Complex grammar test 5

1. These are ... foreign magazines.

a. the

b. a

c. -

2. This is ... English textbook.

a. the

b. an

c. -

3. Give me ... some clean water, please.

a. the

b. a

c. -

4. What colour is ... floor in your room?

a. the

b. a

c. -

5. Give me ... your bag, please.

a. the

b. a

c. -

6. There are ... flowers in the garden.

a. the

b. a

c. -

7. There is ... map on the wall.

a. the

b. a

c. -

8. Close ... window, please.

a. the

b. a

c. -

9. I haven’t submitted my design ... .

a. already

b. just

c. yet

10. Have you painted the picture ... ?

a. yet

b. just

c. already

11. I have ... finished the test.

a. yet

b. already

c. ever

12. The problem you work ... is very interesting.

a. for

b. at

c. after

13. I haven’t been to the cinema ... September.

a. since

b. from

c. with

14. He asked us ... we carried out the plan.

a. about

b. till

c. if

d. over

15. It is warm ... the sun is shining brightly.

a. only

b. that’s why

c. because

d. with

16. He does his best to improve the conditions of our work ... we also try to help him when we can.

a. that’s why

b. why

c. without

d. of

17. He pays great attention ... the development and improvement of our research work.

a. with

b. for

c. to

18. All historical places of London ... in the West End.

a. had been

b. were

c. are

19. What ... American public schools teach?

a. are

b. do

c. does

20. I know you ... an advances geography course now.

a. were taking

b. is taking

c. are taking

21. When ... the 365th anniversary of Rembrandt’s birth celebrated?

a. does

b. was

c. did

22. ... any exhibitions devoted to this anniversary organized in Russia?

a. were

b. was

c. did

23. ... the Russian Government do its best to improve the living conditions of the population?

a. do

b. does

c. is

24. Many changes ... taken place in Russia since the democratic reform.

a. had

b. have

c. were

25. Who ... come?

a. is

b. was

c. has

26. When ... you finish writing your report?

a. have

b. did

c. are

27. What magazine ... you looking through when I came in?

a. did

b. were

c. have

28. We knew you ... pass the exams successfully.

a. have

b. will

c. would

29. She said she ... graduated from the Institute a few years ago.

a. had

b. has

c. was

30. This problem ... discussed at our next meeting.

a. was

b. will

c. will be

31. – ... it still raining? – No, the rain has already stopped.

a. is

b. will

c. does

32. He ... waiting for you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?

a. is

b. had

c. was

33. She ... left before the letter arrived.

a. has

b. had

c. was

34. Many new houses ... built in our town at present.

a. were

b. are being

c. have

35. The letter ... already been posted.

a. has

b. had

c. was

36. Не was so tired that he couldn’t ... with us.

a. to go

b. went

c. go

37. We ... to stay at home because it was raining.

a. have been

b. will

c. had

38. The children were playing in the garden while we ... TV.

a. were watching

b. were watched

c. have watched

39. Since 1992 democratic reforms ... in Russia.

a. had been gone on

b. have been gone on

c. are being gone on

40. The present Constitution ... in 1977.

a. was adopted

b. has been adopted

c. had been adopted

41. Russian young artists ... good training in art schools.

a. receive

b. are received

c. are being received

42. This plant ... before we came to live in this town.

a. was built

b. has been built

c. had been built

43. We shall discuss the results when we ... our experiments.

a. finish

b. will finish

c. are finished

44. I ... the dean today.

a. had not seen

b. have not seen

c. did not see

45. We shall take our exams in advance if we ... .

a. allow

b. have been allowed

c. are allowed

46. We thought you ... help us.

a. will

b. should

c. would

47. The report ... ready by Monday.

a. will be

b. would be

c. had been

48. Interesting results ... by our scientific group this year.

a. had been achieved

b. have been achieved

c. were achieved

49. The letter is not ready yet. It ... still ... into English.

a. is being translated

b. is translated

c. has been translated

50. What problems does your article ... with?

a. is dealing

b. deals

c. deal

51. She is ... asked now.

a. having

b. been

c. being

52. Foreign languages are ... by us.

a. studying

b. study

c. studied

53. Many books on art have ... published this year.

a. being

b. been

c. had

54. She is often ... in the library.

a. saw

b. seen

c. sees

55. The speaker has been ... to with great interest.

a. listened

b. listening

c. listen

56. When ... you born?

a. were

b. did

c. had

57. She will ... met at the station by us tomorrow.

a. been

b. be

c. being

Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?

