Personal and Possessive Pronouns 3 страница

Ex. 53. Comment on the use of the definite article in the following sentences.

1. The arch of the sky was the darkest of blues. 2. She believed people like Wilf to be the salt of the earth. 3. Ah, it's the other side of the coin, so to speak. 4. The cycle of life is endless, and it never changes. 5. The following day I passed the morning making phone calls. 6. Like all the best ideas, it's a simple one. 7. This is the most modern shopping centre in the world. 8. That's the key question. 9. The house was quiet. The stuff had gone to bed. 10. She'll be the second to answer. 11. We live on the seventh floor. 12. The kitchen was equipped with all the latest appliances. 13.1 know this road like the back of my hand. 14. Don't forget that Monday is the deadline. 15. The story which you told me is very romantic. 16. — Where are the children? — They are in the garden.

Ex. 54.Insert the right article.

1. ... most windows are made of glass. 2. ... glass of my watch is broken, and one of ... hands is missing. 3. ... first concern of any government should be ... education of ... people of ... country. 4.... stars are very bright tonight. 5. ... president said that he didn't want... trouble, but ... troubles of ... country had to be settled quickly. 6. ... trees in our garden bear a lot of fruit every year. 7. ... audience was stone silent. 8. ... girl is really ... great talker. 9. In America "neighbour" has ... friendly connotation, in England it is ... chilly word, nearly always ... stranger. 10. ... rain was still beating on the windows. 11. ... road snaked its way across ... hills. 12. Emma hoped ... baby would be ... girl. 13. ... Queen smiled. She had told ... black He. 14. In ... middle of ... year he made ... second trip to Fairley Hall. 15. — I don't like ... policemen. — Neither do I. But I do like ... English policemen. 16. ... village where my relatives live is such ... idyllic place. 17. ... bell rang ... third time to indicate ... beginning of ... class. 18. ... girl is ... born peacemaker.

Ex. 55.Explain the use of articles with the nouns in bold type.

1. She gave the shop a final glance. 2.They want a big family, so they are so keen to have a third child. 3.He presented all this in a most diplomatic way.4. Amelia was pregnant and she was in seventh heaven. 5.She gave the portrait a last glanceand went out. 6. She poured a second glass.7. Mine is a third generation computer.8. There is always a first time. 9. A first loveis never forgotten. 10. It was like a second honeymoonfor them. 11. Please, Frank, think twice before you make a final decision.12. They are installing a second bathroomupstairs. 13.1 do not like food which has been warmed up a second time.14. I'm afraid we need a third mindto decide this.

Ex. 56. Insert the right article.

1. Henry Rossiter had ... cool and refined mind. ... cultured man, he was ... art connoisseur,... collector of rare first editions, ... devotee of drama and music. ... product of ... rich and old family, he was today ... curious amalgam of ... upper-class English conservative principles and ... international sophistication.

2. As I sat in... library this morning, leafing through those books again, I could not help thinking that Lettice had been a lot like me, in many ways. ... homemaker, ... cook, ... gardener, ... painter, ... woman interested in furnishings and all those things which make ... home 35 beautiful. And she had been... devoted mother and ... adoring wife, just as I had.

3. Victor was ... gentle and reflective boy. And he had ... deep understanding of human frailties. He was ... thinker and ... dreamer, and he had ... soul of ... poet. Victor was happiest when he was reading or listening to ... music of Mahler and Beethoven.

4. ... sin includes such things as ... lying, ... lust, ... cheating, ... deceit, ... anger, ...evil thoughts, ...immoral behavior, and more. Most visible virtues in people are ... responsibility, ... energy, ... hard work, ... enthusiasm, and ... perseverance.

Ex. 57.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the nouns in bold type.

