Г.а. дубинина и.ф. драчинская

Кафедра «Английский язык»

Г.А. Дубинина И.Ф. Драчинская


Учебные задания по английскому языку


Лингафонному курсу «Язык бизнеса»

Для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям:

080105.65 - «Финансы и кредит»,

080109.65 - «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»,

080503.65 - «Антикризисное управление»,

080107.65 - «Налоги и налогообложение»,

080116.65 - «Математические методы в экономике»,

080504.65 - «Государственное и муниципальное управление»


Федеральное государственное образовательное

учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Финансовая академия при Правительстве РФ»

Кафедра «Английский язык»

___________ М.А. Эскиндаров
____ _________2008г.

Г.А. Дубинина И.Ф. Драчинская


Учебные задания по английскому языку


Лингафонному курсу «Язык бизнеса»

Для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям:

080105.65 - «Финансы и кредит»,

080109.65 - «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»,

080503.65 - «Антикризисное управление»,

080107.65 - «Налоги и налогообложение»,

080116.65 - «Математические методы в экономике»,

080504.65 - «Государственное и муниципальное управление»

Рекомендовано Советом по гуманитаризации образования

(протокол № __ от __________2008г.)

Одобрено кафедрой «Английский язык»

(протокол № __ от ______ 2008г.)


УДК 81(075.8)=111

ББК 81.2 Англ

Д 79

Дубинина Г.А., Драчинская И.Ф. Английский язык: Учебные задания по английскому языку к лингафонному курсу «Язык бизнеса». – Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 060400 “Финансы и кредит” и 060500 “Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит. М.: Финансовая академия при Правительстве РФ, кафедра «Английский язык», 2008. – 121с.

Рецензенты: И.И. Воронцова, к.ф.н., доцент кафедры английского языка факультета экономики РГГУ.

М.Ф. Матявина, доцент кафедры иностранных языков, Финансовая академия при Правительстве РФ.

Методические указания к использованию лингафонного курса «Язык бизнеса» предназначены для студентов факультетов и институтов, готовящих специалистов в области экономики и финансов и призваны совершенствовать навыки аудирования и говорения. Разделы аудиокурса «Язык бизнеса», предложенные к изучению, являются логически завершенными примерами деловых ситуаций, соответствующих тематике данного этапа обучения. В упражнениях, организованных по различным коммуникативным намерениям, широко представлена работа над терминологической лексикой, составляющей основу подъязыка экономических специальностей.

Дубинина Галина Алексеевна

Драчинская Ирина Федоровна

Компьютерный набор Г.А. Дубинина, И.Ф. Драчинская

Компьютерная верстка Г.А. Дубинина, И.Ф. Драчинская

Формат 60х90/16. Гарнитура Times New Roman.

Усл. 8,0 п.л. Изд. № _______. Электронное издание

Тираж _______

Отпечатано в Финансовой академии при Правительстве РФ

Полное и частичное воспроизведение или размножение каким-либо способом допускается только с письменного разрешения Финансовой академии при Правительстве РФ

© Финансовая академия при Правительстве РФ, 2008


  The History of the Company p.5
Unit 1. New Markets Are Vital p.11
Unit 2. A Visit to the Factory p.18
Unit 3. An Emergency in the Sales Office p.25
Unit 4. Trouble with a Special Order p.33
Unit 6. Appointing the New Advertising Manager p.41
Unit 9. Productivity – A Work Study Survey p.49
Unit 10. The Pension Fund Meeting p.57
Unit 12. A Labour Dispute p.65
Unit 13. Risk of a Takeover p.75
Unit 15. Dealing with an Important New Market p.83
Unit 17. The New Board of Directors p.90
Unit 19. Auditing the Accounts p.99
Unit 21. Debtors p.107
Unit 23. Insurance p.114

Who’s Who in the Company

Harper, Ambrose - Board of Directors’ Chairman

Grant, Wingate - late Managing Director, Hector Grant’s father

Grant, Hector - present Managing Director – the executive director in charge of the day-to-day running of the company

Wiles, Pete - Production Manager – executive in charge of production of goods in the factory; son of Mr. Grant’s sister - Hector Grant’s nephew, later Director

Martin, John - Sales Manager – executive in charge of promoting sales of the firm’s goods

Corby, Elizabeth - Hector Grant’s efficient secretary

Fielding, Ted - Works Manager

Buckhurst, William - Company Secretary, F.C.A. (a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants)

Thorn, Christopher - Management Trainee.

