Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на препозитивные атрибутивные словосочетания.

1. EU trade chief urges subsidy progress.

2. U.S.-EU talks next week could give new impetus to stalled world trade negotiations by pointing the way toward resolving deep differences over farm subsidies, which have long held up progress.

3. The EU Trade Commissioner said: “We have now entered a narrow window of opportunity during which success for the world trade talks is possible”.

4. The EU is hoping the election of a new Democrat-led Congress in the United States will lead to the U.S. agreeing to cut subsidies to farmers in line with the G 20 plan.

5. London employers forced to plug the skills gap with migrant workers.

6. It is economically wasteful and morally wrong for London to have 400 000 people unemployed when there are so many job opportunities.

7. Skills shortages are the biggest obstacle to the Gross National Product growth.

8. Half the companies said they were reliant on staff from other European Union countries, while 37 per cent said they had hired non-EU workers.

9. In the short-term, firms will hire economic migrants to fill the gaps but this is not a sustainable, long-term solution.

10. If we are to maintain our pre-eminence, we need to instill in our home-grown school-leavers and graduates the skills they need to compete in today’s globalising world.

11. Employers have more faith in migrants filling gaps in their workforces than in the new joint skills project from the government and the Mayor of London.

12. Amid the growing concern, more than four out of five London employers

(83 per cent) were giving staff on-the-job training, while two-thirds had sent staff on courses to raise the quality of service they offered.

13. Cash flow shortages may quickly deplete the company coffers and lead to cash shortages.

14. Contingency plans creation and budget projections, including best case and worst case scenarios will help in forecasting both expenses and anticipated revenues.

15. The savings may not be large on recycling and reusing, for example, boxes, computer discs and file folders.

16. More than 10 000 people a month are expected to declare themselves insolvent this year as a culture of unsustainable debt grows among the “buy now, pay never” generation.

17. Accountancy experts are forecasting a record number of personal insolvencies.

18. Rising utility bills, interest rates and lower growth in real disposable incomes have squeezed consumers.

19. The real problems in indebtedness are not in the mortgage market but in the unsecured debt market.

20. A Bank of England survey last month found that the top reasons for people getting into problems with debt were a temporary lack of cash, overspending, higher than expected household bills, unemployment and cuts in overtime pay.

Переведите тексты, анализируя приемы перевода различных видов препозитивных атрибутивных словосочетаний.

Текст 1

We found quail tracks in the dust, quail tracks in the sand and mud of stream beds, bits of quail-feather fluff in the dry tips of the sage. We walked for miles... and never saw a quail. We told stories and some lies about previous quail hunts, but it did no good. The quail had gone, really gone.

I am only a reasonable quail shot but the men with me were excellent, the dogs were professional, keen, hard and hardworking. No quail...

Текст 2

Consumers are being tricked into buying expensive payment protection insurance (PPI) when taking out a personal loan over the phone or on the internet, it was claimed today. Consumer group “Which?” said people are at risk of unknowingly purchasing unnecessary or unsuitable insurance as a result of some providers adding PPI as a matter of course during the sales process. Researchers applying for a loan with a number of firms found that more than half the quotes received by telephone automatically included PPI, while online sales revealed similar outcomes.

Only one provider did not include PPI on their telephone quote, with a handful of others quoting both. The product, which provides financial cover for people who find themselves unable to work through injury or ill health, is often sold on the back of loans, credit cards and mortgages. There are 20 m policies active in the UK.

But critics claim PPI is vastly overpriced, often sold to people who do not need it and difficult to claim on. The report by “Which? Money” says the Office of Fair Trading calculates that the value of payouts with PPI is only 20% of the total amount claimed for. Comparison with the motor insurance industry, where total payouts amount to 82 per cent of the claim, or household insurance where payouts amount to 54 per cent, reveals what bad value PPI is.

The “Which?” report points out that the product is not compulsory and for most people income protection insurance is a better option. Martyn Hocking, editor of “Which? Money”, said: “PPI is not always suitable, yet our research shows lenders are still extremely keen to sell it to us.”

“By adding PPI to loan quotes automatically people could be tricked into buying it regardless of whether they need it or not.” He added: “If you are taking out a loan, PPI is not compulsory so if you don’t want it ask the lender to remove it.”

Текст 3

Airbus’ major restructuring strategy includes 10 000 job cuts, the French Prime Minister said on Tuesday, adding that his government will oppose any cutbacks in the form of layoffs. Asked if he could confirm reports that 10 000 of the company’s 55,000 jobs would be trimmed, the French Prime Minister told RTL radio: “That is what is envisioned in the plan. But we say – no layoffs. An answer must be found for each person.”

A day earlier, Airbus said an announcement on its long-awaited restructuring plan – called the “Power 8” turnaround strategy – had been delayed.

The European aircraft maker called off a works council meeting and news conference at which the strategy would have been unveiled on Tuesday, after French and German shareholders of parent company EADS failed to agree on where to build the A350 XWB – a planned rival to Boeing Co.’s mid-sized 787.

The French Prime Minister said the French President would discuss the issue with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a meeting on Friday. “It's a question we want to address at the highest level,” the French Prime Minister said.

France’s two main financial newspapers, Les Echos and La Tribune, reported on Monday that the Airbus head was seeking to cut close to 10 000 jobs, sell off some production units and centralize assembly of the A350 in France, in exchange for agreeing to build a future revamp of the single-aisle A320 airliner in Germany.

Under the plan, France and Germany would each contribute between 3 000 and 4 000 of the job cuts, Les Echos said. Airbus and EADS have both declined to comment on the restructuring proposals or the discussions.

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