Color TV- garage - electric cooker - sea three miles away

Complete the sentences about April Cottage with some, any, a,or an.Model: Is there a garden?

a) There are ... good restaurants in the area.

b) The village of Parkham Cross has ... post office and ... shop.

c) Are there ... good beaches near the cottage?

d) Does the cottage have ... dinning room?

e) There are ... trees in the garden.

f) There's ... open fire in the living room.

g) Upstairs there's ... bathroom.

h) Are there ... books in the living room? i) Is there ... fridge in the kitchen? j) There's ... electric cooker.

2. Putsomeor anyinto each gap.

1. I haven't got... paper.

2. I'll buy ... paper when I go to the shops.

3. Is there ... petrol in the car?

4. Yes, I put ... in yesterday.

5. I bought... fruit, but they didn't have ... vegetables.

6. Do you have ... change? I need 50p.

7. I saw ... change on the table a minute ago.

8. I need ... help with my homework. Are you free?

9. I don't have ... time today. Sorry.

10. Did you have ... problems with this exercise?

3. Put someor anyinto the gaps.

1. I don't have ... money in my pocket, but I have ... money in the bank.

2. Are there ... letters for me this morning?

3. I never have ... breakfast. I'm not hungry in the morning.

4. You have ... lovely pictures in your house.

5. Are you Canadian? I have ... good friends in Canada.

6. Don't buy ... bread in the shops. There is a lot in the kitchen.

7. Do you have ... brothers or sisters?

8. There aren't ... shops in my village, just a post of­fice and a pub.

9. I want ... cheese. Is there ... in the fridge?

10. ... people like flying, but other people don't.

11. There was ... rain during the night.

4. Complete the sentences with some, any and a word from the box:

petrol food music shampoo stamps books people chairs photos

Model: Would you like to listen to some music? I have a new CD.

1. People couldn't sit down at the party because there weren't.......

2. I couldn't take......on holiday because the weather was so bad.

3. We couldn't the supermar­ket because our money was in the car.

4. I'd like to wash my hair, so I want.......

5. I need to the car. It's nearly empty.

6. Do you have......? I want to post this letters.

7. There were ...... very interesting...... at the party last night.

8. I want......from the library.

5. Write a, someor anyto complete these sentences.

1. I've got ... bananas and ... apple.

2. Did you bring ... bread?

3. I'd like ... water, please.

4. Sorry, I haven't got... matches.

5. I asked the water for ... tea.

6. I have ... information for you.

7. Didn't you bring ... money?

8. I sent her ... card from France.

9. Would you like ... coffee?

10. I want... bread and ... kilo of cheese, please.

11. I have ... bad news for you.

12. At twelve o'clock we had ... food?

13. I bought... books, but I didn't buy ... pen.

14. There aren't ... students here at the moment.

15. She didn't give me ... money.

6. Complete the sentences with someor any.

1. We didn't buy any flowers.

2. This evening I'm going out with ... friends of mine.

3. "Have you seen ... good films recently?" — "No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages".

4. I didn't have ... money, so I have to borrow ....

5. Can I have ... milk in my coffee, please?

6. I was too tired to do ... work.

7. You can cash these traveler's checks at... bank.

8. Can you give me ... information about places of in­terest in the town?

9. With a special tourist train ticket, you can travel on ... train you like.

10. If there are ... word's you don't understand, use a dictionary.

7. Complete these sentences with no, noneor any.

1. It was a public holiday, so there were no shops open.

2. I haven't got any money. Can you lend me some?

3. I couldn't make an omelet because there were ... eggs.

4. I couldn't make an omelet because there weren't ... eggs.

5. "How many eggs have we got?" - "... I'll go and buy some from the shop if you like".

6. We took a few photographs but ... of them were very good.

7. What a stupid thing to do! ... intelligent person would do such a thing.

8. I'll try and answer ... of the questions they asked me.

9. I couldn't answer ... of the questions they asked me.

10. We cancelled the party because ... of the people we invited were able to come.

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