Eliot T. S. Tradition and the individual talent: The function of

Criticism: Hamlet. Dante / / Eliot T. S. Selected essays. — L.,

P. 13-22; 23-36; 141-146; 237-280.

БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ к первой части 169

Empson W. Seven types of ambiguity. N. Y.f 1947

XV, 258 p.

Englert K. Frivolitat und Sprache: Zur Zeichentheorie bei

J. Derrida. — Essen, 1987 — 251 S.

Felman Sh. Le scandale du corps parlant: «Don Juan» avec Austin

Ou La seduction en deux lang. — P., 1980. — 222 p.

Felman Sh. Writing and madness: Lit., philosophy,

Psychoanalisis. — Ithaca (N. Y.), 1985. — 255 p.

Fokkema D. W. Literary history, modernism and postmodernism.

— Amsterdam, 1984. — VIII, 63 p.

Fokkema D. W. The semantic and syntactic organisation of

Postmodernist texsts / / Approaching postmodernism: Papers

Pres. at a Workshop on Postmodernism, 21-23 Sept. 1984, Univ.

of Utrecht / Ed. by Fokkema D. W., Bertens H. — Amsterdam:

Philadelphia, 1986. — P 81-98.

Foucault M. L'archeologie du savoir. P., 1969.


Foucault M. Histoire de la folie a l'age classique. — P., 1972. —


Foucault M. Histoire de la sexualite. P., 1976.

Vol. 1-3.

Foucault M. Raymond Roussel. — P 1963. — 211 p.

Fowler R. Literature as social discourse: The practice of ling,

Criticism. — L., 1981. — 215 p.

Frank J. Spatial form: An answer to critics / / Crit. inquiry. —

Chicago, 1977 — N 4. — P. 231-252.

Frank J. Spatial form: Some further reflections / / Crit. inquiry.

— Chicago, 1978. — N 5. — P. 275-290.

Frank M. Was ist Neostrukturalismus? — Frankfurt a. M., 1984

— 615 S.

Friedemann K. Die Rolle des Erzahlers in der Epik. — Darmstadt,

X, 245 S.

Friedman N. Form and meaning in fiction. — Athens, 1975. — XI,


Friedman N. Point of view in fiction: The development of a critical

Concept / / PMLA. N. Y., 1955. — Vol. 70, N 5.

P 1160-1184.

140. Friedman N. Point of view in fiction / / The theory of the novel./

Ed. by Stevick Ph. — N. Y., 1967 — P. 108-139.

Fiiger W. Zur Tiefenstruktur des Narrativen: Prolegomena zu

Einer generativen «Grammatik» des Erzahlens / / Poetica. —

Amsterdam, 1972. — N 5. — P. 268-292.

БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ к первой части 170

Gadamer Н. J. Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzuge einer philos.

Hermeneutik. — Tubingen, 1960. — XVII, 486 S.

Gadamer H.-J. Was ist Literatur? — Munchen. 1981. — 173 S.

Genette G. Figures. — P., 1966-1972. — Vol. 1-3.

Genette G. Nouveau discourse du recit. P 1983.


Genette G. Palimpsestes: Le litterature au second degre. — P.,


Genette G. Le statut pragmatique de la fiction narrative

Poetique. — P.. 1989. — N 78. — P. 237-249.

Gesellschaft — Literatur — Lesen: Literaturrezeption in

Theoretischer Sicht/ Hrsg. von Naumann M. et al. — В.; Weimar,


Girard R. Dostojevski du double a l'unite. — P 1963. — 191 p.

150. Girard R. Mensonge romantique et ver^ romanesque. P


Girard R. La violence et le sacre. — P., 1972. — 453 p.

Glotz P., Langenbucher W. R. Der miBachtete Leser: Zur Kritik

Der dt. Presse. — Koln; В.. 1969. — 204 S.

Goldmann L. Le dieux cache. — P., 1955. — 454 p.

Goldmann L. Pour une sociologie du roman. — P 1964.


Goldmann L. Structures mentales et creation culturelle. — P.,


Gottner H. Logik der Interpretation: Analyse einer literaturwiss.

Methode unter krit. Betrachtung der Hermeneutik. — Munchen,


Greimas A.-J. Du sens. — P., 1970. — 320 p.

158. Greimas A.-J. Maupassant: La s£miotique du texte, exercices

Pratiques. — P., 1976. — 277 p.

Greimas A.-J. S6mantic structurale. — P., 1966. — 262 p.

Grimm G. Rezeptionsgeschichte: Grundlegung einer Theorie, mit

Analysen u. Bibliographie. — Munchen, 1977 — 446 S.

Grivel Ch. Thfeses pr6paratoires sur les intertextes / / Dialogizitat,

Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der schonen Kiinste /

Hrsg. von Lachmann R. — Munchen, 1982. — S. 237-249.

Guill6n CI. Literature as system: Essays towards the theory of lit.

History. —Princeton, 1972. — IX, 528 p.

Haard E. A. de. On narration in «Voina i mir» / / Russ. lit.

Amsterdam, 1979. — Vol. 7, N 11. — P. 95-120.

Habermas J. Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften. — Frankfurt a.

M., 1982.— 606 S.

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Habermas J., Luhmann N. Theorie des Gesellschaft oder

Sozialtechnologie: Was leistet die Systemforschung. — Frankfurt

A. M.f 1971. — 4 0 5 S.

Habermas J. Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns. — Frankfurt

A. M.. 1981. — Bd 1-2.

Halliburton D. Poetic thinking: An approach to Heidegger.

Chicago: L., 1981. — XII. 235 p.

Hamburger K. Die Logik der Dichtung. — 2. stark verand. Aufl. —

Stuttgart, 1968. — 284 S.

Hartman G. H. Criticism in the wilderness: The study of lit. today.

— New Haven: L., 1980. — XI, 323 p.

Hartman G. H. Saving the text: Lit. Derrida, Philosophy.

Baltimore; L., 1981. — XXVII, 184 p.

Hartmann P. Textlinguistische Tendenzen in der

Sprachwissenschaft / / Folia linguistica. — The Hague, 1975.

T. 8, N 1 — P S. 1-49

Hass H.-B. Das Problem der literarischen Wertung. —Darmstadt,


Hassan I. The dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a

Postmodernist lit. — Urbana, 1971. — 297 p.

Hassan I. Making sense: The trials of postmod. discourse / / New

Lit. history. — Baltimore, 1987. — Vol. 18, N 2.

P. 437-459.

Hassan I. Paracriticism: Seven speculations of the times.

Urbana, 1975. —XVIII, 184 p.

Hassan I. The right promethean fire: Imagination, science a.

Cultural change. — Urbana. 1980. — XXI, 219 p.

Hayman D. Re-forming the narrative: Toward a mechanics of

Modernist fiction. — Ithaca; L., 1987 — XII, 219 p.

Heath S. Difference / / Screen. — L., 1978. — Vol.19, N 3. — P


Heath S. Notes on future / / Screen. — L., 1977 — Vol. 18,

N 4. — P.48-76.

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