Types of audit

The main necessity for conducting the audit of financial statements stems from the fact that the persons responsible ______.

Whereas in small owner managed companies, the owners have first-hand knowledge of the affairs of their business, management and ownership is normally separate in the case of large companies that often have thousands of shareholders. In large corporations, shareholders appoint directors ______. This separation of ownership and control creates the need for external audit.

Financial statements are the main source of accountability of management performance by the shareholders. However, as the management is responsible for the preparation of financial statements, shareholders have to rely on external verification by auditors in order to gain reasonable assurance that the accounts are free from material misstatements and can therefore be relied upon _______.

Thus, audit is an appraisal activity undertaken by an independent practitioner (e.g. an external auditor) to provide assurance to a principal (e.g. shareholders) over a subject matter (e.g. financial statements) which is the primary responsibility of another person (e.g. directors) against a given criteria or framework (e.g. IFRS and GAAP).

Main types of audit include internal audit, external audit, forensic audit, environmental and social audit.

External audit, also known as financial audit and statutory audit, involves the examination of the truth and fairness of the financial statements of an entity by an external auditor who is independent of the organization in accordance with a reporting framework such as the IFRS. Company law in most jurisdictions requires external audit on annual basis _______.

The need for an external audit primarily stems from the separation of ownership and control in large companies in which shareholders nominate directors to run the affairs of the company on their behalf.

External auditors are required to comply with professional auditing standards such as the International Standards on Auditing and ethical guidelines such as those issued by IFAC in order _______.

Internal audit, also referred as operational audit, is a voluntary appraisal activity undertaken by an organization to provide assurance over the effectiveness of internal controls, risk management and governance to facilitate the achievement of organizational objectives. Internal audit is performed by employees of the organization who report to the audit committee of the board of directors as opposed to external audit which is carried out by professionals independent of the organization and _______.

Tax audits are conducted to assess the accuracy of the tax returns filed by a company and are therefore used to determine the amount of any over or under assessment of tax liability towards the tax authorities.

In some jurisdictions, companies above a certain size are required to have tax audits after regular intervals while in other jurisdictions random companies are selected for tax audits through the operation of a balloting system.

Environmental & Social Audits involve the assessment of environmental and social footprints that an organization leaves as a consequence of its economic activities. The need for environmental auditing is increasing due to higher number of companies providing environment and sustainability reports in their annual report describing the impact of their business activities on the environment and society and the initiatives taken by them to reduce any adverse consequences.

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