Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Однослож. прилаг.; двуслож. прилаг., заканчивающиеся на –y и некот. др. Суффикс -er Суффикс -est
short big easy simple quiet clever narrow shorter bigger easier simpler quieter cleverer narrower (the) shortest (the) biggest (the) easiest (the) simplest (the) quietest (the) cleverest (the0 narrowest
Большинство двуслож. прилаг. и многослож. прилаг. more less (the) most (the) least
beautiful interesting more beautiful more interesting (the) most beautiful (the) most interesting
good bad old many much little far better worse older (elder) more less farther (further) (the) best (the) worst (the) oldest ((the) eldest) (the) most (the) least farthest (furthest)

Ex. 2. Angela is talking about her cousins -Antonio, Bruno and Simon. Here is a table where they are compared. Write what Angela said about them.

---   Antonio Bruno Simon
polite +++ ++ +
2. lazy ++ + +++
3. good +++ ++ +
clever ++ +++ +
5. friendly +++ ++ +
6. careful + ++ +++
7. funny ++ +++ +


1. Bruno is more polite than Simon. Antonio is the most polite of all. Simon is the least polite.

2. Antonio _________________________________


3. Bruno ___________________________________


4. Antonio _________________________________


5. Bruno ___________________________________


6. Bruno ___________________________________


7. Antonio _________________________________


Ex. 3. Write comparative sentences following the example.


London, Leeds (large, small) - London's larger than Leeds. Leeds is smaller than London. this hotel, that one (expensive) - This hotel's more expensive than that one. That hotel's less expensive than this one.

1. Europe, Asia (small, large). __________________


2. France, England (big, small). ________________


3. A journey by car, a journey by train (interesting, boring)._______________________________________

__________________________________________4. A holiday in the country, a holiday in town (pleasant). ______________________________________________

__________________________________________5. A meal in a restaurant, a meal in a cafe (expensive, cheap). ________________________________________


6. The English language, the Japanese language (difficult, easy). _________________________________


Ex. 4. Write comparative sentences following the example.

Example:That house is very old. Yes, it's the oldest house in the village.

a. The Ritz is a very expensive hotel.

Yes, __________ in London.

b Hambledon is a very pretty village.

Yes, ___________ _ in England.

c Everest is a very high mountain.

Yes,___________ in the world.

d Meryl Streep is a very popular actress.

Yes,___________ in America.

e Mr Clark is a very funny teacher.

Yes,_______ in our school.

f Maria is a very intelligent student.

Yes,___________ in our class.

g This is a very easy exercise.

Yes, in the book.

Ex. 5. Make superlative sentences following the example. Add articles and prepositions where necessary.


Example:It, fast, plane, world - It's the fastest plane in the world.

1. This, beautiful, monument, Moscow. ______________________________________________

2. The library of the British Museum, rich, England. _______________________________________________

3. The Caspian Sea, large, lake, the world. _______________________________________________

4. Peter, quick, player, the team. ______________________________________________

5. He, good, specialist, the company. ______________________________________________


Example:Tuesday, busy, day, the week - Tuesday's the busiest day of the -week.

1. January, cold, month, the year. ______________________________________________

2. Spring, pleasant, time, the year. ______________________________________________

3. Saturday, good, day, the week. ______________________________________________

4. It was, happy, moment, his life. ______________________________________________

5. It, successful, exhibition, the year. ______________________________________________


Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I play; he plays I go; he goes I don’t (do not) play He doesn’t (does not) go Do you play? Does he go?

Ex. 6. Fill in the blank spaces with one suitable verb.

Lord Stonebridge is twenty – three years old. He _____________ (1) in London’s West End. He is very rich and he owns a big company. Every morning the young Lord _____________ (2) breakfast in bed and _______________ (3) the newspapers. He ____________ (4) up at ten o’clock every day and usually ____________ (5) for a walk in Hyde Park. He ______________ (6) lunch at his club. He sometimes _____________ (7) the Directors of his company and they _____________ (8) about the company’s plans. In the afternoon Lord Stonebridge and his friends sometimes _____________ (9) golf. After dinner he ____________ (10) to a night club or casino with his girl – friend. They ______________ (11) home at about two in the morning.

Ex. 7. Write a letter to the Find-a-Friend Club. Introduce yourself and say about your hobbies and interests. In your letter also write answers to these questions: Do you... read books? watch a lot of television? play computer games? like music? often visit people? like sport? go swimming?

Example: I get up early and I go to bed late. I don't like music or sport and I don't like playing computer games. I never visit people and I've got no friends. All Hike is working. Would you like to be my pen-pal?


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