Конструкция to be going to

Образование.Применяется для описания будущих действий. Образуется глаголом to go в форме the Present Continuous (am/is/are going – здесь имеет значение собираюсь, намерен) и инфинитивом смыслового глагола с частицей to.

Употребление конструкции to be going to.

1. Действия, которые намереваются выполнить в близком будущем.

I’m going to work in summer. Я собираюсь работать летом.

2. Запланированные действия или намерения.

I’ve passed all the exams, I’m going to celebrateit. Я сдал все экзамены, я собираюсь это отпраздновать.

3. Очевидность, что что-то определенно должно произойти в близком будущем.

Watch out! Those boxes are going to fallover! Осторожно! Те коробки сейчас упадут.

4. Вещи, в которых мы уверены или уже решили сделать в близком будущем.

–What are you going to do tonight? – I’m going to visit my parents. –Что ты будешь делать вечером? –Я поеду навестить родителей.


Exercise 1. Complete using the correct form ofbe goingto and the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.
1. When I grow up, I ____ (play) guitar in a rock group!
2. Look! That tree ____ (fall) down.
3. Dan and Mary ____ (start) dancing twice a week.
4. Take your coat. It ____ (be) cold.
5. I ____ (write) a report about GSM.
6. Nadine ____ (celebrate) her birthday.
7. Careful! You ____ (break) something with that ball! Go outside!
8. I ____ (sunbathe) for half an hour.
9. Don’t eat fish after the milk, you ____ (get) sick.
10. We ____ (visit) my grandmother tomorrow.
11. Andrew ____ (study) engineering.
12. Those cars ____ (crash).
Exercise 2. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the examples.
Model: SA: Are you going to pay the bill?
SB: Yes, that’s what I’m going to do.
SA: Are you going to complain to the manager?
SB: No, that’s not what I’m going to do.
1. call your mum no
2. miss the classes yes
3. return the jacket to the shop no
4. buy the dress no
5. ask the bank manager for a loan yes
6. order the food no
7. book the table yes
Exercise 3. Make questions with be going to.
Model: you/cook supper Are you going to cook supper?
when/your brothers/be here When are your brothers going to be here?
1. Ann/enter the University
2. where/you/buy the flowers
3. when/Danny/be seven
4. who/you/invite to the party
5. when/you/stop smoking
6. Fred/play basketball/tomorrow
7. you/watch television/on holiday
8. when/we meet
Exercise 4. The people in the sentences below are all thinking about their summer holidays. Complete the sentences about what they plan to do using be going toand the verbs in the box.
travel read walk play cycle
teach stay lie be swim
1. I ____ in bed all day.
2. We ____ the gardening.
3. I ____ lots of books.
4. I ____ in the sun.
5. We ____ to the USA.
6. I ____ to Brighton on my new bike.
7. I ____ lots of sport.
8. We ____ English in a summer school.
9. I ____ in the sea every day.
10. I ____ in the mountains.
Exercise 5. Read the information about the pupils who are going to leave school soon. Now say what they’re going to do. Choose the correct phrase from the box below.
Model: Sam is good with numbers. Sam is going to take a course in banking.
1. Paulo wants to be out in the fresh air.
2. Andrew is interested in machines.
3. Mike and Clark are interested in computers.
4. Henry has already learnt to drive.
5. Nell and Julie like children very much.
6. Adam’s parents have their own company.
7. Terry would like to work with people.
8. Tom and Paul want to get away for a while.
· become a taxi driver · do electronics · hitch-hike round the world · look for an outdoor job study engineering · teach children at primary school · take a course in banking · train to be a social worker · work for the family business
Exercise 6. What would you say in these situations? Use these words: be sick, fall off crash, get wet, lose, rain walk.
Model: The sky is full of dark clouds. It is going to rain.
1. It’s raining and you haven’t got an umbrella.
2. There’s a terrible feeling in your stomach.
3. You are playing volleyball. The score is nearly 9-1.
4. The plane is falling to the ground.
5. I don’t want to go home by bus.
6. Your coffee cup is too near the edge of the table.
Exercise 7. A. Sally is inviting Julie for her Saturday’s party. There are some mistakes in their conversation. Correct all of them.
Sally: Julie:   Sally:   Julie: Sally: Julie: Sally:   Julie: Sally:   Julie: Sally: Listen, I be going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come? Oh, I’d love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Whos going to come to the party? Well, a number of people haven’t told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are go to help out with the cooking! They are going make lasagna. That sounds delicious! Also my Italian cousins are going to be there yesterday. There is going to be a theme for the party? No, I don’t think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun. I’m go hire a clown! A clown! You’re kidding me. No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I’ll going to have my clown at my own party. I’m sure everyone will have a good laugh. That’s the plan!
  B. Write down a short summary about Sally’s party.
Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Try to predict some events in your lives. Use the words from the box.
Model: SA: When are you going to get married?
SB: I am going to get married when I am about 35.

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