Mr. Roberts - Representative of Brown & Johnson, Insurance Adjusters

Mr. Baker - Chief Clerk in the General Office

Fenella - inexperienced shorthand typist

Jane - secretary of Peter Wiles

Mr. Windsmore - applicant for a job of an advertising manager

Harvey, Joanna - Advertising Manager

Mr. Scott - representative of Smith-Weston Consultants Ltd.

Ian Hampden, Ian - Personnel Manager

Green, Jack - Shop steward

Smith - an operative

Mr. Brewer - Bank Manager

Mr. Wentworth - the owner of the rival company (mattress-makers)

Mr. Brent - Chief Auditor

Donald Kennet - a clerk

M.Shuttleworth - Sales Representative

The History of the Company

Phrase list

Task 1

Exercise 1

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

· Утроить бизнес · Быть предприимчивым
· Корпоративное планирование · Войти в компанию
· Управленческая команда · Управляющий директор
· Иметь экспертов в своем штате · Соперники (конкуренты)
· Посещать заседания Совета Директоров · Расширять бизнес
· Увеличить прибыльность и конкурентоспособность · Быть в курсе более сложных методов и приемов
· Нанимать экспертов из внешних организаций · Наблюдать за чем-либо
· Директор производства · Быть превзойденным кем-либо
· Модернизировать бизнес · Становиться современным

Exercise 2

Task 2

Exercise 1

You are going to listen to the introduction to the course. Before you listen to the abstract look at these statements. After you have listened to the abstract determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. The company of Harper & Grant Ltd. was started forty-two years ago by Ambrose Harper and Hector Grant.
2. Ambrose Harper’s son Hector is the present Managing Director. He is in his fifties (aged between forty and fifty).
3. Though the Chairman of the company, Ambrose Harper, is old and semi-retired, he still attends the board meetings and keeps an eye on the business.
4. At the beginning of its activity Harper & Grant Ltd. produced wastepaper baskets made of cane or straw.
5. Wingate Grant managed to put the business on its feet when he captured a big contract to supply government offices with steel wastepaper bins.
6. Mr. Grant Senior used to tell the story that once a cane wastepaper basket had caught fire in his office and a number of irreplaceable documents were destroyed by the fire. After that he decided to make steel wastepaper bins for offices.
7. Nowadays Harper & Grant Ltd. manufacture different items of office equipment: not only desks, chairs, cupboards, filing cabinets but also smaller objects, such as filing trays, stapling machines and so on. All in all there are fifty-six various items listed in their catalogue.

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Listen to the introduction once again. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

income per capita

to keep up with something

to convince somebody to do something / in something

to back somebody up

to be a waste of time and money for very little profit

the scheme to do something

the expense is worth something

an attempt to break into the market (to open up a new market)

the Board of Trade

to be liable for duty

shipping facilities

to be trans-shipped via Rotterdam

red tape

to be involved in getting an import licence

to sort out an import licence

to have (to make) a field survey

preliminary desk research

to work up a demand for goods

on balance

to want the expense of doing something

to do somethingin the home (foreign) market

to live on old markets

to have a different way of looking at things

to feel strongly about something

to be forward-looking / to have an old-fashioned outlook

to cool somebody’s temper

to be bound to do something

to get fed up with something

to accept the resignation

a reservation for a first-class flight


Task 1

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

§ стоить того, чтобы сделать что-либо (о расходах) § быть связанным с получением лицензии на импорт
§ попытка пробиться на рынок § транспортные средства
§ быть перегруженным в Ротердаме § разобраться с получением лицензии
§ идти в ногу с чем-либо (поспевать за чем-либо) § изучение спроса путем сбора информации на месте
§ убедить кого-либо сделать что-либо § подлежать обложению пошлиной
§ Министерство торговли § доход на душу населения
§ обзор, подготовленный в офисе фирмы с привлечением всех статистических данных § быть напрасной тратой времени и денег при очень малой прибыли
§ добиться спроса на товары § иметь передовые взгляды
§ бюрократическая волокита § поддержать кого-либо
§ принять отставку § охладить чей-либо пыл