1. Life is too short to learn more than one business well. 2. Lord, what a hectic life! 3. Time is a great healer. 4. Those were mysterious times. 5. Do one thing at a time. 6. I've always had a tough time with the critics. 7.1 enjoy walking in the forest in autumnal weather. 8. He sensed that the weather was going to change. 9. She would take the dog out for a run in all weathers. 10. What miserable weather! 11. Sensational news is hard to get, journalists know it well. 12. What wonderful news! It calls for a toast. 13. Success doesn't come easy. 14. This movie was a huge success. 15. We've had some successes in tennis lately. 16. Power corrupts people. 17. Words have a magic power. 18. She glanced down at my little dog, who was jumping against her legs, "I hope this dog isn't going to cover me with hairs". 19. There is a hair on your jacket. Let me brush it off. 20. Age is strictly a chronological thing. If you feel young, you're gonna be young.

Ex. 58.Translate into English.

1. Он прожил безгрешную жизнь. 2. Жизнь такова, какой вы ее делаете. 3. Это неизбежно. Это вопрос времени. 4. Это было очень счастливое время. 5. Упор­ный труд принесет вам успех. 6. Она делает очень красивые поделки. 7. Если с ее головы упадет хоть один волосок, то ты об этом очень пожалеешь. 8. Ус­пехи, которые сделал Максим, радуют его родителей. 9. Успех улучшает (to improve) характер. 10. Язык имеет большую силу. 11. У меня нет опыта работы с детьми. 12. Это был очень печальный опыт. 13. У него есть воля и честолюбие. 14. Она очень волевой чело­век. 15. Он говорит, что хочет составить завещание. 16. Татьяна нашла у себя несколько седых волосков и очень расстроилась. 17. Он начал работать в ран­нем возрасте. 18. Это книга для людей всех возрас­тов. 19. Сто лет тебя не видела, как ты? 20. Любви все возрасты покорны.

Ex. 59. Insert the right article.

I. Not only did she love her eldest son, she admired him no end, and there was a lot to admire. He was ... clever, indeed ... brilliant young man with ... great deal of ... talent and ... good head on his shoulders. But he had ... flaw, and it was ... flaw that was fatal. He believed he knew better than anyone else, was convinced of ... Tightness of his ideas and beliefs, and he never took "no" for ... answer. He was far too stubborn and opinionated for his own good. It dismayed her that he could not compromise, that he was so rigid.

II.When Meredith walked into Dr. Hilary Benson's private office, her first impression was of ... good-looking but stern woman. ... doctor had ... rather lovely face with ... high cheekbones, and ... palest of ... blue eyes that appeared almost transparent. But her mouth had ... severe set to it and her dark brown hair was pulled back in ... plain chignon that was singularly schoolmarmish. There was ... no-nonsense, businesslike air about her, and for ... split second Meredith was put off, thinking that she might be ... cold fish. Then she remembered that Jennifer, her physician, had told her that Hilary Benson was ... sympathetic person as well as ... brilliant psychiatrist.

Ex. 60.Translate into English.

1. Последние новости меня радуют. 2. Что нового? 3. Отсутствие новостей — хорошая новость. 4. Ново­сти, так же как и сплетни, имеют крылья (быстро рас­пространяются). 5. Какой своевременный совет! 6. Све­дения важные? Кто их доставил? 7. Большинство све­дений поступает через Интернет. 8. — Какая сегодня погода? — Погода солнечная, такая погода заставляет меня чувствовать себя счастливым. 9. Я работаю в саду в любую погоду. 10. Многие люди находятся под вли­янием погоды. 11. Если погода поменяется завтра, у меня опять будет болеть голова. 12. Я люблю теплую весеннюю погоду. 13. Это убийственная работа, но я выживу. 14. Не могу понять, куда уходят мои деньги. Они как вода. 15. Это очень большие деньги, но они твои, и ты можешь использовать их так, как хочешь. 16. — В кассе есть деньги? — Нет, мы отправили их в банк час назад.

Ex. 61. Read the sentences and comment on the nouns in bold type.

