The Future Tenses Compared


Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. When we go to Paris, we ____ the Eiffel Tower.
a) will have climbed b) will climb c) climb
2. By 11 o’clock, Fred ____ for twelve hours.
a) will drive b) is going to drive c) will have been driving
3. Take your umbrella. It ____ when you return.
a) will have been raining b) will be raining c) is raining
4. The restaurant ____ at ten tomorrow morning.
a) opens b) will have opened c) is opening
5. By the time you get home I ____ the house from top to bottom.
a) will clean b) will be cleaning c) will have cleaned
6. ____ in front of the cinema?
a) Will we have met b) Shall we meet c) Do we meet
7. Be careful! You ____!
a) are going to fall b) will have fallen c) falls
8. My sister ____ married next month.
a) is getting b) will have been getting c) will have got
9. We ____ dinner when the film starts.
a) have b) will be having c) are having
10. I ____ at the project for a month when you join me.
a) will work b) am going to c) will have been working
11. By the time you come home, I ____ dinner.
a) will have cooked b) will be cooking c) cook
12. He ____ a radio engineer when he finishes university.
a) is b) will have been c) is going to be
Exercise 2. Write the following sentences in the correct form (the Present Simple, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect Simple or the Future Perfect Continuous). If more than one answer is possible, write the most likely once.
1. Next November we ____ (be) married for fifteen years.
2. What time ____ (train/leave)?
3. Just think! This time next week we ____ (lie) on the beach!
4. I ____ (wait) at the airport when your plane lands.
5. In two weeks’ time she ____ (finish) her exams.
6. ____ (you see) Brian at the meeting?
7. At ten o’clock I ____ (drive) for sixteen hours.
8. Hurry up! The lecture ____ (start) in five minutes.
9. By the end of the week we ____ (interview) ten applicants for the job.
10. Next time I write to you I ____ (live) in Australia.
Exercise 3. Are the underlined words right or wrong? Correct the sentences that are wrong.
1. I’ve got my ticket. I will go to Madrid.
2. The exam starts at 8.30 tomorrow.
3. Look out! You will have hit the car in front!
4. What time is the sun rising tomorrow?
5. Shall we learn Spanish next year?
6. You look tired. Sit down. I’m making you a cup of coffee.
7. The house will be burning for two hours when the firefighters finally arrive.
8. They will decorate the house before we move in.
9. The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years.
10. At four thirty on Tuesday afternoon I will have signed the contract.
Exercise 4. Complete the letter using the correct future form of the verbs.

Dear Lucy,

How are you? I’m very happy because school is almost over! This time next week 1.____ (stay)with my grandparents at their cottage by Crystal Lake. I heard on the weather forecast that it 2.____ (probably/be) a very hot summer so I 3.____ (swim) everyday. My grandfather promised me that we 4.____ (go) fishing in the lake. I can’t wait! Do you have any plans for the summer? Why don’t you ask your parents if you can stay with us? I hope you 5.____ (come) to the cottage because I’m sure we 6.____ (have) lots of fun! Also, there is an amusement park nearby and we 7.____ (go) there every Saturday. I am looking forward to spending a wonderful summer with my grandparents and if you come too, it 8.____ (be) even better.

Take care,


P.S. By the time you receive this letter, I 9.____ (leave) for the cottage. Send your reply to my grandparents’ house.

Exercise 5. Fred and Alex are about to go on an unusual holiday. They are going to travel from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, a distance of 25,665 kilometers – on motorbikes. Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the verbs from the box.
made fly want arrive have have
have be able travel travel take  
Fred:     Alex:   Fred:   Alex:     Fred:   Alex: We 1.____ to Anchorage at ten o’clock tomorrow morning and this time next week we 2.____ down the Canadian coast. We’re taking the shortest route along the west coast. I expect we 3.____ problems with bad weather and bad roads. We’ll break down, of course, so we 4.____ spare parts with us. The weather forecast for Alaska is fine at the moment, so we 5.____ a good start. We will be travelling up to 250 kilometers a day on good roads, but on bad roads we 6.____ to get very far. We know that it won’t be an easy trip. We’d like to spend Christmas at home, but we 7.____in England by then. When we get back, we 8.____ for over a year. That’s a long time, but we 9.____ a dream come true. That’s right. But we 10.____ probably never 11.____ to ride a motorbike again!
Exercise 6. Work in pairs. Find out what your friend thinks and give your own ideas about:
Model: the date of an important development in science (e.g. the first people to land on Mars)
SA:People will land on Mars in four or five years.
SB:I think it will happen at the end of the 21st century.
1. the next winner of an important sporting event (e.g. the World Football Cup).
2. a future event in your country.
3. an event which is likely to happen in the future, with signs or causes already visible in the present.
4. something natural or routine, which will happen as a matter of course (whether anyone wants it or not).
5. something you’ll be doing in one, two, three ____ (choose a number) years’ time.
6. something that will have happened by 2020, 2030 ____ (choose a date).
7. an arrangement you have made with another person, or a journey you have planned.
8. something which is due to happen as part of your timetable or programme.