Exercise 1

You are going to hear John Martin, the Sales Manager, talking to Peter Wiles, the Production Manager, about opening up a new market in Abraca. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. John Martin is impressed by the information from the article in The Times which says that income per capita is rising fast in Abraca.
2. Peter Wiles always follows the events in all newly independent countries.
3. John thinks that due to the recent discovery of oil in Abraca a lot of new offices in its capital, Djemsa, will apparently be built.
4. The Sales Manager is sure that Harper & Grant Ltd. must export more. He considers Abraca, in particular its capital, to be a good market for their furniture and office equipment.
5. The Production Manager is positive about breaking into the new export markets because he believes that they are crazy not to look for more foreign business.
6. The Managing Director is against a new export market as he supposes it’s all a big waste of time and money for very little profit.

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Act as an interpreter.

Peter: Good morning John. Where were you yesterday afternoon? I tried to contact you all over the place.
Джон: Я долго катался на машине, чтобы слегка охладить свой пыл.
Peter: Oh? What happened?
Джон: Знаешь ли, Эйч Джи решил не пускать меня в Абраку.
Peter: Oh, no! I thought he’d be bound to agree. I’d have said that particular market was wide open.
Джон: Я так и думаю. Как бы то ни было, я вдруг стал сыт по горло старомодным подходом Эйч Джи и подал в отставку.
Peter: Did he accept your resignation?
Джон: Я оставил ему мало шансов. Я был так зол, что просто вышел из его офиса.

Exercise 4

Listen to the following conversation between Hector Grant and John Martin. All the remarks are mixed up. Put them in the order they appear in the unit. Supply the remarks with the names of their authors. Use the grid below.

A … Let’s say we have a different way of looking at things.
B … Perhaps I am. But as our opinions differ so much about the future of the firm, perhaps I’d better go somewhere a little more forward-looking. I’m sorry, H.G.
C … I’m sorry Mr. Grant, but I do feel strongly about this. If this is really your policy, then I must think about leaving the firm.
D … I’m sorry, John. On balance, I don’t think it’s quite the right time for this probe. I don’t want the expense of sending you out there. You’ve got plenty to do in the home market.
E … You are being very foolish, John.
F … But surely we ought to go ahead now. Why wait and let somebody else get there first? We can’t live on our old markets for ever!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Exercise 5



Say how John Martin answered the major questions put by H.G. Make use of the word combinations in brackets.

What about tariffs?

(tariffs on products; the Board of Trade; to be liable for duty)

Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

to have somebody on the phone

to make somebody’s fortune

to take somebody / to see round the factory

to get (to fix) an appointment

an office block

the administrative department

the Sales department

the Accounts department

the Personnel department

the Market Research department

the warehouse

to store (the items of) equipment

to keep a stock of the faster-moving items

to meet (urgent orders) from the stock

Works Manager

to come in different sizes (about steel sheets and bars)

to be unloaded on to the delivery bank

a spot welder

to install a conveyor belt

to double (treble) output

assembly shop

to compare favourably with something (about prices)

to furnish the office

to depend on the line

to supply from the stock


artificial fertilisers

to give a quotation

delivery charges

to be somebody’s deadline

to honour a date


Task I

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

1. What is the purpose of Mr. Duncan’s telephone call to Harper & Grant?

(to get a telephone call from somebody; to have an introduction from a mutual acquaintance; to stay in London for a few days; to telephone to fix an appointment to see somebody)

