Be against - to oppose something I am against your plan. быть против чего-то

be ahead of - to be in front of the others; to be more advanced than the others. The leader of the car race is 2 miles ahead of the other cars. He is ahead of everyone else in math. Her thinking was ahead of her time in many ways.быть впереди, обогнать других (букв. и в переносн. смысле)

Be around - 1. to be nearby; 2. to be still living, active, popular 1. Don't go away, she is around somewhere. 2. Is his old Uncle Peter still around? This singer has been around since I was a schoolgirl. 1. быть поблизости; 2. все еще здравствовать, быть активным, популярным

Be away - to be out of town Tom is away on vacation. быть в отъезде

Be back - to return He'll be back in two hours. Вернуться

Be behind - 1. to be located behind; 2. to lag behind; 3. figuratively: to lie behind something 1. The yard is behind the house. 2. He is behind the other students in his group. 3. I wonder who is behind this plan. I wonder what is behind his suggestion. 1. быть позади кого-то, чего-то; 2. отставать от; 3. переносн.: стоять за, скрываться за

Be in - 1. to be present; 2. to be fashionable 1. Tom isn't in. Can you call back later? 2. High heels are in again. 1. быть на месте, присутствовать; 2. быть в моде

Be in for - to expect trouble, punishment .If you come to work late every day, you are in for trouble. ожидать неприятностей, наказания

Be into - to be interested in something He is into computers. She is into jazz. интересоваться, увлекаться чем-то

Be off - 1. to be disconnected; 2. to leave 1. Yesterday electricity was off, and water was off too. 2. I must be off now. 1. отключить (воду, электричество); 2. отправляться, уходить

Be on - 1. to be switched on; 2. to be shown on screen 1. The light is on, she must be at home. 2. Let's watch TV. What's on? 1. быть включенным; 2. показывать в кино, по ТВ

Be out - 1. to be not in; 2. to be out of fashion 1. He is out right now. He'll be back soon. 2. Miniskirts are out this year. 1. отсутствовать; 2. быть не в моде

Be out of - not to have; 2. be out of town - to be away 1. We are out of time. We are out of sugar. 2. He is out of town now, he'll be back in 3 days. 1. не иметь в наличии, закончиться; 2. быть в отъезде

Be over - to end The day is not over yet. The war is over. закончиться

Be through - to finish No more food, thank you, I'm through. закончить

Be through - to go through something She's been through a lot of suffering. пережить, пройти через что-то

Be through with - to finish doing something I'm through with doing this stupid work. I'm through with this book. закончить с чем-то

be up - 1. to rise; 2. to end (about time) 1. She is not up yet. The prices are up again. 2. Your time is up, hand in your papers, please. 1. подниматься; 2. закончиться (о времени)

be up against - be opposed by, have serious problems Our company is up against serious attempts of hostile takeover. столкнуться с (трудностями, серьезными проблемами)

Be up to someone - to be someone's decision or responsibility Would you like to go to the park or to the zoo? - It's up to you. I have to ask my father, it's up to him to decide. It's up to you to close the office every day at 6.быть на чье-то усмотрение, под чью-то ответственность

Be up to something - 1. to reach some level, degree; 2. to be able to do something; 3. to think up something tricky; to be engaged in something interesting 1. I'm up to my ears in work right now. Your report is not up to your usual standard. 2. I'm not up to doing this work right now. 3. What are you up to? What have you been up to lately? 1. достичь уровня, степени; 2. быть в состоянии выполнить что-то; 3. задумать что-то хитрое; заниматься чем-то интересным

Be with - 1. to be on the same side with someone; 2. to listen to and understand someone's explanations 1. We are with you, we will help you. 2. Are you still with me? I'm afraid I'm not with you. Can you explain it again? 1. быть на чьей-то стороне; 2. слушать и понимать объясняемое кем-то

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