Questions about the legal environment

1. To what extent are foreign imports controlled by government regulation? What duties, tariffs, quotas, and other nontariff barriers are there?

2. Is there a state trading corporation? What is its role? What is its effect on competition?

Questions about the economic environment

1. What is the standard of living? The cost of living? The size of the population relative to the amount of usable land?

2. What is the extent of economic development?

3. Is there an effective middle class? What is its purchasing power?

Questions about the sociocultural environment

1. Is there a need for the product? Is the attitude toward it the same as it is in this country?

2. Will people reject the product because of taboos against its name, color, packaging, unit size, shape?

3. Is the society concerned with the quality of life?

4. How do people dress and act when doing business? Is it appropriate to be casual, aggressive, punctual, and direct? Is it acceptable to give money to government officials for their support?


A) Match the words with their definitions:

Market segment, marketing strategy, marketing mix, target market, total market approach, market segmentation

1. A combination of product, price, distribution, and promotion developed to satisfy a particular target market.

2. The process of dividing a market into segments.

3. A plan that will enable an organization to make the best use of its resources and advantages to meet its objectives.

4. A group of individuals or organizations, within a market, that share one or more common characteristics.

5. A group of persons for whom a firm develops and maintains a marketing mix suitable for the specific needs and preferences of that group.

6. When a company designs a single marketing mix and directs it at the entire market for a particular product.

B) Find the definitions of the following words. Put the letter of the word next to the definition.

a. entrepreneur e. conférence i. proposal

b. investment f. policy j. paperwork

c. delegate g. employer k. objective

d. procurement h. agenda l. loan

_____ 1. a person who starts a business and takes a risk for the profit.

_____ 2. a general principle laid down for the guidance of executives in handling their jobs.

_____ 3. a person or business that hires persons for wages or salary.

_____ 4. a list of things to be done.

_____ 5. money spent (capital) in order to gain a profit or interest.

_____ 6. a meeting for consultation or discussion.

_____ 7. work involving reports, letters, forms, etc.

_____ 8. money lent for a period of time.

_____ 9. something purchased.

_____ 10. a plan which is suggested.

_____ 11. one who is authorized to act for or represent others.

_____ 12. a goal or aim.

C) Complete the paragraphs below using the words from the following list:

Segmentation, shown, expenditure, drive agencies, mix, trends, slogans, campaign, costs, produce, run, leaders.

The total marketing (1) _____ includes service or product range, pricing policy, promotional methods and distribution channels, but for “world brands” who aim to be market (2) _____, a large part of marketing (3) _____ goes on (4) _____, a concerted effort is made to promote and sell more of their products and this will often involve an expensive advertising (5) _____ .

Marketers generally tend to divide markets up into separate groups according to geographical area, income bracket and so on. This is known as market (6) _____ . But a global marketing policy will obviously take much less account of local market (7) _____ and concentrate instead on what different markets have in common.

As global commercials are (8) _____ on TV in many different countries, the advertising (9) _____ tend to be high and obviously the biggest advertising (10) _____ can (11) _____ commercials on such a global scale. Fortunately, global commercials like those for Malboro cigarettes and British Airways can be (12) _____ for many years without looking out of date, and advertising (13) _____ such as “the world’s favourite airline” and “Always Coca Cola”, will always be universally recognized.


Enlarge on:

1. Identify the four elements of marketing that a business firm controls. Give their definitions and examples.

2. What external and uncontrollable forces affect the firm's marketing activities?

3. In what way can changes in the environment have an impact on existing marketing strategies?


A) Insert propositions:

1. Different products and prices immediately result …. different marketing mixes. 2. The promotion ingredient focuses …. providing information …. target markets. 3. A marketing strategyis a plan that will enable an organization to make the best use ….. its resources and advantages to meet its objectives. 4. Any marketing effort directed …… such people would be wasted. 5. Changes ….. the environment can have a major impact ….. existing marketing strategies. 6.Political forces—government regulations and policies that affect marketing,
whether or not they are directed specifically …… marketing.


A) Discuss in groups:

1. Describe how a producer of computer hardware could apply the marketing concept.

2. Is marketing information as important to small firms as it is to larger firms? Explain.

3. How does the marketing environment affect a firm’s marketing strategy?

B) Work in small groups. Your company produces breakfast cereal and you want to include small gifts in the box to attract young consumers. You need to think of ideas for gifts that your company can use for market research.

1. First think about your target market. What ages are the children? What interests do they have?

2. Now brainstorm ideas for as many different gifts and toys as you can.

3. Choose the best idea and work out some details.

- What size is it?

- What colour(s) is it?

- What’s it made of?

- Are you going to pack it? (If so, how?)

4.Draw a picture or diagram of the gift. When you’ve finished, present your idea to the class. See if they can suggest improvements.

C) Pair-work

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