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

§ осчастливить кого-либо / составить чей-либо капитал или состояние § складировать предметы оборудования
§ отдел сбыта § склад
§ держать запас быстро раскупаемых товаров § договориться о встрече / назначить встречу
§ успешно конкурировать с чем-л § управляющий производством
§ осуществлять продажу со склада по срочным заказам § выполнить обязательства о сроках (поставки)
§ административный корпус § бухгалтерия
§ быть предельным сроком § показать кому-либо фабрику
§ плата за поставку § отдел кадров
§ отдел изучения конъюнктуры рынка § административное управление / отдел


Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between Elizabeth and Hector Grant. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. Mr. Macpherson recommended a Mr. George Duncan from Glasgow to come to see Elizabeth Corby.
2. In Mr. Grant’s opinion it is doubtful that any friend of Mr. Duncan’s will make the company’s fortune.
3. Mr. Duncan said he would like Mr. Grant to take him round the factory.
4. H.G. thought that J. Macpherson would take up the whole day and then order one chair.
5. Elizabeth suggested that she could take a new customer round the factory.
6. H.G. said that he would see Mr. Duncan first and then Elizabeth would take him round the factory.
7. H.G. asked his secretary to interrupt his interview with G. Duncan after fifty minutes.
8. H.G. asked his secretary to remind him that he had another appointment.

Exercise 2

Listen to the following conversation between George Duncan and Mr. Fielding. Look at their remarks given below at random. Put them in the order they appear in the Unit. Supply the remarks with the name of their authors.

A ... I’ll take you to the assembly shop …
B ... This is one of our three workshops. This is the delivery bay here.
C ... Oh, really.
D ... The steel sheets and bars come in, as you see, in different sizes and are unloaded on to the delivery bank here. We buy them in from a steelworks in Wales. This machine here is a spot welder, and this is the new conveyor belt which we had installed last year. We doubled our output in this department as a result.
E ... Oh, yes.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Act as an interpreter.

Grant: Now Mr. Duncan, what can I do for you? I understand that you’re a friend of Jock Macpherson’s.
Дункан: Да, м-р Грант. Он сказал мне, что вы делаете самую лучшую и самую дешевую мебель на рынке.
Grant: I think we make the best.
Дункан: Но действительно ли она самая дешевая? Вот что меня интересует.
Grant: We have a wide range of prices, Mr. Duncan. Here is our catalogue. We think our prices compare favourably with anything on the market today.
Дункан: Если бы я хотел, чтобы вы оборудовали вашей мебелью мой офис, во что бы мне это обошлось?
Grant: It would largely depend on the line you chose.
Дункан: Моя проблема в том, что у меня очень мало времени. Вы могли бы продать мне мебель прямо со склада?
Grant: If you could give me some idea of your requirements, Mr. Duncan, I might be able to help you. Unfortunately, I have someone coming to see me shortly and I …
Дункан: Я скажу вам, что мне нужно. Вот моя визитная карточка. Я – Директор-распорядитель фирмы «Дж. П. Дункан и Компания». Мы производим химические удобрения. Я хочу оборудовать новый административный корпус. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы как можно скорее предоставили мне котировки, включая расходы на доставку.
Grant: How many offices are there?
Дункан: Двадцать восемь.
Grant: Twenty eight offices. Oh, I see. Well, how much time can you give us?
Дункан: Мой предел – два месяца.
Grant: I’d like to send a man up to Glasgow to get details. I never like promising a date until I know we can honour it.

Exercise 5



Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

to be due back from somewhere

to do shorthand

to set letters out

to sort the letter and to stamp it with today’s date

an ‘’in’’/ ‘out’ tray

to take action



the file under Bills of Lading

Hold on!

