Электроника в индустриальном веке

О себе

Кто вы? - Who are you?

Сколько вам лет? - How old are you?

Где и когда родились? - Where and when were you born?

Вы замужем? - Are you married?

А какая у вас семья? - What’s your family like?

Вы кто? - What are you?

А какой у тебя институт? - What’s your university like? (education establishment, found in 1930)

У тебя есть друзья|pets|семья? - Have you got a friends, pets, family?

Где живёшь? - Where do you live?

Какой у тебя город? - What’s your place like?

Откуда ты? - Where are you from?

Какая у тебя страна? - What’s you country like?

My name is Vasiliy Pupkin. I’m eighteen (18). I was born in Tula in 32 November. No, I’m not married. I have got a small family: mother, grandmother and some close and distance relatives. I am a student of second course faculty ,mechanic-mathematics department of applied mathematic and computer technology of TSU. TSU is one of the most biggest university in my country. I have a lot of friends. I have a got a pats. It’s two cats. I live in Tula. It’s a small town. I’m from Russia. Russia is the great power country. I proud of my motherland because it is the land of my ancestors.

Иностранный язык.

Learning a foreign language is very important nowadays. There are almost three thousands languages. English is the most universal. It’s the national language in over forty countries. English is one of the most speaking languages in the world. Over 300 millions people speak English as a, other tongue. It’s the national language of United Kingdom of GB, USA, Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Irish Republic and republic of S.A. It’s a second language in former British and US colonies in Africa and Asia. Millions of people speak English a foreign language. It’s a major international language of communication in politics, science, business, education, mass entertainment, international tourism and computer technology. English is the wonderful language. It’s a language of William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton and others. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

Мой университет

Tula state university was founded in 1930. Now it is one of the largest education establishments in our country. The University is housed in 13 blocks, situated in Lenin Avenue, the main street of Tula. The student population is more then 1200 day (department), evening and correspondence departments.

Graduates can get degrees in 34 specialities in machine-building, unstrument-engeenering, civil engineering, humanities, economics and medicine areas.

Professors, Associate Professors and lectures deliver lectures on various subjects.

At the University there are 10 specialized academic councils on awarding doctor’s and candidate’s degrees.

Students from abrosd train at the University. University students and its staff gave facilities policlinic and sanatorium, sports complex with play grounds, gymnasium, a good library and swimming pool.

Защита окружающей среды

The twentieth century is known to be the century of the scientific and technological progress. The achievements of the mankind are amazing. But at the same time this progress gave birth to a very serious problem – the poisoning of our planet, its land, its air and water. The ecological harmony is disturbed. Many species of flora and fauna have disappeared. Acid rains, the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion caused by harmful substances emitted. The pollution of the environment is hard to ignore. The problem of environmental protection has become an extremely important part of political programmes in many countries nowadays. Many laws and vital decisions on the problem have been adopted, many measures have been take to protect our forests, rivers, lakes and seas. The environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. Their solution requires the cooperation of all nations. It is obvious, that only our joint effort will help to avoid a global catastrophe.

Наука и техника

They say we live in age of science and technology. Today science and technology are closely related. Pure science gave new ideas to technology. And technology provides science new instruments for it’s investigation and research. Science and technology improve life of people. The scientific revolution began in 16th century. And the industrial revolution began in 19th century with the development of power-driven machines, mass production of goods and growth of factory system. In a sense the history of science and technology is the history of all mankind.

Индустриальный век

The period in Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries is the “renaissance”. Scholarly and artistic activities was greatly enhanced in Europe. New knowledge gave birth to new technologies. Industrial age followed. Mankind learned to use energy from burning of hydrocarbons. Mechanics became a now science. In 1800 Alessandro Volta invented an electric battery. In 1831 Faradey discovered the electric potential in magnetic field, electric generator. In 1879 Tomas Edison and Alexander Lodigin invented incandescent electric light bulb. The electrification of cities soon followed. Electrical engineering as a profession was born. The discovery of laws of electricity and magnetism gave birth to two new industries telegraph and telephone. Advances in a chemical sciences gave birth photographic industry and motion picture industry.

Электроника в индустриальном веке

In 1873 James Clerk Maxwell developed four equations which to serve basis for all electromagnetic calculation. In 1895 A. Popov demonstrated the first wireless communication systems. In the 1930s practical television systems were developed. During World War II electronic systems were developed. After the war the computer industry was born. Then the transistor was invented by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockey. Kilby and Noyce invented the integrated circuit. The ruby, gas and semiconductor lasers were invented. Attention was focused on light wave transmission over glass fibers. Today most long distance calls are transmitted by optical fibers.

Информационный век.

Technological developments have created information industries. Electrical and computer engineers play a major role. The IC has created the information age. The IC has had a profound impact on our society. Text, data, graphics, voice and video can be electronically processed, transmitted, and stored. Telephone, cable, and broadcasting networks are fighting for survival in the information age. We will witness profound changes in the traditional information industries. ??? We will see more transparent national boundaries, less national autonomy, and a higher world order. Globally industry and governments are going through a period of rebirth. This renaissance is the result of the scientific discoveries and technological advances of the past two centuries.