1. They ate suppertogether in the kitchen. It was a simple mealthat Maggie had prepared quickly: scrambled eggs, English muffins, and coffee. 2. Supperis ready at last, everyone, sit to table! 3. They arrived at Sunlaws in time for lunch.4.1 asked Matilde to make a fairly simple lunch.Vegetable soup, plain omelette, green salad, cheese, and fruit. 5. We'll be having a late lunchtoday. 6. Breakfastis served, sir. 7. And anyway, it's not often that you get a traditional English Sunday breakfastnow, is it? 8. The breakfastwas orange juice and cornflakes with milk. 9. He opens the mail immediately after breakfast.10. We haven't had dinneryet. 11. They had a quiet dinnertogether. 12. After dinnersit a while, after supperwalk a mile. 13. They had a dinnerfor six. 14. We'll have to have anearly dinnertoday. 15. Every now and then I would go to the kitchen to have a look at the dinner.16. — "I'm glad you've come for tea.I've made us a lovely tea,like you used to do when we were little. A nursery tea,you called it." — "I remember our nursery teas," Meredith said taking a cucumber sandwich. "They were fun, weren't they?" 17. Patsy went on fussing with the teapot and the other things she needed for afternoon tea.18. The teashe made was wonderful. 19. A set dinner (meal)is usually quite cheap, but you do not have much choice. 20. Brunchis a meal that you eat in the late morning.

Ex. 62.Insert the article if necessary. Retell the text.

I. ... farm itself was surrounded by green fields divided by ... old stone wall built... century ago. ... fields sloped down into ... valley below, where the River Nidd was ... shining like ... silver thread against the green in ... far distance. Chloe took ... quick look at her watch and saw that it was almost eight. Time for ... breakfast. She in­creased her pace and ... few seconds later she was pushing open ... oak door that led into ... small front porch.

II. ... mingled aromas of ... coffee, .... warm bread, and ... bacon cooking assailed her as she stepped into Chloe poured herself ... mug of coffee, added ... milk and ... sugar, and carried ... mug back to ... big wooden table in ... centre of... room. This was covered

with ... green-and-white check cloth that matched ... , curtains at... windows; she remembered ... day her mother had brought them up to Yorkshire and hung them

at... windows herself. Chloe sipped her coffee,glancing around ... spacious kitchen. She had always loved this room. It was there that they ate most of their meals, nless they had ... party and ... guests coming. In ... sense, ... kitchen was ... core of ... house.

Ex 63Read the text and comment on the words in bold type, retell it in indirect speech.

"I want you to come to dinnertomorrow, Gideon, well, supperreally. A Russian supperon Boxing Day. Doesn't that tempt you?" She eyed him, laughter bubbling inside her. — "Ha! I knew you'd have to come up with a foreign mealthis Christmas," Gideon teased, looking at her fondly. "Why not a bit of good old roast lamb and Yorkshire pudfor a change? Instead of all this foreign mishmash."Tamara laughed and said, "Beluga caviar and Scottish smoked salmon a mishmash!Goodness me, Gideon." — "How wonderful it sounds. And I'd love to come. What's the rest of the menu? Are you going to make that delicious horsch?"— "If you like. With piroshki.And what about your favourite, chicken Kiev?"— "That's great. But you're making me hungry. I love your cooking. I bet they didn't teach you how to make chicken Kiev at that snooty English boarding school you went to." — "You know they didn't, Gid. It was my Russian grandmother who taught me everything I know about cooking."

(after B. Bradford)

Ex. 64.Translate into English.

