System, systematic, systematically, systematize, systemic

J.M. Keynes

We are beginning our work. And I’d like to start with the text devoted to a WORD. Whatever you do in your life, wherever you work be careful about and sensitive to the WORD. It’s your main tool.

Your boss has a bigger vocabulary than you have. That's one good reason why he's your boss.

This discovery has been made in the word laboratories of the world. Not by theoretical English professors, but by practical, hard-headed scientists who have been searching for the secret of success.

After a host of experiments and years of testing they have found out:

• That if your vocabulary is limited your chances of success are limited.

• That one of the easiest and quickest ways to get ahead is by consciously building up your knowledge of words.

• That the vocabulary of the average person almost stops growing by the middle twenties.

• That from then on it is necessary to have an intelligent plan if progress is to be made. No hit-or-miss methods will do.

It has long since been satisfactory established that a high executive does not have a large vocabulary merely because of those opportunities of his positions. That would be putting the cart before the horse. Quite the reverse is true. His skill in words was a tremendous help in getting him his job.

It has been discovered that the one and only common characteristic of outstandingly successful people is an extensive knowledge of the exact meaning of English words.

Vocabulary is one indication of intelligence. Learning power measurably sharpenswhen vocabulary increases.



U N I T 1


Your vocabulary Economy

- a system according to which the money, industry, and trade of a country or region are organized.

- a country’s economy is the wealth that it gets from business and industry.

- careful spending or the use of things in order to save money.

- large-size packages of goods which are cheaper than the normal sized packages on sale.


- concerned with economics and with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or social group.

- relating to services, businesses, etc. that produce a profit.


- something that is economical does not require a lot of money to operate.

- using the minimum amount of time, effort, language, etc. that is necessary.


- the study of the production of wealth and the consumption of goods and services in a society, and the organization of its money, industry, and trade.


- an expert or student of economics.


- save money by spending it very carefully and not buying expensive things.

Economic Institution

- a physical or mental structure that significantly influences economic decisions

Economic policy

– an action (or inaction) taken, usually by government, to influence economic events.

Economic model

–simplified representation of reality.

Positive Economics

–the study of what is, and how the economy works.

Normative Economics

–the study of how the economy should be, from society’s standpoint.

Ex. 1.To show that you understand the words given above, choose the best word tocomplete the following sentences. Add noun, verb or adverb endings if necessary.

1. Home ... is a subject studied at school and college in which students are taught how to run a house well and efficiently.

2. New England’s ... is still largely based on manufacturing.

3. All Western ... are competing against each other.

4.These businesses contribute hundreds of millions of pounds to the ... of the country.

5.I switched off the lights as an ... measure.

6.If you make ..., you take action in order to save money, by not spending it on unnecessary things.

7.If you are really going to buy a car, we’ll have to ... on other things.

8. In his works he explains the ideas of the great English ... J.M. Keynes.

9.She thought of herself as an ... wife.

10.This system was extremely ... because it ran on half-price electricity.

11.What has gone wrong with the ... system during the last ten years?

12.The book is very … written, but very warm.

13.... is the oldest of social sciences.

Ex.2.Look at the following derivatives. Use your knowledge of English and logicalreasoning to explain the meaning of each word below.

system, systematic, systematically, systematize, systemic

Use these words in the following sentences.

1. The police made a .... search of the building.

2. You need some ... in your work if you want to succeed.

3. I wish they’d organize themselves more ... .

4. ... insecticides spread all through a plant and kill any insects that feed on it. 5. This method helps ... the information received.

Ex.3.Add appropriate words where there are blanks in the sentences below and you’llget the definitions of the words in bold. Some words can be used in their different meanings.

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