Study the word combinations and write about each person using the words in brackets.

a full-time job

a part-time job

a permanent job

a temporary job

temporary work

permanent work

1) I’m Alicia. I work in a public library in the afternoons from two until six. (I/job) I have a part-time-job, job.

2) My husband works in an office from 9 am to 5.30 pm. (he/job)

3) Our daughter works in a bank from eight till five every day. (she/work)

4) I’m David and I work in a cafe from 8 pm until midnight. (I/work)

5) My wife works in local government and she can have this job for as long as she wants it. (she/job)

6) Our son is working on a farm for four weeks, (he/job)

7) Our daughter is working in an office for three weeks, (she/work)


1. Read the text about Paul’s work and guess the meaning of the words in italic:

‘I work for a large European car maker. I work on car design. In fact, I run the design department and I manage a team of designers: 20 people work under me. It’s very interesting. One of my main responsibilities is to make sure that new model designs are finished on time. I’m also in charge of design budgets.

I deal with a lot of different people in the company. I’m responsible for co-ordination between design and production: I work with managers at our manufacturing plants.’

2. Answer the questions using information from the text:

1) What company does Paul work for?

2) What does he work on?

3) What department does he run?

4) How many people work under him?

5) What are Paul’s responsibilities?

6) What is Paul in charge of?

7) Who does he work with?

3. Pierre is talking about his work. Correct what he says:

I work for a French supermarket company. (1)1 work about the development of new supermarkets. (2) In fact, I running the development department and (3) I am manage for a team looking at the possibilities in different countries. It’s very interesting. (4) One of my main is to make sure that new supermarkets open on time. (5) I’m also charged with financial reporting. (6)1 deal at a lot of different organizations in my work. (7) I’m responsible of planning projects from start to finish. (8)I work closely near our foreign partners, and so I travel a lot.


a full-time job работа с полной занятостью

to be off work быть нетрудоспособным (на больничном)

a part-time job работа с частичной занятостью

to be out / in work быть без работы/иметь работу

a permanent job постоянная работа

to work for работать на (компанию)

a temporary job временная работа

to work on работать над чем-либо

leave for work уходить на работу

to work under работать в подчинении

get to / arrive at work приходить на работу

to manage a team руководить командой

to run a department возглавлять отдел

to deal with иметь дело с чем-либо, заниматься чем-либо

to be in charge of отвечать за что-либо

to be responsible for нести ответственность за что-либо



1. Read what people tell about their work and say what ways of working there are and why people choose these ways. Mind the words in italic:

“I’m an office worker in an insurance company. It’s a nine-to-five job with regular working hours. The work isn’t very interesting, but I like to be able to go home at a reasonable time. We all have to clock in and clock out every day. In this company, even the managers have to, which is unusual!”

Note: You also say clock on and clock off.

“I’m in computer programming. There’s a system of flexitime in my company, which means we can work when we want, within certain limits. We can start at any time before eleven, and finish as early as three, as long as we do enough hours each month. It’s ideal for me as I have two young children.”

“I work in a car plant. I work in shifts. I may be on the day shift one week and the night shift the next week. It’s difficult changing from one shift to another. When I change shifts, I have problems changing to a new routine for sleeping and eating.”

“I’m a commercial artist in an advertising agency. I work in a big city, but I prefer living in the country, so I commute to work every day, like thousands of other commuters. Working from home using a computer and the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and the agency is introducing this: it’s called teleworking or telecommuting. But I like going into the office and working with other people around me.”

2. Which person (1-5) is most likely to do each of the five things (a-e)?

1) A software designer in an Internet company. Has to be in the office.

2) An office worker in a large, traditional manufacturing company.

3) A manager in a department store in a large city. Lives in the country.

4) A construction worker on a building site where work goes on 24 hours a day.

5) A technical writer for a city computer company. Lives in the country.

a) work in shifts

b) work under a flexitime system

c) telecommute

d) commute to work

e) clock on and off at the same time every day


1. How do you find your job or work? Study the words and guess their meaning:

■ the work is interesting and gives you positive feelings: satisfying, stimulating, fascinating, exciting

■ the work is not interesting: dull, boring, uninteresting, unstimulating

■ the work involves doing the same things again and again: repetitive, routine

■ the work is difficult and makes you tired: tiring, tough, hard, demanding

2. Use the constructions below and vocabulary from ex.1 and translate the sentences:

+ noun

Study the word combinations and write about each person using the words in brackets. - -human contact

-long hours team work

+ -ing

-solving problems

-travelling a lot

-dealing with customers

to be in charge of + noun, verb, -ing

responsible for +noun, -ing

responsibility is to…., -ing

1. Моя работа такая однообразная: она связана с проверкой многочисленных документов.

2. В нашем подразделении я отвечаю за разработку дизайна. Такая работа требует большой ответственности.

3. Мои обязанности заключаются в организации курсов по обучению нового персонала. Это очень захватывающая работа.

4. Поиск новых клиентов – очень стимулирующая работа, так как она связана с решением проблем и общением с новыми людьми.

5. Если приходится работать долгое время в команде, это может быть иногда утомительно, так как ты отвечаешь не только за свои действия.

3. Match the words from the box to the definitions:

fun varied challenging routine depressing stressful glamorous worthwhile rewarding dull demanding

1) A good thing to do: ………………………………………..……

2) Boring: …………………………………………………………..

3) Needing all our effort and attention: ……………………...........

4) Difficult in a satisfying way: …………………………….....…..

5) Lively and enjoyable: ……………………………………......…

6) Looks attractive from the outside: ………………………..........

7) Predictable, the same every day: ……………………….......….

8) Makes us feel unhappy: …………………………………....…..

9) Different, not always the same: …………………………......…

10) Makes us feel worried or anxious: …………………….......…

11) Makes us feel good: ……………………………………..……

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