Revision of Tenses


Exercise 1. Choose the correct tense form of the verb.

My cousin’s name 1.____ (is/was) Emily Meadows. She 2.____ (has lived/lives) in Paris and 3.____ (works/is working) in a cafe in the centre of the city. She 4.____ (has been working/will work) there for three years. At the moment her best friend from England 5.____ (is staying/was staying) with her. She 6.____ (has enjoyed/is enjoying) her holiday very much. They 7.____ (were already visiting/have already visited) many museums together and they 8.____ (have been/are) to the theatre three times. Next week they 9.____ (have seen/are going to see) a film and then they 10.____ (are having/are going to have) dinner at an expensive restaurant. Last Tuesday they 11.____ (went/had gone) to a disco with some friends of theirs. They 12.____ (didn’t come/wasn’t coming) home until very late. Emily 13.____ (is/was) so tired at work the following day that she 14.____ (will spill/spilt) coffee all over a customer. She doesn’t think she 15.____ (will see/has seen) him at the cafe again! In future she 16.____ (won’t stay/didn’t stay) out so late and she 17.____ (is being/will be) more careful while she is serving customers.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct form of the verb from the box.

International friends

I 1.____ round Europe all summer. It’s the first time I’ve ever been abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time! I 2.____ loads of interesting places and I 3.____ also ____ loads of new friends. I 4.____ to stay in touch with them now I’m back. One of them, Giselle, is French. She 5.____ on holiday too. We now 6.____ text messages to each other all the time. They’re usually in English because my French isn’t very good! I 7.____ to visit her in France next year sometime. I hope I can. I 8.____ meeting people from other countries! I 9.____ to have lots of friends from all over the world! Travelling certainly 10.____ the mind but it also 11.____ your circle of friends!

1. a) travel b) have been travelling c) am travelling
2. a) have seen b) will see c) have been seeing
3. a) made b) have __ made c) make
4. a) will be deciding b) decide c) have decided
5. a) was b) have been c) were
6. a) sent b) have been sending c) send
7. a) had planed b) am planning c) will plan
8. a) am loving b) was loving c) love
9. a) want b) am wanting c) have wanted
10. a) is broading b) broadens c) broaden
Exercise 3. Fill in the appropriate verb forms in the following paragraph:

I usually 1.____ (get up) late on Saturday. It 2.____ (be) the beginning of the week-end and I like to relax. But on that particular Saturday two months ago I had to get out of bed at 6:00 AM. Terrible sounds of sirens and horns 3.____ (come) from the street straight into my room. I 4.____ (walk) over to the window to see what 5.____ (happen). Two cars 6.____ (crash) on the corner near the bakery. Lots of angry people 7.____ (scream) and 8.____ (shout) at each other. The baker 9.____ (try) to calm everybody. So he 10.____ (bring) out coffee and cookies for everyone. “What a nice neighbor!”, I 11.____ (think). I 12.____ (smile) to myself and 13.____ (go) back to bed. What an exciting neighborhood!

Exercise 4. Find and correct the mistakes in the following paragraphs.
1. I have studied at university now for four years. Next year I hope I graduate and then I am getting a job in advertising. At university I have studied English and History. I like studying, but sometimes I have to read a lot. Over the past year I read over 50 novels and plays. Now I get quite tired of academic work, so I am looking forward to life in the real world.
2. Every year thousands upon thousands of penguins are being killed by polar bears or other predators. Penguin conservationists tried to limit the effect of these attacks on endangered breeds of the birds but now it becomes more difficult to protect the penguins. Moreover there is a danger that if penguins are protected too much the welfare of polar bears becomes a problem
3. When I first met Ludwig he have been living in a squat in South London. Ludwig had been completely filthy and in need of a shower. After he was telling me his problems I gave him something warm to eat and had told him to have a shower.
4. When I had been a little girl I loved to listen to music. By the time I am six I was already asked my mother if I could take piano lessons many times. Finally on my seventh birthday I was given the chance to have lessons. Since then I has never looked back.
5. Shakespeare has been Britain’s most famous writer. He had been born in Stratford in the sixteenth century, but he later have moved to London to become an actor and writer. His plays were put on in the Globe Theatre and the Rose Theatre in London. Shakespeare’s plays have been still popular today. Shakespeare isn’t only a playwright however, but also a poet. He has written sonnets and poems as well as plays. Some people think that Shakespeare hadn’t written all of the plays attributed to him, but suggest that it was Francis Bacon or another Renaissance author.
6. The standards of scientific proof are very different in early modern Europe, to the standards of modern science. Early doctors for example, often based their practices on superstition and did treat their patients with very strange methods. For example, cruentation (the act of making an accused murderer touch the body of a dead victim to see if it bleeds) is considered a good level of proof. People had believed a number of things which would now seem ridiculous considering the experimental evidence necessary to prove scientific discoveries in science today. With the birth of the Royal Society in the seventeenth century and Baconian methods of collecting empirical data things gradually begin to change.
Exercise 5. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense.

