Compose the word combinations using words from the texts, translate them into Russian and compose your own sentences with them.

principal prevent be kept oil dangerous fire fighting Emergency be tested fire detection reduce an outbreak special to be effectively accumulation devices appliances insulated frequently weapons precautions clean and well lighted pump of fire fire leakages risk

Answer the questions.

1. What are the principal weapons to prevent fire?

2. Why is it recommended that tank tops be painted white?

3. What appliances must be properly kept and tested?

4. What should all engine room personnel be conversant with?

5. What way should coal cargo be stacked? Why?

6. What must the arrangement of machinery spaces be?

7. Why special precautions must be observed in places where leakage of flammable liquids may occur?

8. What properties should materials used in different spaces of a ship usually have?

9. What must the insulation of all parts with surface temperatures above 220°C be?

10. What is the boilers’ insulation?

Find the ends of the sentences.

1. Bilges must be kept clean and the pumps and strainers … 2. Emergency pump and fan stops, collapsible bridge oil valves, watertight doors, etc., … 3. Personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the problems associated with any special cargo the vessel may be carrying, … 4. The arrangement of machinery spaces is to be so that… 5. Materials used as flooring, bulkhead lining, ceiling or deck in control rooms, machinery spaces or rooms with oil tanks… 6. The insulation is to be such that… 7. Insulation is to be such that … a)… обеспечить безопасное хранение и обработку легковоспламеняющихся жидкостей. b)… должны проверяться регулярно. c)… он не трескался и не повреждался во время вибрации. d)… масло и топливо не проникало в изоляционный материал. e)… например, СНГ (сжиженный нефтяной газ), СПГ (сжиженный природный газ) и химовозы. f)… для льяльных вод содержаться в хорошем рабочем состоянии. g)… должны быть негорючими.

7. Speak about:

a) Working order of inflammable cargo maintenance;

b) Machinery space arrangement;

c) Insulation of inflammable materials.

Translate into English.

1. В зависимости от типа судна и его конструктивных особенностей, осуществляются профилактические мероприятия по предотвращению возможности возникновения пожаров.

2. Кроме профилактических мероприятий, обязательно наличие огнегасительных средств в таком количестве и состоянии, чтобы любой пожар можно было быстро ликвидировать.

3. Основным условием недопущения пожара на судне является постоянная бдительность со стороны судовой администрации, особенно при наличии на судне огнеопасных грузов, и строгое выполнение противопожарных правил.

4. Строго соблюдать правила погрузки, укладки и перевозки огнеопасных грузов и грузов, подверженных самовозгоранию.

5. Необходимо держать всегда в полном порядке и исправности все противопожарные средства.

6. Особое внимание должно уделять исправности трубопровода пожарной магистрали.

7. Иметь на судне достаточный запас углекислого газа и патронов для огнетушителей.

8. Никогда не допускать курения в трюмах и на палубе возле грузовых люков.

9. Внимательно следить за всякими подозрительными лицами, появляющимися на судне под тем или иным видом, особенно в заграничных портах.

10. Постоянное наблюдение и забота об исправном состоянии и действии всех противопожарных средств и систем на судне должны быть возложены на старшего помощника капитана, который вместе с тем должен немедленно устранять все обнаруженные недостатки и докладывать капитану судна о состоянии противопожарных средств и систем не реже раза в пятидневку, если не понадобится делать это чаще.

Lesson 4.

Fire detection methods.

Read and translate the following text.

Fire Patrols

These are not normally carried out on a regular basis upon most vessels but they should be conducted (1) immediately prior to, or upon sailing. A thorough inspection of the vessel being made especially in hold compartments, stores, engine and boiler rooms, etc. (2) when the vessel has been vacated by shipyard personnel whilst the vessel is in port undergoing repair. Someone may have been using oxy-acetylene burning or welding equipment on one side of a bulkhead totally unaware that the beginnings of a fire were being created on the other side of the bulkhead.

The patrol should, in addition to looking for fire, assess and correct any possible dangerous situation, e.g. loose oil or paint drums, incorrectly stored chemicals, etc.