the hold-up

a consigned vessel

date of clearance

to get on to forwarding agents

to be on the list

the invoiced sales

order intake for the month

to be cleared

to dial the number direct

to handle business

to check up with a bank

to rate somebody as sound

to agree a commission

(to pay by) sight draft

irrevocable letter of credit

bills of lading

long-term assessment


Task 1

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

· контейнер для входящей / исходящей документации · сортировать, штемпелевать письма и оформлять письма
· принять меры · связаться с агентом-экспедитором
· вести дело/руководить фирмой · отнести фирму к разряду надежных
· быть внесенным в список · стенографировать
· Оставайтесь на линии! · счета-фактуры продаж, отфактурóванная поставка
· долговременный прогноз · задержка
· ожидаться из командировки · бланки / «шапки» на бланках
· договориться о комиссионных · безотзывный аккредитив
· оплатить что-либо векселем на предъявителя · перечень заказов, принятых за месяц
· запросить информацию в банке · отправленное судно
· дата прохождения таможенной очистки в порту · папка под грифом «коносаменты»


Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between Elizabeth Corby and Mr. Baker. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. Elizabeth Corby turned to Mr. Baker for help because they got a bit of a crisis on in Mr. Grant's office.
2. Mr. Martin was due back from Abraca that morning, but Sally Langly telephoned to say that she got flu, and that’s why he would need someone to help him .
3. Sally asked Mr. Baker to spare a girl from his department because the other two girls in the Sales Office couldn’t do shorthand.
4. Fenella’s shorthand was reasonable, she set her letters out well, but Mr. Baker didn’t think she was the world's fastest worker and didn’t expect she would manage.
5. That day's post was sorted and stamped the date in the General Office.
6. Elizabeth Corby showed Fenella the “in” tray with all the letters and memos which had come in while Mr. Martin had been away.
7. Elizabeth wrote a note with each letter to show whether she had taken any action or not.
8. Sally kept all the stationery (letterheads, envelopes, flimsy, and so on) in the separate drawer.
9. Elizabeth’s office is not far from Sally’s office, down the corridor.
10. Fenella denies it'll be fun to have a change.
11. Sally made Fenella sure the work at the Sales Office was rather different from the work in the General Office.

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Act as an interpreter.

Grant: Come in, John. Well, you seem to have covered a lot of ground in Abraca. What about an agent?
John Martin: Думаю, что я нашел хорошего (агента). Думаю, что он будет вести наши дела хорошо.
Grant: What's his financial position?
John: Когда я был в Джемзе, я навел справки в Национальном Банке Абраки, и они считают его (агента) надежным.
Grant: Did you agree a commission if we decide to employ him?
John: Да. Десять процентов, как обычно.
Grant: How are we going to arrange payment from Abraca? I'm against sight draft.
John: Да, я согласен. Это должен быть безотзывный аккредитив. Расчеты будут осуществляться через лондонское отделение Национального Банка Абраки, по получении ими наших коносаментов и всех прочих документов.
Grant: Well, I'd like a more detailed report from you on paper, plus your long-term assessment.

Exercise 4

Listen to the following conversation between John Martin and Fenella. Look at their remarks given below at random. Put them in the order they appear in the Unit. Supply the remarks with the name of their authors.

A ... Oh, Fenella! Don’t weep all over my letters, they’re so nicely set out. You can easily correct the spelling mistakes. Do cheer up. I’m sorry. I expect I’m a bit tired too. It’s been a hectic day for both of us.
B ... Yes, of course. I shouldn’t be able to manage without you.
C ... Look. I really am sorry. I shouldn’t have expected so much from you. You’ve done splendidly. I know … pass me my brief case. I bought this ash-tray in the souk in Djemsa. Would you like it?
D ... Fenella, these letters are full of spelling mistakes.
E ... Oh, yes, Mr. Martin. Thank you ever so much … and can I work for you tomorrow if Sally is still away?
F … Oh, Mr. Martin, I did try to do my best. Honestly I did.
G … Oh, dear!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Exercise 5


Sum up everything you came to know from the unit.

1. Suppose you are the Chief Clerk in the General Office. Brief the audience of the activities you are responsible for.

2. Recount the situation when Elisabeth Corby gives a few helpful hints to Fenella in John Martin’s office. Report the situation as if you were Fenella. Prove that you will be able to manage.

3. At the end of this hectic day John had cleared up some of his work, but poor Fenella was nearly at her wits' end. Explain why she still wanted to work for John Martin while Sally was away.