1.____ (you/ever/fly) to America? Kevin is lucky – he could visit his cousin Amy Baxter last year. Yesterday, while Kevin 2.____ (read) a book, his mother 3.____ (come) in and gave him a letter from Amy. He read: “Hi, Kevin, I hope you 4.____ (not forget) me yet. 5.____ (you/remember) how much fun we had last year? What 6.____ (do) since then? Well, let me tell you the chaotic story of my trip to the Poconos. I 7.____ (want) to spend a nice weekend with my friend Jane. She 8.____ (live) in Manhattan. “I’m sure we 9.____ (have) lots of fun,” Jane said while I 10.____ (unpack) my things. “The weather forecast for tomorrow is good, so we 11.____ (go) on a trip to the Poconos.” – “I think this is a fantastic idea,” I 12.____ (agree). “I will climb, 13.____ (climb) the highest mountains!” When we 14.____ (drive) along Interstate 95 the next day we 15.____ (notice) a red light in Jane’s mother’s car. “I think if we want to reach the Poconos, we 16.____ (need) some help first”, Jane’s mother said. We 17.____ (leave) the expressway and soon saw the sign of a car repair garage. The mechanic quickly 18.____ (check) the car and smiled. “Lady,” he said, “I 19.____ (see) this problem many times before. I’m sorry, but a mechanic is not what you need. All you 20.____ (need) is a petrol station.

Exercise 6. A. Look at this person. In written form give as many reasons as possible to explain why the person is unhappy. Make sure you get a sentence for each of the following:

· The Future Tenses Compared - To be(… because it’s Sunday night)

· The present tense(…he has to go to work tomorrow)

· Present continuous(… it’s raining)

· Present perfect(… he has lost his cat)

· Will/won’t(his vegetarian wife won’t let him eat sausages)

· Has got(he’s got toothache)

  B. Look, a year has passed, this person is happy now. Close your exercise books and recall (from memory) all the reasons why the person was unhappy a year ago.

· The Future Tenses Compared - It was Sunday night.

· He had to go to work the next day (but he’s on holiday at the moment).

· It was raining (but now it’s sunny).

· He had lost his cat (but he found it again).

· His vegetarian wife wouldn’t let him eat sausages (but they got divorced).

· He had a headache (but he feels great now).

  C. Work in pairs. What has the person been doing during the last year? Why is he so happy?

Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Страдательный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола (Past Participle): to be + Past Participle.

  Simple Continuous Perfect
Present am/is/are asked   am/is/are being asked   have/has been asked  
Past was/were asked   was/were being asked   had been asked  
Future will be asked   will have been asked  

В страдательном залоге употребляется только две формы времен группы Continuous: Present Continuous и Past Continuous; формы Future Continuous отсутствуют. В страдательном залоге отсутствуют также времена группы Perfect Continuous.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Is he asked? Если вспомогательный глагол употребляется в сложной форме (shall be, have been, etc.), то первая часть вспомогательной формы глагола ставится перед подлежащим: Shall I be asked? Have I been asked?

При образовании отрицательной формы частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола: I am not asked. Если вспомогательный глагол употреблен в сложной форме, то частица not ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола: I shall not be asked, I have not been asked.

Страдательный залог употребляется:

– когда лицо, совершившее действие, не известно, не важно или очевидно из контекста.

The most important papers were stolen. Самые важные бумаги были украдены. носитель действия не известен
I was advised to rewrite the article. Мне посоветовали переписать статью. носитель действия не важен
Experiments are being carried out in the laboratory. Эксперименты проводятся в лаборатории. носитель действия очевиден из контекста

– когда действие важнее, чем лицо, его совершившее.

The report was prepared on time. Доклад был подготовлен вовремя.

– когда нужно акцентировать внимание на носителе действия.

Penicillin was invented by A. Fleming in 1928. Пенициллин был изобретен А. Флемингом в 1928.

– когда утверждение необходимо сделать более вежливым или придать ему официальный характер.

The new phone has been broken. (It is more polite than saying “You’ve broken my new phone”). Новый телефон сломан. (Это вежливее, чем сказать: «Ты сломал мой новый телефон».)

– в официальном стиле (научном, газетном и т. д.)

Quantitative methods are widely used in conducting scientific research. Количественные методы широко используются при проведении научного исследования.

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