1. Это был грандиозный обед, были приглашены мно­гие знаменитости. 2. Сколько мы должны заплатить за обед? 3. Я еще не решила, что приготовить на обед. Боюсь, что у нас будет поздний обед сегодня. 4. Обед готов, пожалуйста, садитесь все к столу. 5. Горнич­ная поставила завтрак на поднос и понесла его в спальню госпожи. 6. Он обсуждает все важные воп­росы после ужина. 7. Боюсь, у нас сегодня будет очень простой ужин. 8. Она не завтракает по утрам, зато устраивает себе основательный второй завтрак. 9. Время ланча. Давай заглянем в «Елки-Палки» на Тверской. 10. Дети, вы вымыли руки перед обедом? 11. Посольство дает званый завтрак в честь праздни­ка. 12. Ужин в китайском ресторане был очень ост­рым. 13. — Сколько здесь стоит комплексный обед? — Очень дешево. 14. Поздний завтрак — это нечто сред­нее между завтраком и ланчем. 15. Какой вкусный обед! Вы замечательный повар.

Ex. 65.Insert the article if necessary

1. It was ... fine afternoon. 2. ... morning was chilly. 3. It was ... sunless day. 4. ... dawn would break soon. 5. It was ... perfect summer evening on ... last day of August. 6. It was ... early morning. 7. ... twilight always makes me feel sad, I don't know why. 8. It was ... golden November day, ... Indian summer day. 9. ... days merged into ... nights, ... nights drifted into ... dawns. 10. Of the four seasons I like ... spring best. 11. We had ... slushy winter last year. 12. In ... late autumn we lock our cottage till... spring. 13. ... evening fell, but there was no sign of him. 14. Early in ... morning my dog licks me awake. 15. If you look ugly in ... early morning, sleep till ... noon.

Ex. 66.Translate into English.

1. Ночь. Скоро наступит рассвет. 2. Мой сосед — фо­тограф. Он обычно проявляет пленки по ночам. 3. Мы встали ранним утром, чтобы увидеть восход солнца. 4. Дети обещали вернуться домой к вечеру. 5. На моих часах полночь. Вот и закончился день. 6. Это произошло осенью прошлого года. 7. Поздняя осень — время, когда природа готовится к зиме. 8. Была мо­розная январская ночь. 9. Мы встретились в одну из пятниц. 10. Какая волшебная ночь! 11. Он трудился день за днем, как муравей. 12. Говорят, будет ранняя весна. 13. Ночь перед Рождеством — самое чудесное время. 14. После заката всегда становится холоднее. 15. Большинство людей предпочитает отдыхать в лет­нее время.

Ex. 67.Translate into English.

1. Было утро. Было раннее утро. Было теплое летнее утро. Он родился ранним утром. Мне трудно вставать рано по утрам. Утро было прохладное, но солнечное. Какое хорошее утро! Мы доберемся до станции к утру. 2. Наступил день. Это был туманный день, день нашего отъезда. День был дождливым. Что ты обычно дела­ешь в течение дня? Инцидент произошел пасмурным сентябрьским днем. 3. Был полдень. Полдень — это 12 часов. Домохозяйки стараются сделать все покуп­ки до полудня. Посетитель появился лишь в полдень. 4. Было послеполуденное время. Мы любили пить чай после полудня. Маленькие дети обычно спят в после­полуденное время. Мы посвятили послеполуденное время чтению. 5. Был вечер. Был морозный крещен­ский вечер. Вечер был теплый. Был поздний вечер. Мне всегда хочется спать по вечерам. Ты пойдешь на прогулку вечером? Мы закончим все к вечеру. 6. На­ступила ночь. Была ночь. Была тихая звездная ночь. Я люблю смотреть на звезды ночью. Ночь была тиха. Буря продолжалась всю ночь. Мы отправились туда в субботу вечером (субботним вечером). У меня ноч­ное дежурство сегодня. Его охраняют день и ночь. Я целый месяц не ложился рано спать. 7. Восход — это время, когда восходит солнце. Мы пили, смеялись, бол­тали до рассвета. Это означает зарю (начало) новой эры. 8. Весна — это время года между зимой и летом. Весной становится теплее. Он уехал весной 1996 года. Париж прекрасен весной. Была ранняя весна. Осень — это пора свадеб. Поздняя осень. Осень была дождли­вой. Какая красивая осень!

