Task 11. Translate into English

1. Мы учимся всю жизнь, узнаем вещи сами и в дальнейшем не спрашиваем других людей.

2. Первые школы появились в Египте после изобретения письменности.

3. Письменность помогает сохранить знания, которые растут с каждым поколением.

4. Учение наизусть тренирует память.

5. Афиняне создали гуманитарное образование, которое развивало все стороны человеческой природы.

6. Греческие философы или мыслители писали лучшие книги по образованию.

7. Ланкастерская система образования была введена в Англии в начале 19 века.

Text 4.


Task 1: Skim the text, trying to understand what it is about. Time your reading. It is good if you can read it for five minutes (70 words per minute).

Useful vocabulary.

varied [′vìərûd] (adj ) – разнообразный

row [rəu] (v) – грести

compete [kəm′pi:t] (v) – соревноваться

the river Thames [ðə ′rûvə′temz] (n) – река Темза

Easter [′i:stə] (n) –Пасха

Putney [′pštnû] (n) – Патни (южный пригород Лондона; известен своими многочисленными гребными спортивными клубами на Темзе)

Mortlake [′mé:t′leûk] (n) – Мортлэйк (часть Лондонского округа Ричмонд на Темзе)

coxswain [′kéksweûn], [′kéks(ə)n] (n) – рулевой

ribbon [′rûbən] (n) – лента

turn [tə:n] (n) – поворот

Sporting activities at Oxford and Cambridge are varied and numerous. There are different competitions between the colleges. One of the most popular sports is rowing. At the end of the term long, narrow, light boats, rowed by eight men, compete in the races. Boats start at short intervals one after another and try to knock the boat in front. Those who are able to do it move one place in a table and the college at the top of the table is known as the "Head of the River".

Rowing has a long history in England. Rowing a boat with eight oars (весло) or with four oars was first started in England in the 18 th century. At that time the boats took part in festivals and processions on the River Thames.

In the 19th century people started to use the boats for racing, not only in London on the Thames but also in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The first Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge was held in 1829.

Nearly every year since then there has been a Boat Race between these two Universities. It is held in London on the Thames, during the Easter vacation, at the end of March or the beginning of April.

The course, from Putney to Mortlake, is 4 1/4 miles long. It has many turns, and the crews usually row the 4 1/4 miles in 20 minutes.

The crews of the boats, chosen from the members of the college Boat Clubs, train together for twelve weeks before the race, first in Oxford or Cambridge and finally in London. In each boat there are eight oarsmen and a coxswain, usually called a "cox". The cox, who is much lighter than the others, sets the speed and the rhythm, and steers.

On Boat Race Saturday the banks and bridges of the Thames are thick with people who have come to watch. Some wear dark blue ribbons for Oxford, and some wear pale blue ones for Cambridge.

Task 2: Choose the statements which correspond to the contents of the text:

1. Students of Oxford and Cambridge compete only in rowing and swimming.

2. Boats rowed by eight and four men take part in the competition between the Universities now.

3. Two centuries ago people could see boats with eight and four men taking part in festivals.

4. The first boat competition was organized in the 19th century.

5. The weather is usually very hot at the period of Boat Race.

6. The sportsmen prepare for the competition together in Oxford, Cambridge and London.

7. On the day of the competition people who come to see the race have ribbons of a special colour to show what University they support.

Task 3. Give English equivalents of the following:

спортивные мероприятия; гребля; длинные, узкие и легкие лодки; соревноваться в гонках; с короткими интервалами; 4 или 8 вёсел; участвовать в фестивалях и шествиях; первая гонка была проведена; маршрут имеет много поворотов; экипаж/команда; гребец; рулевой; ритм; лента.

Task 4. Give synonyms to the following:

rower, to begin, almost, to participate, route, to be full of people, holidays, different.

Task 5. Give antonyms to the following:

short, same, at the end of, these, heavy, wide, before, the last.

Task 6. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant:

1. Oxford and Cambridge sporting activities are … .

a) few b) not popular c) numerous and different

2. Rowing is one of the … sports.

a) least popular b) more popular c) most popular

3. Racing boats are usually … .

a) short, wide and heavy b) tall and large c) long, narrow and light

4. The Boat Race is held in … on the River … .

a) Oxford, Severn b) Cambridge, Cam c) London, Thames

5. The course from Putney to Mortlake … .

a) is straight b) is winding (извилистый) с) has few turns

6. The direction, speed and the rhythm are set by … .

a) people who have come to watch b) oarsmen c) a coxswain

Part 2.

Reading comprehension.

Text 1.

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