Exercise 5. Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using

The pattern on top of the cartoon.


Exercise 5. Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using - student2.ru

puzzle, interest, bore, disgust, shock, annoy, irritate, disappoint, embarrass, excite, thrill, amuse, frustrate, depress, frighten, terrify, please, upset, overwhelm, tire, exhaust, worry, alarm, satisfy, reassure, surprise, astonish, amaze, charm, fascinate, tempt.



Exercise 6. a) Take turns to find out what your partner thinks about the following things:

snakes ballet opera glossy mag(azine)s English humour

thunderstorms classical art postmodern art junk food

politics astrology war modern fashion ladybirds crowds

long walks football fans reality shows TV commercials

Moscow traffic pollution feng shui sci fi museums

Use the words from Exercise 5 for ideas. You can add a bit or rather before

negative words and quite before positive participles.

Ex.: – How do you feel about snakes? – Actually, I find them a bit disgusting.

– How do you feel about sci fi? – Personally, I find it quite interesting.

B) Report the most interesting results to the rest of the group.

Exercise 7. a) Individually complete the sentence starters in ways that are true for you.

  1. Actually, I find … really confusing sometimes.
  2. It’s really surprising how many people …
  3. To be honest, I found … a bit disappointing.
  4. I get really annoyed when …
  5. I’m very excited about …
  6. I was pleasantly surprised when I …
  7. When I feel a bit depressed, I often …
  8. I find it quite amusing when …

B) In pairs explain your answers. Keep the conversation going by asking questions

How come? Why’s that?

Exercise 8. Transform the sentences using Participles.

1. The man who was operating the camera looked tired.

2. A person that brings good news is always welcome.

3. I’ll show you the script which my sister has written recently.

4. All the actors who take part in the shooting must be here by 11 o’clock.

5. The door that is marked “Do not enter” is always the most exciting.

6. The quality of the goods is in accordance with the specification that is enclosed.

7. Films, which we saw in childhood, seem like old friends.

8. Practical skills that you gain in VGIK will help you in your career.


Глагол + -ing (Ving)

Кроме признака предмета (см. выше), Ving может обозначать:

1. действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого. Что делая?

Supporting his point of view, he referred to the latest statistic reports. – Обосновываясвою

точку зрения, он сослался на самые последние статистические отчёты.

I knitted a new sweater while watching TV. – Я связала новый свитер, пока смотрела


She always knits while watchingTV. – Она всегда вяжет, пока смотрит телевизор.

When filling in a form, write your name in block capitals. – Заполняя анкету, пишите имя

заглавными печатными буквами.

2. действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого. Что сделав?

1) On coming into the room, he turned on the light. – Как только он вошёл в комнату, он

сразу же включил свет.

2) Coming into the room, he turned on the light. – Войдя в комнату, он включил свет.

3) After coming into the room, he turned on the light. – После того, как он вошёл в

комнату, он включил свет.

3. причину. Почему?

Not knowing her phone number, we can’t call her. – Не зная её телефона, мы не можем

ей позвонить.

Not knowing her phone number, we couldn’t call her. – Не зная её телефона, мы не могли

ей позвонить.

Having a lot of friends in London, he didn’t have to book a room in a hotel. – Имея много

друзей в Лондоне, ему не пришлось бронировать номер в гостинице.

Beingvery tired, we refused to make another tour around the city. – Так как мы очень устали,

мы отказались от ещё одной экскурсии по городу.

Обратите внимание!

Причастие “being”может использоваться только для выражения причины.

Когда речь идёт о времени, оно не употребляется. Поэтому:

Exercise 5. Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using - student2.ru Exercise 5. Make Participles from the given Verbs and speak about your emotions using - student2.ru “будучи”

1) когда? (время) 2) почему? (причина)

when / while being

When in London, we visited the Tower. Beingin London, he couldn’t sign the contract.

Будучи / Когда мы были в Лондоне, Будучи / Так как он был в Лондоне, он

мы посетили Тауэр. несмог подписать контракт.

Whena child, she liked bananas. Beinga child, she couldn’t understand it.

Будучи / Когда она была ребёнком, Будучи / Так как она была ребёнком,

она любила бананы. она не могла этого понять.

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