Ex. 68.Insert the article if necessary

1. This is ... way of ... world. 2:Edwina lived in ... world entirely of her own making. 3. Isn't it... small world? 4. It was ... raw January day, and although ... sun was bright in ... clear sky, ... wind was sharp with ... frost and ... Atlantic rain. 5. ... moon cast ... dancing reflection onto ... river. 6. ... gentle wind whispered in ... trees. 7. ... third-quarter moon appeared in ... sky. 8. There are four cardinal points on ... earth — ... south, ... north, ... east, ... west. 9. There are ten principal planets in our solar system which is called ... Milky Way. They are: ... Sun and ... Moon, ... Mercury, ... Venus, ... Mars, ... Jupiter, ... Saturn,

... Uranus, ... Neptune, ... Pluto. 10. ... horizon is the line at which ... earth (or ... sea) and ... sky seem to meet. 11. Do you feel in harmony with ... Universe? 12. The edge of ... brilliant red sun was now gleaming through the trees. 13. God, what ... world! 14. They are from ... absolutely different worlds!

Ex. 69. A. Read the text and retell it

The Northern Lights

On my sixteenth day in Denmark, it happened. I was returning after my morning walk and in an empty piece of sky above the town there appeared a translucent cloud of many colours — pinks and greens and blues and pale purples. It glimmered and seemed to swirl. Slowly it stretched across the sky. It had an oddly oily quality about it, like the rainbows you sometimes see in a pool of petrol. I stood transfixed.

I knew from my reading that the Northern Lights are immensely high up in the atmosphere, something like 200 miles up, but this show seemed to be suspended just above the town. There are two kinds of Northern Lights — the curtains of shimmering gossamer that everyone has seen in pictures, and the rather rarer gas clouds that I was gazing at now. They are never the same twice. Sometimes they shoot across the sky, like smoke in a wind tunnel, moving at enormous speed, and sometimes they hang like luminous drapes of glittering spears of light, and very occasionally — perhaps once or twice in a lifetime — they creep out from every point on the horizon and flow together overhead in a spectacular, silent explosion of light and colour. They are capable of the most weird and unsettling optical illusions. They can seem to come out of the sky and fly at you at enormous speeds, as if trying to kill you. Apparently it's terrifying. The eerie thing was how silent it was. Such activity seemed to demand at the very least an occasional low boom or a series of crackles, but there was none. All this immense energy was spent without a sound.

It was very cold — inside my boots I wore three pairs of socks but still my toes were numb and I began to worry about frostbite. But I stayed and watched for perhaps two hours, unable to pull myself away as it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

B. Say if you have ever witnessed any unusual natural phenomena. Discuss it in the group.

Ex. 70.Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the nouns in bold type.

A. 1. The lionis the national emblem of Great Britain. 2. There is perfect freedom in the mountains, but still it belongs to the eagle,and the elk, the badger and the bear.3. The eelis one of the few creatures in the world that can kill by electrocution. 4. The parrotis the cleverest of all the birds, some of them can learn 150 words, 5. A forget-me-notis a lovely flower. 6. The emuis the largest bird in the world. It resembles the ostrich.

B. 1. The human mindis a strange and complex piece of machinery. It takes a lot of understanding. 2. The calendarwas a very useful invention. 3. I need a calendarfor the new year. 4. The radiowas invented long before television. 5. The gardenhas always been a religious symbol starting from the Koran and the Bible. 6. The articleis a small word that causes a lot of problems. 7.1 love the ballet,but I fall asleep in the opera. 8. Televisionis a highly competitive business.

