Identify common titles for top managers, middle managers and lower-level managers

Study and Learn the Words:

English English Equivalents Romanian Russian
overall (adj) general general общий
fortunes (n. pl.) money, or possessions, riches, wealth bogăţii, averi богатства
to reach the rank of to attain the rank of a ajunge la rang de достичь положения
chief executive officer (n) president of the company preşedinte al companiei, director executiv президент компании
chief operating officer (n) chief responsible for production director operativ, director principal operaţional al corporaţiei главный операционный директор компании
chief administrative officer principal administrator administrator, şef главный администратор
chief financial officer chief responsible for the financial situation of the company trezorier главный финансовый директор компании
hand down (ph.v) to transmit a împuternici приказать
plant (n) enterprise, factory, works întreprindere, uzină, fabrică завод
former (adj) ex fost бывший
foreman (n) a person in charge of a department or a group of persons, supervisor, şef, supravighetor, conducător de lucrări, şef de brigadă мастер, бригадир, прораб
convert into transform into a transforma în превращать
advertising (n) publicity publicitate реклама
appraise (v) evaluate (v) a aprecia, a evalua оценивать
passage of time movement of time cu trecerea timpului течение времени
guidance (n) leadership conducere, dirijare руководство
in many respects as regards în multe privinţe во многих отношениях

Levels of Management:

Top ManagersA top manager is an upper-level executive who guides and controls the overall fortunes of the organization. Top managers constitute a small group. In terms of planning, they are generally responsible for interpreting the organization’s purpose and developing its mission. They also determine the firm’s strategy and define its major policies. It takes years of hard work and determination, as well as talent and no small share of good luck, to reach the ranks of top management in large companies. Common titles associated with top managers are president, vice president, chief executive officer (CEO), and chief operating officer (COO).

Middle Managers A middle manager is a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed down from the top level of the organization. Middle managers develop tactical plans and standard operating procedures, and they coordinate and supervise the activities of lower-level managers. Titles at the middle-management level include division manager, department head, plant manager, and operations manager.

Lower-Level Managers A lower-level manager is a manager who coordinates and supervises the activities of operating employees. Lower-level managers spend most of their time working with and motivating employees, answering questions, and solving day-to-day problems. Most lower-level managers are former operating employees who, owing to their hard work and potential, were promoted into management. Many of today’s middle and top managers began their careers on this lowest management level. Common titles for lower-level managers include office manager, supervisor, and foreman.

Areas of Management:

The most common areas of management are: finance, operations, marketing, human resources, and administration.

Financial Managers A financial manager is a manager whose primary responsibility is the organization’s financial resources. Accounting and investment are specialized areas within financial management. Because financing affects the operation of the entire firm, many of the presidents of this country’s largest companies are people who got their “basic training” as financial managers.

Operations Managers An operations manager is a manager who creates and manages the systems that convert resources into goods and services. Traditionally, operations management has been equated with manufacturing – the production of goods. However, in recent years many of the techniques and procedures of operations management have been applied to the production of services and to a variety of nonbusiness activities. Like financial management, operations management has produced a good percentage of today’s company presidents.

Marketing Managers A marketing manager is a manager responsible for facilitating the exchange of products between the organization and its customers or clients. Specific areas within marketing are marketing research, advertising, promotion, sales and distribution.

Human Resources Managers A human resources manageris a person charged with managing the organization’s formal human resources programs. He or she engages in human resources planning; designs systems for hiring, training, and appraising the performance of employees; and ensures that the organization follows government regulations concerning employment practices. Because human resources management is a relatively new area of specialization in many organizations, there are not many top managers with this kind of background. However, this situation should change with the passage of time.

Administrative managers An administrative manager (also called a general manager) is a manager who is not associated with any specific functional area but who provides overall administrative guidance and leadership. A hospital administrator is a good example of an administrative manager. He or she does not specialize in operations, finance, marketing or personnel management but instead coordinates the activities of specialized managers in all these areas. In many respects, many top managers are really administrative managers.


A) Review Questions

1. How are the two perspectives on kinds of managers – that is, level and area – different from each other?

2. Compare the three kinds of managers: top, middle, and lower-level managers.

3. What are the liabilities of other kinds of managers according to the areas of management?


A) Insert the following prepositions into the gaps:

1. …. many respects, many top managers are really administrative managers. 2. A human resources manageris a person charged …… managing the organization’s formal human resources programs. 3. Traditionally, operations management has been equated ….. manufacturing – the production of goods. 5. Common titles associated …….. top managers are president, vice president, chief executive officer (CEO), and chief operating officer (COO). 6. A middle manager is a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed ……. ……. the top level of the organization. 7. Many of today’s middle and top managers began their careers ….. this lowest management level.

B) Write nouns, verbs or adjectives:

  to manage  
  to administer  
  to exchange  


A) Match the words with their definitions:

top manager, middle manager, lower-level manager, financial manager, operations manager, marketing manager, human resources manager, administrative manager

1 a manager who creates and manages the systems that convert resources into goods and services.

2. a manager responsible for facilitating the exchange of products between the organization and its customers or clients.

3. a manager who coordinates and supervises the activities of operating employees.

4. a person charged with managing the organization’s formal human resources programs.

5. an upper-level executive who guides and controls the overall fortunes of the organization.

6. a manager who implements the strategy and major policies handed down from the top level of the organization.

7. a manager whose primary responsibility is the organization’s financial resources.

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