4. Act on behalf of Mr. Van Eyck and state the reason for his telephone call to Harper & Grant Ltd.

5. Report to H. Grant as if you were John Martin and say who was responsible for the hold up with the thirty M-type desks.

6. Act out the dialogue between:

a) John Martin and Peter Wiles in which John informs Peter of prospective activities in Abraca

b) John Martin and Mr. Best, the Sales Clerk about the emergency in the Sales Office after the mess has been cleared.

Unit 4 Trouble with a Special Order

Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

the delivery delay (on the console control desks)

steel sheets

to be a special order

a penalty clause

to stand to do something

overdue delivery

the Buying Department

the production line

to handle something

to be a dreadful nuisance

to meet the delivery date

to claim compensation (for failure to deliver on time)

to offset the penalty clause

plastic coated sheets

the time limit (in the contract)

to be ordered against a special job

to be wanted for stock

to honour the delivery (contract)

annealing oven

to be on the line

to put somebody in a mess

to be due to deliver something by some date

to share the extra cost of doing something

to have half the items ready ex works

to try somebody on the public address

to involve rescheduling production line

to pay double time


Task 1

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

Who is guilty in the delay?

(to need steel sheets which are covered with plastic; plastic coating; to be finished in a heat-treatment oven; an annealing oven; to supply the sheets; to be able to deliver; to promise the date; to honour the contract with somebody)

6. Will Harper & Grant Ltd. lose money in this case?

(to have a penalty clause; the contract with the suppliers; to lose money; to do something about something pretty quickly)

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

· пункт о штрафных санкциях (неустойка) · потребовать компенсации за несвоевременную поставку
· отдел снабжения · стальные листы
· требоваться по спецзаказу · уложиться в сроки поставки
· задержка поставки пультов управления · предельные сроки поставки в контракте
· требоваться для запасов · производственная линия
· разделить дополнительные расходы · компенсировать штрафные санкции
· являться спецзаказом · стоять перед каким-либо фактом
· включать в себя перестройку производственной линии · уложиться в сроки поставки · иметь половину продукции готовой к отправке с предприятия (франко-склад)


Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between Peter Wiles and John Martin. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. Peter Wiles decided not to borrow John Martin’s tape recorder because he came to his office in person and dictated a long report to Jane.
2. The reason why Peter asked John to spare him a second was a memo Peter sent him about the delivery delay on the console control desks.
3. Peter thinks that everything has gone wrong with the steel sheets, which they need for the desks from new suppliers. These suppliers have got some trouble or other. They say they’ll be a bit late with delivery.
4. It's a very important contract because those console control desks are a special order and are wanted for one of the big computer companies.
5. The new suppliers promised delivery on Thursday week.
6. What is worse there's a penalty clause in the contract with the computer company and Harper & Grant Ltd stand to lose ten per cent of their price for each day of overdue delivery.
7. Sales people have to accept penalty clauses, otherwise they don't get the contracts.
8. Peter only heard about the delay yesterday because they kept the production line clear to handle the special sheets.
9. If Harper & Grant don't meet their delivery date it won’t cost them a lot of money because they can claim compensation from the steel suppliers for failure to deliver on time and that will offset the penalty clause.

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Act as an interpreter.

John: What does he say?
Peter: Он говорит, что может подготовить половину товара к отправке (франко-завод) к полудню в понедельник. Это дает нам полтора дня для сборки столов … один день для упаковки и доставки. Да, нам придется сделать эту операцию экстренной. Джейн! Идите сюда, пожалуйста!
Jane: Yes, Mr. Wiles.
Peter: Соедините меня по телефону с управляющим производством как можно быстрее.
Jane: Yes, Mr. Wiles.
John: What about the other half?
Peter: Морган считает, что он сможет обеспечить их в среду. К тому времени, когда их соберут и доставят они опоздают приблизительно на неделю, но, может быть, клиента это устроит. Как вы думаете, Джон?
John: I'll get on to them and find out.
Peter: Вы уже нашли управляющего производством, Джейн?
Jane: I'm trying to get him; he's not answering his phone.
Peter: Ну, попробуйте связаться с ним по открытой связи. Он никогда не сидит в своем кабинете.
Jane: He's on the line now, Mr. Wiles.
Peter: А, Филдинг. У нас кризис. Насколько быстро мы можем собрать те сто-лы для компьютера? Да, это повлечет за собой перестройку производ-ственной линии, но я вот что хочу знать …, если мы получим листы к понедельнику, соберут ли их, упакуют ли, и будут ли они готовы к от-правке ко второй половине дня в среду? В понедельник прибывает толь-ко половина заказа. Остаток листов будет доставлен в среду, что дает нам выходные … Я с этим ничего не могу поделать. Заплатить двойную ставку будет все же дешевле, чем те потери, которые мы понесем, если клиент настоит на штрафе. Да. Вы думаете, вы сможете? Молодец. О.К. Спасибо.

