Match the following phrases from the text (sometimes more than one combination is possible)

1) Google just keeps 2) The search 3) It valued the company 4) Technology companies make 5) it is now also a verb in 6) what consumers and businesses 7) a brand name is key 8) help protect 9) it can help to sustain companies 10) increased to just a) at $101.4 billion b) everyday use c) in tough times d) for any business to grow e) getting bigger and bigger f) under $2 trillion g) think of brands h) engine giant i) a business from risk j) up eight of the top ten

9. Write down different words you associate with the term ‘search engine’. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.

10. What do you think of these brands? Give them a score from 1 (terrible) to 10 (excellent). Complete this table. Share your answers with your groupmates.

Brand Logo Product Advertising

11. Divide into two groups and discuss the following:

Ø Group A strongly believes Google is the most useful website on the Internet;

Ø Group B strongly believes there are other, more useful websites than Google.

Be ready to give reasons to support your idea.

Which of these rivals are best. Share your ideas with your groupmates..

§ Google / Microsoft § BBC / CNN § Coca Cola / Pepsi Cola § Master Card / Visa   § Ford / Toyota § Nintendo / Sony § Gucci / Chanel § British English / American English  

13. Search the Internet and find out more about the Millward Brown report on the “Top 100 Most Powerful Brands”. Make a presentation to share your findings with your groupmates.

Prepare a presentation about your favourite brand. Include all necessary information which you only could find. Try to do it interesting for other students.

15. Write a letter to Google’s head of branding. Ask him/her three questions about the Google brand. Give him/her three ideas on what (s)he could do to add more value to the brand. Read your letter to your groupmates. Your groupmates will answer your questions.



Practice the pronunciation of the following words taken from the text which you are going to listen.

Tough, bride, ban, international, Taiwan, immigration, Chinese, South-East Asian, Taiwanese, foreign, approved, agency, a matchmaking fee, overseas, marriage, regulation, island, fraudulent, laws, insurance, dramatically, spouses, career.

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