Просмотрите текст 3 еще раз и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты русским предложениям. Выделите в них конструкцию Complex Subject

  • Предполагается, что отрасли права являются основным элементом в системе права.
  • Традиционно считается, что оно (право) занимает ведущее место среди других отраслей права.
  • Трудовой Кодекс, как известно, является источником трудового права…

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкцию Complex Subject.

  1. This classification appears to be similar to that used by foreign jurists.
  2. The “Theory of State and Law” is considered to be a difficult subject.
  3. He is said to be a good lawyer.
  4. The new laboratory is known to have modern equipment.
  5. She seems to be preparing a report about the classification of law in Russia.
  6. The new system is intended to be applied this month.
  7. He seems to have understood the principles of this classification.
  8. The phenomenon has been found to have a wide occurrence.
  9. The policeman is reported to have used very unusual methods of catching criminals.
  10. This law is unlikely to be passed.
  11. The results presented here appear to support the views described above.
  12. Death penalty is likely to be abolished in all civilized countries.

Измените предложения, используя конструкцию Complex Subject.

  1. It's expected that the company will employ 100 people next year.
  2. It is proven that the crash was the result of a pilot error.
  3. It’s reported that the damage was extensive.
  4. It’s said that the president broke the law.
  5. It’s presumed that this law will be amended.
  6. It’s believed that the terrorists are operating on the outskirts.
  7. It’s unlikely that he is a spy.
  8. It’s claimed that the crime rate will decline.
  9. It seems that Labour party is losing its popularity.
  10. It appeared that this case had already been closed.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию Complex Subject.

  1. Считается, что существующие классификации отраслей права отражают особенности правовой системы страны.
  2. Как оказалось, это классификация была разработана современными юристами.
  3. Традиционно считается, что уголовное право принадлежит к категории публичного права, хотя потерпевшими зачастую являются обычные граждане.
  4. Гражданское право оказалось одним из самых сложных предметов.
  5. Вероятно, этот законопроект очень долго обсуждался в Парламенте.
  6. Маловероятно, что стороны будут подавать апелляцию.
  7. Говорят, у них есть право добиваться возмещения ущерба.
  8. Обнаружили, что сам владелец магазина украл эти деньги.
  9. Оказывается, он известный ученый. Он написал множество статей по системе российского права.
  10. Как известно, подобные судебные процессы проводятся с участием присяжных.



Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем. Определите, каким отраслям права соответствуют приведенные ниже описания.

Active Vocabulary

Possession and disposal of property –владение и распоряжение собственностью

Legal entity –юридическое лицо

Shipment of goods –перевозка, поставка товара

Insurance of goods –страхование товара

Succession law-наследственное право

Natural person –физическое лицо

Elements of corpus delicti –элементы состава преступления

Exemption from criminal responsibility –освобождение от уголовной ответственности

Informal inquest –дознание

Adjudicate lawsuits –вынести судебное решение по делу

Motion –ходатайство

Available remedies –доступные средства правовой защиты

There are different branches in the system of Russian law.

1. _______________________________

This is the major branch in the system of Russian law which deals with property and non-property relations. Property relations include possession and disposal of property, purchase and sale of property, its leasing and succession. Non-property relations include name, honour, dignity, authorship, etc. The norms of this branch of law also regulate relations between legal entities, arising from sales of goods, their shipment and insurance. Equality of the parties is the basic principle of this law. The relations built on the principle of subordination are usually regulated by different branches of law, for example administrative or financial law. Being very large and complex, this branch of law has numerous subdivisions such as succession law, copyright law, patent law, housing law, invention law, etc.

2. _________________________________

This law governs the activity of different administrative agencies, such as state executive bodies or public organisations and the work of public officers including members of government, departments and local councils. This law is applied in the sphere of economics, science, culture, education, health care, defense, law and order, etc. The basic principles of this law are subordination, authority and hierarchy.

3. __________________________________

The subject of this branch of law is financial relations such as forming of the state budget, money circulation, different banking activities, loans and taxes. This law concerns both legal entities and natural persons. The norms of this law are closely connected with the norms of constitutional and administrative law.

4. __________________________________

This branch of law deals with crime commission and imposition of punishment. It defines the elements of corpus delicti, the form and degree of guilt, the grounds for criminal responsibility and exemption from it, types of punishment, etc.

5. ___________________________________

This branch of law regulates the work of courts, prosecutor’s office, organs of preliminary investigation and informal inquest. It also defines rights and duties of participants of the trial including defendants, victims, witnesses, experts, prosecutors and defence counsels.

6. ___________________________________

This branch of law involves a set of procedural norms which regulate public relations arising between court and participants of civil litigation. The rules of procedure in all courts of general jurisdiction are determined by a special code. This code sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when they adjudicate lawsuits. These rules govern how a lawsuit must be started, the types of motions and applications, the conduct of trials, the process for judgment, various available remedies, etc.

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