Exercise 5


Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

to advertise / to deal with advertising

to undertake to do something

to liaise with the agency

to supervise the campaign

to check proofs

to cope with public relations work

(the) public at large

to appoint a manager

to relieve somebody of something

to be ultimately responsible to somebody for something

“situations vacant” column

to invite applications for a job

to have the right qualifications for the post

to interview the selected applicant from the short list

an applicant for a job

a letter of application

to handle the accounts

to brief somebody

to be an account executive

to join a training scheme run by somebody

to stay with a company (a firm, etc.)

to discuss the layout

to have the right kind of experience

the executive

to be go-ahead

to be high on the list

to persuade / to convince somebody

to look up (about the firm)


Task 1

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

1. How would you describe the system of advertising used in Harper & Grant Ltd.?

(the Factory Extension Meeting; to be a growing company; to deal with advertising; to employ an Advertising Agency; to design the advertisements; to place the advertisements in newspapers or magazines)

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

· зд. обсудить оригинал-макет (рекламы); схему расположения (размещения); компановку; структуру чего-либо · быть ответственным исполнителем (консультантом) рекламного агентства или агентства по связям с общественностью, отвечающим за ведение дел с клиентом
· поддерживать отношения с (рекламным) агентством · вести рекламные дела нескольких фирм
· быть в первых строках списка · освободить, разгрузить кого-либо от чего-либо
· заявление о приеме на работу · назначить менеджера
· управлять (распоряжаться) чем-либо от чьего-либо имени · предпринимать; брать на себя обязательства; гарантировать
· широкая общественность · считывать гранки
· осуществлять надзор за (руководить/контролировать) деятельностью (кампанией) · побеседовать с несколькими претендентами, отобранными из списка окончательных кандидатов


Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between John Martin and the first applicant for the job. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. Lately Harper & Grant Ltd. haven't been too pleased with the results of a firm of advertising agents which handles their account and they are thinking of giving their account to another agency.
2. John Martin admitted that they plan to increase advertising quite considerably.
3. The new advertising manager will be responsible to Mr. Grant for all advertising and to John Martin for public relations.
4. The new ad man would be responsible for getting leaflets, brochures and catalogues designed while Hector Grant would brief the advertising agency on the kind of advertising campaign he wants.
5. Harper & Grant Ltd. advertise only in the national Press.
6. John Martin doesn't think television is a suitable medium for his firm because it's much too expensive.
7. Only in the chairs produced by Harper & Grant Ltd. the back is properly supported, and a person feels full of energy.
8. John Martin doesn’t have to tell Mr. Windsmore that Harper & Grant Ltd. are not planning to go into television.
9. Mr. Windsmore has been doing a lot of television work lately and it interests him enormously.
10. The job of an advertising manager in Harper & Grant Ltd. is hardly the right job for Mr. Windsmore.

Exercise 2

Listen to the following conversation between John and Sally. All the remarks are mixed up. Put them in the order they appear in the Unit. Supply the remarks with the name of their authors. Use the grid below.

