Ex. 2.1. Imagine that you are in London and want to stay at a hotel. Offer your answers to the replies of the receptionist

Receptionist Good morning, sir! Can I help you?
You …..
Receptionist I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid we have no rooms with a shower available at the moment.
You …..
Receptionist Let me see… Yes, there are some rooms.
You …..
Receptionist 20 pounds a night.
You …..
Receptionist I’m afraid not. It’s the cheapest.
You …..
Receptionist You may try to stay at the Northern Star Hotel. It’s near the station in Davis street.
You …..

Ex. 2.2. Imagine that you work at a Car Rental Agency. Offer your answers to the replies of the client.

You …..
Client Good evening! I’d like to hire a car.
You …..
Client A hatchback for a week.
You …..
Client Yes, here you are.
You …..
Client How much is it?
You …..
Client Here is my credit card.
You …..

Ex. 2.3. Translate the dialogue into English.

В агентстве по прокату машин

– Одну минуту, пожалуйста … Да, сэр. Чем я могу быть полезен?

– Я хочу взять машину напрокат.

– Какая машина Вам нужна, сэр?

– Мне нужна небольшая машина или хэчбэк.

– Сколько времени Вы собираетесь пользоваться ею?

– До пятницы.

– Одну минуту. Я проверю. Да. Могу дать Вам напрокат Шевроле.

– Сколько ей лет?

– Простите? Ей 14 лет, сэр. Она не очень новая, но в хорошем состоянии.

– Пожалуй, нет.

– В данный момент у меня нет больше небольших машин, сэр. Что Вы скажете насчет Форда Эскорта? Он почти новый, ему только 2 года.

– Хорошо.

– Можно посмотреть Ваши водительские права, сэр?

– Да, вот они.

– Подпишите соглашение, пожалуйста.

– Можно мне вначале его прочитать?

– Конечно, сэр.

– Что я должен буду делать, если машина выйдет из строя (to break down)?

– Я думаю, что с ней ничего не случится, но если что-нибудь будет не так, позвоните по этому номеру. Мы оказываем помощь круглые сутки (24-hour break down service).

– Мне заплатить сейчас?

– Если Вы не возражаете, сэр.

– Где находится площадка с автомобилями?

– Спускайтесь по лестнице на первый этаж. Идите вдоль по коридору, поверните направо, пройдите через дверь в конце коридора и поверните налево. Площадка с автомобилями будет за углом. Вы ее сразу увидите.

– Большое спасибо.

– Одну минуту, сэр. Вы должны поставить машину на то же самое место в пятницу.

– Хорошо.

– Желаю приятного пути.

3.1. Read and translate the following text on the topic “The Hospitality Industry”. Be ready to work with it.


The hotels and catering industry is often treated separately, from the tourist industry, and certainly the training for both is very distinct. Its primary function is to provide tourists with accommodation and, to а lesser degree, food. So it is often referred to as the hospitality industry.

The hospitality, tourism and leisure industries have become increasingly important in terms of economies and employment throughout the world.

Travel and hotels have always been closely related. In Europe and America, inns and taverns were spaced along the roads at the distance а horse соuld travel in а dау. The traveller usually had to share his bed with another person, and as many as four other persons in some remote areas. The old-fashioned inns, however, did provide food and shelter for both men and horses and therefore became а symbol for hospitality. Indeed, the word inn has been used recently by many modern hotels and motels.

А hotel is а temporary home for people who are travelling. In а hotel the traveller can rest and have meals, either on the premises or nearby. The hotel may also offer facilities for recreation, such as a swimming poo1, а golf course, or a beach. Very often the hotel also provides free space for the traveller's means of transportation.

All of these services are designed to accommodate the traveller, so the hotel business is often referred to as the accommodations industry.

The word motel was created by combining "motor" and "hotel". When automobiles were first used for travelling; flimsy and inexpensive tourist cabins were built along the roads. Then, as реорlе demanded greater comfort, the cabins were replaced by tourist courts and then by the modern motel, offering services comparable to the traditional hotels.

All hotels do not serve the same clientele that is the same kind of guests. It is possible to рlасe hotels in four broad categories.

The first is the commercial hotel, which provides services essentially for transients, many of them travelling on business. Маnу city hotels and motels fall into this group.

The second category is resort hotels. They are located in vacation areas and often provide recreational facilities of their own as well.

А third type of hotel aims its services largely at the convention trade. Conventions are meetings of various business or professional groups held on а regular basis.

The fourth category is resident hotels. Реорlе who do not wish to keep house themselves can rent accommodations on а seasonal basis or even permanently in many hotels.

No firm distinction exists between the different kinds of hotels. In large cities one hotel may offer all types of service.

Even а small motel may have banquet rooms and meeting rooms in addition to its accommodation for transients. Many resort hotels are also designed with complete convention facilities.

Another way of categorizing hotels is by the quality of service they offer. At the top are the luxury hotels, which generally offer their guests the greatest comfort and convenience possible. At the bottom are those that provide merely a рlасe to sleep. In between these two extremes are establishments offering а wide range of service and comfort.

А system for rating hotels according to quality is widely used in France and other countries. This system puts the top hotels in а special "deluxe" category; with others receiving from five stars to one star.

The standard features include private bathrooms, room telephones, recreational facilities and so on.

The difference in quality between hotels is not entirely a matter of equipment or furnishings. The proportion of employees to guests and/or guest rooms is also а matter of prime importance. In general, the accommodations industry is labour-intensive, that is, it employs а large number of реорlе to perform its services. In а luxury hotel, there may be three employees for every guest room. In а large commercial hotel in а big city, the ratio is usually closer to one employee per guestroom. А small motel, family-owned and operated, may have only three employees per ten rooms and hire a maid to do the housekeeping chores. Obviously, the services offered by а small hotel will be far more restricted than those provided by a luxury hotel. A hotel that prides itself on its quality of service also maintains high standards of performance.

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