Some, any, no and their derivatives

some any no every

somebody anybody nobody everybody

someone anyone none everyone

something anything nothing everything

somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

The rules for these words are the same as for someand any.


Somebodyphoned you last night.

I'd like somethingto eat.

They have a house somewherein the south of France.


I didn't go anywherelast night.

I didn't have anythingto eat.

He doesn't know anybodyin London.


Did you go anywherein the weekend?

Did you meet anybodyin the party?

Is there anythingto eat in the house?

These words are followed by a verb in the singular:

Everybodylikes Kate.

Nobodywants more homework.

Everything isready.

We use everybody, everyone, somebodyand someoneto talk about people.

We use everything, something,and any­thingto talk about things.


1. Put one of the words into each gap.

1. Is there ... on TV tonight?

2. I'm bored. I want to go ... tonight.

3. Does ... have change for a pound? I want to make a phone call.

4. Close your eyes! I have ... for you.

5. ... took my newspaper this morning. Who was it?

6. I looked for my newspaper, but I couldn't find it....

7. Jane works ... in the center of the town.

8. A. Tom is on the phone for you. B. I don't know ... called Tom.

9. I don't understand ... about computers.

10. A. Where did you put my coat? B. ... in the kitchen.

11. There's ... at the door. Can you open it, please?

2. Put one of the words into each gap.

a) A. Who's in the bathroom? В.....It's empty.

b) A. Who would like an ice cream? В.....We all want one.

c) A. Did you find your keys?

B. No, I looked ... , but I couldn't find them.

d) A. What did you buy at the shops? В.....I didn't have any money.

e) Things in London are very expensive. ... is cheaper in my country.

f) I'm sorry. ... told me it was your birthday today. Happy Birthday!

g) A. Where did you go last night?

В.....I stayed at home and watched TV.

h) A. How much is it to get to the museum?

В.....It's free.

i) The fridge is empty. Justin ate .... j) Two and two is four. ... knows that.

3. Complete the sentences with some- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.

1. I was too surprised to say anything.

2. There's ... at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

3. Does ... mind if I open the window?

4. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat ... .

5. You must be hungry. Would you like ... to eat?

6. Quick, let's go! There's ... coming, and I don't want ... to see us.

7. Sally was upset about... and refused to talk to ....

8. This machine is very easy to use. ... can learn to use it in a very short time.

9. There was hardly ... on the beach. It was almost deserted.

10. "Do you live ... near Jim?" - "No, he lives in another part of town".

11. We slept in a park because we didn't have ... to stay.

12. "Where shall we go on holiday?" - "Let's go ... warm and sunny".

13. They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go... .

14. I'm going out now. If ... phones while I'm out, can you tell them that I'll be back at 11.30?

15. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost...?

16. ... who saw the accident should contact the police.

17. She is very secretive. She never tells........(two words)

4. Complete the sentences. Use any (+noun) or anybody/ any­thing/anywhere.

1 . Which bus do I have to catch?   Any bus. They all go to the center.
2. Which day shall I come? I don't mind ....
3. What do you want to eat?   .... I don't mind. Whatever you have.
4. Where shall I sit?   It's up to you. You can sit ... you like.
5. What sort of job are you looking for? .... It doesn't matter.  
6.What time shall I phone tomorrow? .... I'll be in all day.
7. Who shall I invite to the party? I don't mind. ... you like.
8. Which newspaper shall I buy?   ... . Whatever they have in the shop.

5. Answer these questions using none/nobody/nothing/nowhere.

1. What did you do? 1. Nothing.

2. Who were you talking to? 2.....

3. Where are you going? 3.....

4. How much luggage have you got? 4.....

5. How many children have they got? 5.....

6. Who did you meet? 6.....

7. What did you buy? 7.....

Now write full sentences using any/anybody/anything/ anywhere.

8. (1) I didn't do anything.

9. (2) I....

10. (3) ....

11. (4) ....

12. (5) ....

13. (6) ....

14. (7) ....

6. Complete these sentences with no- or any- + 'bodyf-thing/ -where.

1. I don't want anything to drink. I'm not thirsty.

2. The bus was completely empty. There was ... on it.

3. "Where did you go for your holidays?" — "... I stayed at home".

4. I went to the shops but I didn't buy ....

5. "What did you buy?" - "... I couldn't find ... I wanted".

6. The town was still the same when I returned years later. ... had changed.

7. Have you seen my watch? I've looked all over the house but I can't find it....

8. There was complete silence in the room. ... said ....

7. Choose the right word.

1. She didn't tell nobody/anybody about her plans, (anybody is correct)

2. The accident looked serious but fortunately no­body/anybody was injured.

3. I looked out if the window but I couldn't see no­body/anybody.

4. My job is very easy. Nobody/anybody could do it.

5. "What's in that box?" - "Nothing/anything. It's empty".

6. The situation is uncertain nothing/anything could happen.

7. I don't know nothing/anything about economics.

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