Fire Alarm Circuits

These consist of an alarm panel, situated outside of the machinery spaces, which gives indication of the fire zone. Zone circuits, audible alarms and auxiliary power supply.


When the contacts in a detector head close (open under normal conditions) they short the circuit and cause operation of the audible fire alarm. The lines in the circuit are continuously

monitored through 1 to 2 and 3 to 4, hence any fault which develops, e.g. damaged insulation, break in the cable, causes the system failure alarm to sound.

Power failure

In the event of failure of mains supply power, automatic auxiliary power is supplied from fully charged stand-by batteries for up to 6 hours.. Most systems operate on 24V. dc, however, for those operating at mains supply of 220V. ac an inverter converts the 24V. dc to 220V. ac.

Audible Alarms

The fire alarm is usually an intermittent audible signal whereas fault and manual test are normally a continuous audible signal.

Fire Detector Heads

Various types are available for fitting into an alarm circuit, choice is dependent upon fire risk, position, area to be covered, volume and height of compartment, atmosphere in the space, etc. To economize and simplify, standard bases are generality used in the circuit into which different types of detectors can be fitted.

Heat Sensors

These may be fixed temperature detectors, rate of rise detectors or a combination. Rate of rise detectors do not respond and give alarm if the temperature gradually increases, e.g. moving into tropical regions or heating switched on.

Increase in temperature increases the air pressure inside the hemi-spherical bulb, if the bleed of air through the two way bleed valve from the inside of the bulb is sufficient the diaphragm will not move up and close the contacts. If however the rate of rise of temperature causes sufficient pressure inside the bulb to close the contacts, alarm will be given. In either case a bi-metal unit will at a pre-determined temperature close the contacts on to> the fixed temperature adjustment screw, giving alarm. Quartzoid bulbs of the type fitted into a sprinkler system are fixed temperature detectors used for spaces other than engine and boiler rooms.

Relevant Points

Sensitivity:The greater the heat release rate from there the poorer the ventilation and the more confined the space, the quicker will be the response of the detector and the sooner an alarm sounds.

Fixed temperature setting depends upon whether the detector is in accommodation or machinery spaces and can vary from 55°C to 70°C.

The detector is useful for dusty atmospheres as it is completely sealed but it does not give as early a warning of fire as other types of detectors. It can be tested by a portable electric hot air blower or muff.

Infra Red Flame Detector

Flame has a characteristic flicker frequency of about 25 Hz and use is made of this fact to trigger an alarm. Flickering radiation from flames reaches the detector lens/filter unit, which only allows infra-red rays to pass and be focused upon the cell. The signal from the cell goes into the selective amplifier, which is tuned to 25 Hz, then into a time delay unit (to minimize incidence of false alarms, fire has to be present for a predetermined period), trigger and alarm circuits.

Relevant Points

Very early warning of fire is possible, suitable for areas where fire risk is high, i.e. machinery spaces— but not in boiler rooms where naked flame torches are to be used for igniting oil. Reflected radiation can be a problem in boiler rooms and from running machinery. Obscuration by smoke renders it inoperative. It can be tested by means of a naked flame.

Pneumatic Type:

Increase in temperature increases the air pressure inside the hemi-spherical bulb, if the bleed of air through the two way bleed valve from the inside of the bulb is sufficient the diaphragm will not move up and close the contacts. If however the rate of rise of temperature causes sufficient pressure build up inside the bulb to close the contacts, alarm will be given. In either ease a bi-metal unit will at a pre-determined temperature close the contacts on to the fixed temperature adjustment screw, giving alarm.

Bi-metal Coil Type:

Two bi-metal coils attached to a vertical support bracket are encased in a protective metal cap. When the temperature increases A will move to close the gap С at a faster rate than В moves to maintain the gap, this is due to В being better insulated from the heat than A. If the rate of rise of temperature is sufficient, gap С will be closed and alarm given. At a fixed temperature gap D, then gap С will be closed, giving alarm.

Quartzoid bulbs of the type fitted into a sprinkler system are fixed temperature detectors used for spaces other than engine and boiler rooms.

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