C. 1. To her that great house appeared to be the most beautiful one ever erected by mortal man.2. He knew only too well the true nature of man. 3. Does man have no choice of action in the face of such circumstances? The experiences of life show that man does have a choice of action. Man can preserve spiritual freedom, independence of mind. An active life gives man the opportunity to realize values in creative work. 4. The ancient Greeks believed that man could not shape his own destiny as he was at the mercy of Zeus. Over time, man realized that he did have power over his destiny. Immanuel Kant said that it's the ability to choose that separates man from the beast. Manhas always stood up against the forces of the universe to proclaim, "I AM MASTER OF MY FATE."

Ex. 71-Insert the right article.

1. ... azalea is truly an adaptable shrub as it will grow in all climates. 2. ... rose is one of the oldest flowers in cultivation. 3. ... man is harsher than iron, harder than stone and more delicate than ... rose. 4. Nobody can decide which came first — ... hen or ... egg. 5. ... circus makes people remember their childhood. 6. ... television was invented by the Scottish engineer John Baird in 1926. 7. ... postmark first appeared in England in 1840. 8. ... sea cow is not... cow at all. 9. ... dragon symbolized evil in fairy tales. 10. The apple tree and ... grape are the oldest trees on the Earth. 11. The primary speech organ, the birthplace of our words is ... human heart. 12. ... speaking watch will soon be on ... market. 13. ... apple is ... symbol of New York City. 14. ... pen is mightier that ... sword, and considerably easier to write with.

Ex. 72.Translate into English

1. Летнее время было впервые введено в Англии в 1908 году. Часы перевели на один час вперед. 2. Кенгуру ассоциируется с Австралией. 3. Кит — млекопитаю­щее, но он живет в море. 4. Слон живет в Индии и в Центральной Африке. 5. Во многих странах есть па­мятники животным: в нашей стране — это памятник собаке, в Индии — памятник слону, в Соединенных Штатах — памятник обезьяне. 6. Когда и кем был изобретен телефон? 7. Велосипед — прекрасное транс­портное средство. 8. Гитара появилась в Испании в 13 веке. 9. Никто не знает, когда человек изобрел ко­лесо. 10. Подлежащее и сказуемое — главные члены предложения. 11. Детективный роман— один из литературных жанров. 12. Детективный роман помо­гает скоротать время в путешествиях. 13. Корова — свя­щенное животное в Индии. 14. Тюльпан — один из самых первых весенних цветов. 15. Доллар — денеж­ная единица Соединенных Штатов. 16. У муравья шесть ног. 17. Волынка— музыкальный инструмент, на ко­тором играют шотландцы. 18. Компьютер был впервые создан в инженерной школе в Пенсильвании в 1946 году. 19. Апельсин — символ штата Флорида. 20. Бог создал мужчину и женщину. 21. Коротка жизнь чело­века! 22. Перо — более сильное оружие, чем меч.

Ex. 73.Insert the right article.

1. He is ... local priest in ... Anglican church. 2. ... church has a wonderful porch at the front. 3. His parents go to ... church now and then. 4. Bruce was in ... town with his wife to promote the film. 5. The market is an exciting and colourful part of ... town, full of noise and bustle. 6. This is ... small town, everybody knows everybody. 7. She went to ... town where her aunt lived. 8. ... school was a very happy time. 9.1 left ... school exactly ten years ago. 10. We met every day after ... school. 11. This is ... school with more than one thousand pupils. 12. ... school was built in 1909. 13. Criminals are kept in ... prison. 14. ... prison was surrounded by a brick wall. 15. ... prison is not the answer to many social problems. 16. Ben was taken to ... hospital with appendicitis. 17. There is a well-equipped laboratory at ... hospital. 18. Melaniewent to ... bed but couldn't fall asleep. 19. Why do you always put your shoes under ... bed? 20. Doctors advise me to sleep on ... hard bed. 21. He went to ... University to get education. 22. There is ... university in this small town. 23. There is no place like ... home.

Ex. 74.Translate into English.