58. It rained hard yesterday.

a. does

b. did

c. was

59. You have to see a doctor.

a. are

b. have

c. do

60. She often goes on business to Kiev.

a. is

b. did

c. does

61. I have supper at home as a rule.

a. have

b. do

с. am

62. These workers combine studies and work.

a. will

b. are

c. do

63. She said that she (проводит) her holidays at the seaside.

a. is spending

b. spent

c. spends

64. I meant to say that I (буду иметь) an opportunity to do the work.

a. shall have

b. should have

c. shall be

65. We were surprised to know that his report (был опубликован) before the conference begun.

a. had been published

b. has been published

c. was published

66. They (вынуждены) to fulfill the work in time.

a. are able

b. have

c. are allowed

67. If we (разрешат) we shall take some exams in advance.

a. shall be able

b. shall be allowed

c. are allowed

68. He (сможет) to come to see you tomorrow.

a. will be able

b. will be allowed

c. can

69. (Умеете) you play tennis?

a. must b. can c. may

70. He (пришлось, должен был) ring you up.

a. must be

b. had to be

c. had to

71. The exhibition (посвящена) to the anniversary of the Great Victory.

a. had devoted

b. devoted

c. is devoted

Выберите синонимы для следующих слов:

72. library

a. a place where we live

b. a large hall

c. a place where we take books

73. to end

a. to begin

b. to be over

c. to go on

74. to like

a. to be going

b. to want

c. to be fond of

75. to do

a. to master

b. to learn

c. to make

76. development

a. workshop

b. progress

c. condition

77. to interrupt

a. to stop

b. to come back

c. to take part in

78. to belong

a. to be a member of

b. to achieve

c. to deal with

79. different

a. improved

b. various

c. outstanding

80. some

a. many

b. a few

c. any

Выберите антонимы для следующих слов:

81. thin

a. clean

b. thick

c. free

82. high

a. low

b. comfortable

c. modern

83. to sit down

a. to stand

b. to sit

c. to stand up

84. to come in

a. to go

b. to go out

c. to come

85. to begin

a. to be on duty

b. to be over

c. to be sorry

86. here

a. around

b. over

c. there

87. to give

a. to take

b. to put

c. to look

88. Выберите вопрос, для образования которого употребляется вспомогательный глагол did:

а. ... the conditions of work greatly improved by them?

b. ... the plant equipped with up-to-date machinery?

c. Who ... met Mary at station?

d. When ... you begin to deal with electronics?

89. Why do you have to ring him up?

a. Почему вы должны ему звонить?

b. Кто должен ему звонить? c. Кому вы должны звонить?

90. You are asked for by the dean.

a. Вас спрашивал декан.

b. Вы спрашиваете декана.

c. Вас просит декан.

91. The equipment is being supplied by the plant.

a. Оборудование поставляется заводом.

b. Оборудование завозится на завод.

c. Оборудование изготовляется на заводе.

92. This is the house we live in.

a. Это дом, в котором мы живем.

b. Этот дом пригоден для жилья.

c. Мы собираемся жить в этом доме.

93. We thought that you were going to show your project to the teacher.

a. Мы думали, что вы собирались отдать преподавателю свой проект.

b. Мы думали, что вы собирались показать преподавателю свой проект.

c. Мы думали, что вы собираетесь показать преподавателю свой проект.

94. The monument is in the centre of the town.

a. В центре города – памятник.

b. Памятник находится в центре города.

c. В центре города также есть памятник.

95. Много изменений произошло в этом городе с тех пор, как мы уехали оттуда.

a. had taken place

b. have taken place

c. took place

96. Именно эта проблема сейчас обсуждается на заседании.

a. are discussing

b. is discussing

с. is being discussed

97. В этом году много спортивных сооружений было построено в нашем городе.

a. have been built

b. were built

c. had been built

98. Статья будет отпечатана к четырем часам.

a. will be typed

b. will have typed

c. will have been typed

99. Район, в котором мы живем, очень зеленый.

a. We live in this new green district.

b. We are going to live in the district, which is very green.

c. The district we live in is very green.

100. Оборудование, которым они снабжают завод - новейшее.

a. Up to date equipment is being supplied by them to the plant.

b. This is the plant, which they supply with up-to-date equipment.

c. The equipment they supply the plant with is up-to-date.

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