Answer the following questions. 1. What are the facilities in the back of the house?

1. What are the facilities in the back of the house?

2. Why is hotel compared with the industrial-like operation?

3. What is the product that the hotel offers?

4. What is the typical organizational structure of the housekeeping unit?

5. What are the duties of the chambermaids?

6. Who performs heavier chores? Why? What do these chores include?

7. What services do laundry and valet service / repair and maintenance service / engineering department provide?

8. How are exterior grounds kept?

9. How important is good coordination for efficient functioning of a hotel?

Summarize all the information about the back-of-the house jobs (given in the text) in a form of a table.

Section / Employee Responsibilities / Duties

5.7. Using the additional information about the accommodations industry from the texts “The Front Desk” and “the Back-of-the-House” make up Dialogue 8 “An Interview with a well-known hotelier”.

6.1. Write an “Inquiry (Enquiry) Letter”. Use the information given about the topic of the letter and useful expressions.

Письмо-запрос компания посылает, когда хочет:

– получить подробную информацию о товарах;

– узнать, имеются ли они в наличии;

– уточнить время и сроки поставки;

– получить информацию об условиях поставки и скидках, способе транспортировки и страховании;

– получить информацию о ценах на товары;

– получить каталоги и образцы товара и п.п.

В случае если вы обращаетесь с запросом впервые в данную компанию, в письмо желательно включить следующие пункты:

– указание на источник информации о данной компании;

– краткие сведения о вашей компании;

– суть вопроса (запрос);

– выражение надежды на сотрудничество.

Useful expressions for writing an Inquiry Letter

1. We read your advertisement in …

2. With regard to your advertisement in … of …, we would ask you …

3. We have heard of your products from …

4. We have seen your current catalogue showing …

5. Please, inform us …

6. Would you please inform us if it is possible to deliver …

7. Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver till…

8. Could you let us have a quotation for …

9. Would you kindly quote your prices and terms of delivery for …

10. Would you like to have further details about …

11. Would you like to present your products in the Russian market …

12. Please, send us samples of …

13. In connection with this …

14. We would like to get in touch with manufactures of …

15. There is a large market here for your products…

16. For over … years our company has imported from western countries …

17. Our company was founded in …

18. We usually effect payment by letter of credit (cheque, bank transfer) …

19. If your prices are competitive (the samples meet the standards, your equipment complies with our requirements…) we may be able to let you have regular orders.

20. We look forward to your early reply.

21. Your prompt answer would be appreciated.

Unit VI

At a Company

1.1. Read and translate the dialogue “At a Company Office”. Be ready to speak about the structure of presented company.

At a Company Office

Mr. Klimenko is at the office of Continental Equipment. He is having an appointment with the managers of this company.

– Good morning, gentlemen! How are you?

– Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on?

– Very well, thank you.

– Let me tell you about our company. As you know, Mr. Klimenko, we produce processing equipment. Our firm consists of six departments: Production, Sales, Export, Financial, Personnel and Research & Development. The last one is the newest in the company. It was created five years ago. We are managed by the Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors. Earlier the Chairman of the company was one of the senior partners, but now it is Mr. Rogers. Currently we employ about 1,600 people. Our turnover is more than £300 million. You will work with our Export Department. We export our equipment to five countries. We also have two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries.

– Are they your subsidiaries or branches?

– They are our subsidiaries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking for new partners in Eastern Europe as well, as we would like to expand our activities. That’s why Mr. Cartwright went to Kiev to establish personal contacts with your company. Have you read all our correspondence with your Director?

– Yes, I think so. We investigated your business proposal thoroughly.

– Have you got our price-lists and catalogues with you now or shall I ask Miss Eliot to bring a copy?

– Thank you, but I have them with me as well as copies of your letters. I expect to make the Draft Contract here, maybe by the end of this week, and to conclude the Contract with you after discussing it with my Director by phone.

– All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we are going to talk about terms of payment and delivery.

– Right. And the day after tomorrow we’ll be talking about packing and transportation.

– Then I plan to go to London for three days. As you know, there will be an exhibition. Will you join me?

– Yes, with pleasure. It would be very helpful for the purpose of my visit.

– I hope so. And after that you’ll have enough time for a visit to our factory and to go sight-seeing.

– That suits me fine. I expect to submit the Draft Contract to my Director by fax not later than next Wednesday.

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