Exercise 9 Form nouns denoting jobs and types of people. Use the following suffixes

Unit 1 Careers

Exercise 1 Discuss these questions.

1. What are the most popular careers in your country? 2. Which careers have the longest training? 3. Are there too many graduates in any one career area? 4. ‘A change is as good as a rest’. Do you agree with this idea? 5. Do you have a career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time?

Exercise 2 The phrases below all include the word career. Match them to their correct meanings.

1. career move a. chances to start/improve your career

2. career break b. ideas you have for your future career

3. career plan c. something you do in order to progress in your job

4. career opportunities d. period of time away from job (for example, to look after a child)

Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with one of the phrases from Exercise 2.

1. Some people take a …. to work in a foreign country or volunteer for some favorite organization or charity. 2. One way to make a … is to join a small but rapidly growing company. 3. Certain companies offer … to the long-term unemployed. 4. Ambitious people often decide on a … while they are still at school or university.

Exercise 4 Look at the groups of words below. Cross out the noun or noun phrase which doesn’t go with the verb in each group.

make a fortune do research
    progress     a mistake
    a living     a job
    a training course   your best
get progress take a pension
    a promotion     time off
    the sack     early retirement
    a nine-to-five job     a break
earn a bonus work flexitime
    a part-time job     anti-social hours
    money     overtime
    30 thousand     an office job

Exercise 5 Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of a word from exercise 4.

1. Michael is 59, but he doesn’t want to …. In fact, he is taking on more work! 2. When you …, you can arrange your schedule, so this is very convenient when you have children. 3. Jim is quite ambitious and doesn’t want to be a sales assistant all his life. In fact, he hopes … very soon. 4. Most university lecturers have to … in their specialist area. 5. In addition to your salary, you will … for achieving monthly targets.

Exercise 6 Complete the text with the best word for each gap: a), b) or c).

Laura has always been ambitious. She is still at secondary school, but she has already …(1) on a career plan. She knows exactly what she wants. She does not dream of … (2) a fortune, she just wants to work for one of the big IT companies and … (3) research in informatics.

‘Some people just want to … (4) a lot of money,’ she says, ‘For me, that’s not a top priority. Of course I’d like to make a good … (5), but what's really important is to … (6) a job that I love. What I want more than anything else is to work for a dynamic company that's strong on R&D and that can … (7) attractive career opportunities.'

1. a) thought b) decided c) followed

2. a) making b) moving c) taking

3. a) work b) make c) do

4. a) win b) do c) earn

5. a) life b) live c) living

6. a) have b) make c) work

7. a) take b) offer c) improve

Exercise 7 Match the words to their definitions.

A qualification is a shorter and more practical course, often at a college.
A degree is strong desire for success or achievement.
Diploma is an exam you have passed or a course you have completed.
Job is what you do to earn money.
Work is the qualification you receive when you have successfully completed a course at university.
Ambition is particular type of work.

Exercise 8 Complete the sentences with one of the words from Exercise 7.

1. Jack left school with no formal …. 2. I’ve finished my degree, so I’m looking for a …. 3. Ann’s studying for a … in hotel management. 4. My brother is doing a chemistry …. 5. What kind of … does she do? 6. My …. is to go to university and study maths.

Exercise 9 Form nouns denoting jobs and types of people. Use the following suffixes.

Example: –er publishes – publisher

-er/-or employs – interviews - operates the computer.

-ant assists – applies – accounts – consults.

-ee is employed – is being trained – is being interviewed – gives a reference.

-man is in business – sells – is in congress – is in the police force.

-ist is involved in science / psychology / economics / physics / chemistry.

-ian is involved in politics / mathematics / music / electricity.

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