A … Here's her letter.
B … Where's her letter of application? I can't find it. Has she had any experience? I wonder why I picked her out for an interview?
C … Sally, who's next?
D … Miss.
E … What! Really? There weren't any women applicants.
F … Oh, yes. Well, well. What’s she like, Sally?
G … Yes. It's J. P. Harvey. The 'J' is for Joanna.
H … Thanks. Yes, she signs the letter J. P. Harvey. H'm, let's see. Did I make a mistake? I can't think a woman would be likely to have the right qualifications ...
I … There are two more. The rest are coming tomorrow. Ег … one is a woman.
J … Miss or Mrs.?
K … I'll show her in, Mr. Martin, and then you can decide.
L … Why not, Mr. Martin? The letter says that she's been an account executive for a year ...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Act as an interpreter.

John: I don't mind telling you you're quite high on my list, but ...
Джоанна Харви: Но вы предпочли бы мужчину?
John:   (Later) No. I was going to say ... If only I can convince our Managing Director. I'll do my best.
Питер Вайлз: Не могу поверить этому, Джон! Ты имеешь ввиду, что шеф действительно назначил девчонку? Фантастика! Как тебе удалось его убедить?
John: I didn’t, Peter. She persuaded him herself. He saw the two best candidates, and the girl got the job.
Питер: Превосходно! Не могу дождаться встречи с ней. Я бы сказал, фирма становится современнее.

Exercise 5


Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

to engage consultants

work study technique (review)

to improve efficiency and output

to be keen to do something

to suggest improvements and ways of stepping up

to formulate piece rates and incentive bonus schemes

O. & M. (Organisation and Method)

to run something from top to bottom

to do something with a view to doing something

to do something in conjunction with something

to do something under the scheme

to do sample study / survey*

a soluble problem

an incentive payments scheme

to do something as a spur to productivity

group bonus scheme

to agree to piece rates

to change with the times

to have a hand in something

corporate planning

operational research

critical path analysis

to cause delay and confusion

to be to hand

to bargain for something


Task 1

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

· выработка рекомендаций по улучшению и подъему производительности труда · установить ставки и размеры сдельной и премиальной оплаты труда
· повышать эффективность производства и совершенствовать выпуск продукции · сделать что-либо, чтобы подстегнуть (стимулировать, форсировать) рост производительности труда
· система поощрительной оплаты труда · организация и методы (анализ хозяйственной деятельности)
· разрешимая проблема · согласиться на сдельную оплату
· оплата по групповым тарифам (система участия в прибылях) · меняться в соответствии с требованиями времени
· сделать что-либо с каким-либо намерением · сделать что-либо в соответствии с планом
· быть заинтересованным в том, чтобы сделать что-либо · пригласить (нанять) консультантов
· провести выборочное обследование (опытный замер) · сделать что-либо в сочетании с чем-либо
· методика изучения эффективности использования рабочего времени (анализ рабочего времени) · корпоративное планирование, изучение хозяйственной деятельности, анализ критического пути
· приложить руку к чему-либо (способствовать) · охватывать (организацию) сверху донизу
· стать причиной заминки и путаницы · быть под рукой


Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between Mr. Scott and the managers in Hector Grant’s office. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. Hector Grant invited Peter Wiles, John Martin and Ian Hampden to his office to discuss productivity and ways to improve it.
2. Mr. Scott, from Smith-Weston Consultants thought that Harper & Grant Ltd. ought to have Q. & M. and work study review and came along to tell them what his firm could do if they decided to have a productivity study made in the company.
3. Hector Grant was sure he didn't need to tell his subordinates what improved productivity involved because they were often employed as outside consultants by other firms.
4. Improved productivity means analysing jobs throughout a firm with a view to reorganising them in order to decrease time and expenditure and increase efficiency and production.
5. Smith-Weston Consultants proposed starting work study in the factory in conjunction with a scheme under which the employees could share some of the benefits of improvement.
6. Peter thought that some operators might go as slow as they can so that the investigators would allow them more time for the job, which could interfere with the investigation.
7. The investigators do not intend to do a sample study in a selected area of the works, because it would not demonstrate how they thought productivity could be increased as a result of their proposed activities.
8. Hector Grant doubts that workers dislike investigators telling them they aren't doing the job in the most efficient way.
9. If operators know they

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