Task 7. Complete texts by translating word-combinations in brackets from Russian into English

1) There is substantial (международная поддержка) for not allowing some countries (создавать ядерное топливо) out of concern that they will use it to (создавать ядерное оружие). Publics worldwide would favor an international regime under the United Nations that would stop new countries from beginning (производство ядерного топлива) and instead supply them with the fuel they need for (производство энергии). Most publics polled even favor giving the UN Security Council the right to authorize military force ( препятствовать странам создавать ядерное топливо) that could be used (создавать ядерное оружие).

2) External Affairs Minister has said that India is committed to (нераспространение ядерного оружия и ядерное разоружение). Addressing an international conference on 'Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons' here on Monday, Mukherjee also cautioned against the threat of non-state actors (получение оружия массового уничтожения). "Unlike 1988, India today is (ядерная держава). However, this does not diminish in any manner our commitment to (ядерное разоружение).

3) Polarity refers to the distribution of power in the (мировое сообщество). A (однополярный мир) has one hegemonic (dominating) state that holds a significant amount of power economically, militarily and politically. A (двусторонний мир) occurs when two states hold such dominating power which inevitably (в результате приводит к конфронтации) between the two parties (например, холодной войне). A(многополярный мир) occurs when there are (множество государств) dominating and cooperating on the (международная арена).

4) Should the US (размещать неядерные баллистические ракеты) in support of the (глобальный молниеносный удар) (PGS) mission? Most important, do the (военно-политические выгоды) outweigh the risks of (размещения неядерных баллистических ракет)? (Широкое использование) of (неядерные баллистические ракеты) against mobile targets and hard and deeply buried targets, however, (потребует широкого диапазона технологий) that have yet to mature. Thus, the USA should continue (делать вложения в исследования и разработку) for a broad portfolio of (вариантов глобального молниеносного удара) to cover the emerging target set.

Task 8. Fill in the gaps with prepositions and adverbs where necessary

Globalization had a second and more direct effect: reduction ____ vulnerability

_______ diversification _____ suppliers and markets. The application _____ economic leverage and sanctions unilaterally became more difficult, even when the initiator, the United States, was the largest economy ____ the world. Although the United States has failed to give _____ its infatuation _____ economic sanctions, their effectiveness has declined _______ the absence of multilateral support, mirroring a decline ____ economic vulnerability ________ the part of other states. ______ addition, economic liberalization has meant that all governments have given _____ some of their leverage _____ private economic agents, reducing the effectiveness of economic instruments _______their statecraft.

Finally, some ____ the states in the Asia-Pacific region began to accept that economic interdependence and integration might be promoted _______ _____ its positive security effects. Few states in the region endorsed the classical liberal view that growing economic integration would necessarily produce _________ peaceful international outcomes.

Nevertheless, several _____ the smaller and more economically dynamic countries

_____ the region – South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore – adopted strategies that

deployed economic interdependence to advance their security goals ________ relation _____ larger or militarily threatening neighbors. ____ first, their strategies pointed ____ explicit linkage, _____ which economic benefits were part of bargains to produce specific diplomatic outcomes. South Korea’s Nordpolitik with the Soviet Union and then China was one successful example _____ such an exploitation of growing economic ties. As their neighbors also opened _____ the world economy, however, the ability to impose linkage declined and _____ some cases, such as those of Taiwan and China, could be reversed.



Informative speeches inform your audience about a topic, event, or area of knowledge.Instructional speeches provide information about how to do something. Persuasive speeches attempt to convince or persuade the audience. How to write a good speech?
Step 1. Objectives Objectives is what you want to achieve: to inform, persuade, train, or entertain the audience.
Step 2. Audience To decide on how to achieve your objective you should know youraudience: n what kind and number of people it consists of, n what they need to know, n what they already know, n what they expect from you, n what their reaction can be.
Step 3. Approach n Tone. The audience determines the toneof your speech. The tone expresses your attitude towards the audience. It can be formal or informal. To choose the right tone is crucial for establishing rapport. n Point of view. The audience also determines how openly and straightforwardly you can express your attitude towards the subject of your speech, i.e. your point of view. To opt the tone and point of view beforehand is a must.
Step 4. Content Content is information you use to substantiate your idea. If the objective is n to inform - you have to present as much relative information on the topic as possible irrespective of whether it is negative or positive; n to persuade - you should select only those facts which support a particular point of view.
Step 5. Structure IntroductionUse the introduction to welcome your audience, introduce your topic/ subject, outline the structure of your talk (optional), provide guidelines on questions (optional). Body ( informative speech).Easily digestible parts n Logical order n Length and structure depends on information to be conveyed Body (persuasive speech) – 1)Inductionis a process of reasoning that moves from specific information to general conclusions. The specific information is often empirical data. However, the specific information might also be textual evidence used to support or prove an argument. 2)Deductionis a process of reasoning that begins with premises or commonly held beliefs and moves to conclusions. 3) 4P’s n Positions (background information: history and present state of affairs) n Problem n Possible decisions n Proposal ConclusionUse the conclusion to summarize the main points of your speech, end with a strong statement and thank your audience. After that invite questions (optional).   Experts in communication recommend to prepare the introduction and conclusion after the main body of the presentation is ready.
Step 6. Language n Simplicity - Use short words and sentences n Clarity and accuracy - Use active verbs and concrete words n Signalling - Indicate when you’ve completed one point and are moving to the next n Impact – Use emotional, evaluative and expressive words, rhetorical devices (metaphors, similes, alliteration, rhetorical questions, repetitions, parallel constructions etc.).

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