Agree or disagree to the following statements

1) F; 2) T; 3) F; 4) T; 5) T; 6) F; 7) T; 8) T.

Fill in the gaps using the following words.

Over the fairness, charges, to launch a court case, determine, relative, issue, to go in the red, actual cost, $4, involves, boost, to repay, dating back,false or misleading, lie, vote.

Match the following synonyms from the text.

1) i; 2) a; 3) h; 4) g; 5) c; 6) d; 7) f; 8) j; 9) e; 10) b.

Match the following phrases from the text (sometimes more than one combination is possible).

1) e; 2) i; 3) a; 4) g; 5) c; 6) d; 7) j; 8) f; 9) b; 10) h.

Unit 3


Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

To hunt for a couple – разыскивать семейную пару

to receive money by mistake – получить деньги по чьей-то ошибке

to apply for an overdraft – обратиться за получением овердрафта

to make a huge mistake – допустить огромную ошибку

to deposit money into a bank account – внести деньги на счёт в банке

loan facility – возможность получения ссуды

an international manhunt – международное преследование

to keep a secret – держать в секрете

to run a gas station – держать автозаправочную станцию

to have money problems – испытывать денежные затруднения

to leave a note of the door – оставить на дверях записку

to take funds – забрать деньги (денежные средства)

not to be entitled to – не обладать правом на что-либо

to become thieves – превратиться в воров

to be a matter of time – вопрос времени

to treat the couple as criminals – считать семейную пару преступниками

Listen to the text “Crime” twice. First time make notes about the numbers, geographical, proper or personal names which you might hear.

New Zealand police, US$8 million, Westpac Bank, NZ$10,000 overdraft, NZ$10 million, an Asian man and his New Zealand girlfriend, Westpac officials, the town of Rotorua on New Zealand’s north island, Claire Matthews from New Zealand’s Massey University, local Newstalk ZB radio station, Westpac Bank spokesman.

Agree or disagree to the following statements.

1) An Australian couple applied to the bank for an overdraft. (T)

2) A bank mistake has given millions of people millions of dollars. (F)

3) The mistake was a computer error and not a human one. (F)

4) The bank asked international police to help them find the thieves. (T)

5) The bank told reporters exactly how much money the pair had taken before they left the country. (F)

6) The bank spokesman has told reporters exactly how much money is still missing. (F)

7) The couple ran a bakery which needed money for expansion.(F)

8) A banking expert has said the people with the money are thieves. (T)

9) The police have said the people with the money are not criminals. (F)

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