

мужчина). She felt a little sick (она почувствовала легкую тошноту). She could

not respond to his ardour (она не могла отвечать на его страсть), she was eager

(она с нетерпением ждала) that he should get his desire satisfied quickly (чтобы

он удовлетворил свое желание побыстрее), turn over on his side (повернулся

на бок), and go to sleep (и заснул).

disgust [dIs'gAst] nostril ['nOstrIl] perfume ['pq:fju:m]

He pressed his mouth to hers. She was filled on a sudden with a faint disgust.

She had to resist an inclination to push him away. Before, to her passionate

Nostrils his body, his young beautiful body, had seemed to have a perfume of

Flowers and honey, and this had been one of the things that had most

Enchained her to him, but now in some strange way it had left him. She

Realized that he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man. She felt a

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