1. Каждый день после школы Билли ходит в гараж помочь отцу. 2. Пружины кровати были сделаны из тяжелого металла. 3. Ребенок вырос, нужно купить ему новую кровать. 4. Она работает в английской спе­циализированной школе. 5. Не могу дождаться мо­мента, когда закончу школу. 6. Граф Монтекристо провел в тюрьме много лет. 7. Он прорыл подземный ход под тюрьмой и сбежал. 8. Все должны пойти в больницу на осмотр (a medical check-up). 9. За гос­питалем есть небольшой сад. 10. Мы случайно встре­тились в городе. 11. Мой сын хочет поступить в кол­ледж. 12. Городок становится больше, и людям нужна новая церковь. 13. Моя бабушка ходит в церковь по воскресеньям. 14. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 15. Давай встретимся после занятий возле школы. 16. Учеба начинается через неделю. Лето так быстро пролетело! 17. Они обвенчались в церкви. 18. Церковь стояла на холме.

Ex. 75.Read the following proverbs and sayings and give their Russian equivalents.

1. A foul morning may turn to a fair day. 2. A clean fast (пост) is better than a dirty breakfast. 3. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool. 4. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man wealthy, healthy and wise. 6. All are not saints that go to church. 7. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 8. A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. 9. Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. 10. After dinner comes the reckoning. 11. If you laugh before breakfast you'll cry before supper. 12. Better to go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 13. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. 14. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. 15. He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy.

Ex. 76.Insert the right article.

I.Maxim left ... Ritz Hotel after their dinner at ... Annabel's and walked home crossing ... Picadilly and heading through ... Half Moon Street into ... Mayfair. 2. ... Easter Island in ... Pacific Ocean was discovered in 1722. It is one of ... most mysterious spots on ... earth. 3.1 flew to ... UK on the Concorde. I had hardly had a chance to eat a snack, relax and read my book when we were landing at ... Heathrow. 4. ... Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current which flows from ... Gulf of Mexico, along ... south-east coast of ... United States, and north-eastwards in ... Atlantic Ocean. 5. The waters of ... Seine trembled in the hazy sunshine. 6. In the vicinity of the house were ... Rodin Museum, ... French Academy, and ... Hotel des Invalides, housing ... tomb of Napoleon I. T.George had planned to ... Greek islands as ... surprise for his family. They would be sailing around ... Aegean Sea for about a fortnight. 8. The two young women had attended ... Sorbonne at the same time. Their fathers, as it turned out, had been at ... Oxford University. 9. The highest peak in ... North America is ... Mount McKinley. 10. ... Monterey Peninsula juts out into ... Pacific Ocean halfway up ... California coast. 11. The travellers saw an oasis in ... Gobi, but it was a mirage. 12. If you want to see ... Lake Victoria and ... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to ... Kenya. 13. There is a project to turn ... Baikal area into ... Russian Alps.

Ex. 77.Which of the given below geographic names can be used with the definite article?

A. Kilimanjaro, Jenisei, Bermuda, Elbrus, Hudson Bay, Laptev Sea, Urals, Kalahari, Volga, Carpathians, Indian Ocean, Madeira, Etna, English Channel, Palm Beach, Arctic Circle, Olympus, New Forest, South Pole, Bridge of Sighs, Jutland Peninsula, Suez Canal, Swallow Falls, Sicily, Tower Bridge, Kara-Kum, Lake Chad, Bermuda Triangle, Malay Archipelago, Aleutian Islands B. United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Far East, Brussels, Netherlands, Booker Prize, Hague, Art Theatre, Riviera, Northern Europe, St. James' Park, Peacock Inn, Baker Street, Russian Museum, Salisbury Cathedral, Wailing Wall, Middle East, Southern Africa, Roman Empire, Miami Airport, Nobel Prize, Republic of Ireland, Athens, Winter Palace, Republican Party, Eiffel Tower, National Association of Teachers, Hawaii, Village of Sosnovka, Hawaiian Islands

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