Моя профессия

I am a second year student of TSU the mechanic-mathematics faculty. My specialty is applied math and computer science. The TSU is one of the most biggest educational establishment in Russia, founded in 1930. Graduates can get degrees in many specialties : civil, industrial, electrical, mining and metallurgical engineering, medicine, economics, jurisprudence and others. Today science and technology are closely related. They say we live in age of science and technology. The achievements of the mankind are amazing. In a sense the history of science and technology is the history of all mankind. Basic knowledge is essential for everyone to find the way in a changing world. We study many academic subjects: Russian, English, history, philosophy, economics, physical training and others. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. We study some specific courses: math analysis, differential equations, programming languages, linear Algebra and others. My specialty deals with information systems, computer technology, automatic control and dealing with personnel. I’ll do my best to become a good specialist in the field of applied math and computer science.


The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies most of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometers. Russia is washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. It borders on 14 countries. The federation comprises 21 republics.

The land of Russia varies much: from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain chains are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers. The longest rivers are the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisei, the Angara, the Amur and the Lena. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal. Baikal is the deepest lake and its water is the purest.

The climate in Russia varies from arctic to subtropical. They say our climate is sever.

Russia is a highly-industrialized-agrarian country. All elements of Mendeleev Periodical Table are in Russia.

The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow. Russia is the presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly, consisted of two Chambers: the State Duma and the Council of Federation. The executive power belongs to the Government, headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts. The flag of Russia is a three-colored banner, consisted of white, blue and red horizontal strips. A national emblem is two-headed symbol.

Nowadays Russia is one of the leading powers in the world and I love my Motherland because it is the land of my ancestors.


Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe, its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers, and its population is over eight million. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It has more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin Tower – Spasskaya Tower with its clock Kurants has become the symbol of Russia. There are more than 80 museums: the Pushkin Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery and others. We can go in the Bolishoi Opera House, Bolishoi and Maliy theatres, Sovremennik and a large number of popular theaters. Moscow has straight and broad streets and avenues. Novy Arbat is one of the busiest streets in Moscow. The traffic is very heavy. Moscow has metro. It is underground railway. The magnificent building of the Moscow State University is situated on the Vorobyovy Hills. It was founded by M. V. Lomonosov in 1755 and it is named after him. The size and the beaty of the capital made a great impression on everyone.


Tula is first mentioned in the chronicles in 1146, was founded on the banks of Upa river. In the Middle Ages it was the central strategic point in the defense of Moscow. Tula has long been famous for its blacksmiths, gunsmiths and craftsmen. Many streets of Tula are still called after the parts of the riffle Zamochnaya, Kurkovaya, Stvolinaya etc. In 1712 Peter the Great founded the state gun-making plant in Tula. At present the are many plants and factories in Tula. The basic industries are machine-building, chemical, ferrous metallurgy. The Tulachermet Concern is a leading metallurgical enterprise in Russia. The old traditions of making famous Tula riffles, samovars, bayans(accordions) and spice cakes live on. Today Tula is an industrial, scientific, cultural and educational center of our country. The city has four theatres, a regional philharmonic society, some clubs, palaces of culture, libraries and publishing houses. Tula has many places of interest, the Museum of Arms, museum of Regional Studies, Art Gallery, Kulikovo Pole (it is field). Not far from Tula is Iasnaya Polyana. Here the greatest Russian writer Leo Tolstoy lived and worked. The Kremlin is the symbol of the ancient cities of Russia and of Tula. The Kremlin, the Victory Square with its eternal flame, the monument to the defenders of Tula, central park, central stadium and cycledrom belong to the sights of Tula. The traffic of Tula streets is heavy. Tula is a Hero city. The citizens of it are prood of their city and cherish their history and traditions.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated to the northwestern of Europe. The UK lies on the British Isles. The two main islands are : Great Britain and Ireland. They are separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, Irish and Northern seas. The area of the UK is some 244100 square kilometers. Its population is over 57 million people. English is the official language. London is the capital of GB in UK. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The old capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Britain has been many centuries in the making. Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings and Normans conquered Britain. It waged numerous colonial wars. England was the first country, where capitalism was established.

The surface of the British isles varies very much. Mountains are not very high. There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, but the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

The UK is a highly developed industrial country. Great Britain has a temperate climate. The Gulf Stream influences the English climate much. Britain is well known as a foggy country.


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million. London is one of the oldest and more interesting cities in the world. It is situated on the river Thames. Traditionally it is divided in to four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. St. Paul’s cathedral is the greatest of English churches. It was built in 17th century. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. Now it’s a museum. Westminster is the historic, the government part of London. Westminster Abbey is situated across the street. English queens and kings have been crowned here. Many statesmen, scientists, poets and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Kipling etc. Westminster palace, or the House of Parliament is the seat of British Parliament. The Clock tower of the House of Parliament known as “Big Ben”. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. The West End is the richest part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. The East End is the working people district. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here.

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