Stay over - to stay at some place for the night We stayed over at a hotel and moved on in the morning. остановиться на ночь в каком-то месте

Stay up - not to go to bed till very late I stayed up late yesterday because I had to finish my report. не ложиться спать допоздна

Stay with someone - to be with someone, to visit with someone Stay with me for an hour. He stayed with us for Christmas. побыть с кем-то / у кого-то, погостить у кого-то

step aside - to move to one side, as to let someone pass or to be out of the way Step aside, please, let the doctor get to the injured man. посторониться, отойти в сторону, чтобы дать кому-то пройти или не быть на пути

step back - to move back; to stand back Step back, don't touch it! You should step back and let him do it in his own way. сделать шаг назад, отодвинуться назад; отступить, уступить

step forward - 1. to make a step forward; 2. to move forward as a volunteer 1. He stepped forward and waved his hand. 2. Three people stepped forward to offer their help. 1. сделать шаг вперед; 2. выйти вперед как доброволец

step on it - (slang) to hurry up, to speed up We'd better step on it, the show begins in ten minutes. (сленг) прибавить газу, поторопиться

step out - to leave some place, especially for a short time I'm sorry, he has just stepped out. Can you call a little later? выйти, особенно ненадолго

stick around - (slang) to remain, to wait in the same place Stick around a little longer, they may appear soon. (сленг) ждать, не уходить

stick by someone - to be loyal to someone, to stand by someone The boys decided to stick by each other no matter what happens. She always sticks by him. быть верным кому-то, поддерживать кого-то

stick it out - to stay to the end, to endure, to go on in spite of difficulties This work is boring and tedious, but you have to stick it out. It was a very hard time for him, but he managed to stick it out. выдержать что-то до конца, несмотря на трудности

stick out - to protrude, to poke out, to be noticeable The girl stuck out her tongue at me. His ears stick out. He doesn't like to stick out in a crowd. высовываться, выдаваться, быть заметным

stick to something - 1. to attach to; 2. to cling to; 3. to keep to 1. Stick this note to the door. 2. Wet hair sticks to everything. 3. Stick to your plan. 1. приклеить к; 2. липнуть к; 3. придерживаться чего-то

stick together - to be united Families and friends should stick together in times of trouble. держаться друг друга, вместе

stick up - (slang) to rob, especially at gunpoint They stuck up a small shop on Maple Street. Then they tried to stick up a passerby but he ran away and called the police. (сленг) ограбить, особенно под дулом пистолета

Stop at something - to stop at a certain place He stopped at the red traffic light. He will stop at nothing! We stopped at my sister's. остановиться около чего-то / перед чем-то / у кого-то

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