This is the most I can do for you

Это самое большое, что я могу сделать для вас.


Customers and traders rights

Customers rights.Customers expert goods to be /fit for/3 normal use. For example, a pen must write, a /tape-recorder/2 must record and /play back/2, a television must show films. /Retailers/2 must /guarantee/1 that goods are free from defects. /In case/3 the goods are /substandard/2 they must be /replaced/2 or /refunded/2. The retailer can then /discuss the matter/3 with his /suppliers/2 /demanding/2 from them a better quality.

Customers can expert a service to be done well, and can demand that the job is done again or /redone/ if it is done badly. /Ultimately/2, if you /still/3 do nit like the job the /culprit/3 have to pay for the cost or to /someone else/2 doing it.

It is /illegal/2 to describe the goods /falsely/1 either in ads /advertisments/ or verbally. A trader cannot bay that goods are reduced i.e. there is a shortage. You can say that, only if you sold them at a higher price for a minimum period in the UK it is 28 days during the previous 12 month.

Traders rights. Traders can challenge customers suspected of shop lifting only if the articles are removed from the shop premises. Then they can call the police to arrest the culprit. If customers return the goods that they have used the retailer may refuse to refund the money.



1. As you may know consumers buy more at is a lower price. Who is it so to answer this question we have to consider two important economic points: supply and demand.

2. Most people have limited incomes and must spend the money carefully. As the price of a particular products falls, more people can and will buy it. For example, as new technology has improved, the price of calculators has decreased. More and more people can now afford to buy calculators. This ability to buy in economics called capability.

3. There is one more aspect we must remember about, which is the following. How many people need and use the product? How many products of the same type does one consumer need? We know from our every-day experience that the more items one consumer has, the less useful they become. More then that, consumers want to pay less for additional identical items which they buy. For example, normally a family will buy one big pizza for dinner. They can buy two or three pizzas only when the price of the second and the third one is lower.

4. Businesses try to balance the quantity of goods and services which thy provide with the quantity which consumers will demand. They do it through regulating their production. And by setting their prices. When supply and demand are balanced consumers will purchase all the goods supplied by producers. This optimal price which regulates supply and demand is called the market clearing price.

Active vocabulary.

а)to expect ожидать; рассчитывать

to be fit for быть пригодным для

retailer 1. Розничный торговец;2. Предприятие розничной торговли

supplier поставщик

substandard нестандартный (т.е. ниже качества, кстановленного стандартом)

job 1. Работа, дело; сдельная работа;2. заказ

culprit виновный, преступник

cost сотимость

to reduce сокращать, уменьшать (syn. to minimize, to cut back)

shortage нехватка, недостаток, дефицит

trader торговец

to challenge остановить, предъявить требования

shop-lifting магазинная кража

article предмет(торговли), товар, изделие

b)point момент, вопрос; понятие.

supply and demand предложение и спрос

to afford позволить себе

capability материальная возможность

item вид товара, товар(отдельное наименование в ассортименте); иэделие

to balance сбалансировать

additional дополнительный

to set a price назначить,установить цену

to purchace покупать, закупать; приобретать(syn. to by)

market clearing price цена, обеспечивающая равновесие спроса предложению (рыночная равновесная цена)

demand 1.спрос, 2. Потребность,нужда || нуждаться; потребность

product продукт

producer проихводитель

production производство

Translation notes. improve technology совершенствовать технику.

В современном английском языке слово technology и его производные употребляютсядля передачи значения техника и технический в широком смысле слова в таких сочетаниях, как: science and technology наука и техника; technological progress технический прогресс . Для обозначения более конкретного или собирательного значения употребляются слова machinery, equipment(техника : станки, машины). Слово techniques обозначает технические приёмы, технология, иногда собирательное – техника.

1. to play back воспроизводить запись

2. ultimately в конечном счёте

3. illegal незаконно

4. falsely искажённо, лживо

5. rerbally устно (в словесной форме)

6. re- префикс со значением снова , заново , вновь (соответствует русскому префиксу “пере-”)

7. to replace Заменять, замещать

to refund возмещать, возвращать(деньги)

to redo (redid, redone) переделать

8. ad= advertsement

9. pither … or или … или

10. pizza пицца

11. normally обычно

12. as you may know… - как вы, вероятно, знаете…

Основные значения as следующие : 1) в качестве as members

2) в то время как ; так как : as has already been pointed out как уже указывалось

3) по мере того, как; as society developed по мере развития общества

Unit 6

Грамматические трудности.

1. Present Continuous и Present Perfect (Active Voice, Passive Voice)

2. Text A “How does economy develop?”

Рассмотрим ещё две группы форм страдательного залога:

Continuous Passive и Present Passive.

IОбразование времён Continuous Passive.

Active Voice to be + Participle I (V-ing) Passive Voice To be + being + Participle II (Ved/V3)
  1. They are discussing a new plan now (обсуждают) 2. They were discussing a new plan at 10.a.m. (обсуждали) 3. They will be discussing a new plan at 10 tomorrow (будут обсуждать)     1. The new plan is being discussed Now(… обсуждается …) 2. The new plan was being discussed at 10 a.m. (… обсуждается …) Не употребляется (см. Future Indefinite Passive)  

Примечание 1. Английский глагол в форме Continuous Passive переводится на русский язык формами глагола только несовершенного вида с окончанием на -ся, -сь, или неопределённо-личным предложением.

II Образование времён Perfect Passive.

Active Voice to have + Participle II Passive Voice To have + been + Participle II
This is the most I can do for you - This is the most I can do for you - 1. He has finished his work (already) (закончил) 2. He has finished his work by 5 o’clock (закончил) 3. We’ll have finished our work by 5 o’clock (закончить)   1. The work has been finished By him (…закончена…) 2. The work had been finished By him (была закончена…) 3. The work will have been finished By him (будет закончена…)

Примечание 2. Глаголы в форме Perfect Passive обычно переводятся на русский язык глаголами совершенного вида.

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения:

1. Our experiment was being carried out for 5 hours.

2. They are being waited for.

3. The solution was being heated for 2 hours.

4. The house is being built by a new method.

5. This metal has been heated and then cooled in the air.

6. The effect of temperature will have been studied by the beginning of the experiment.

7. Wages to the personnel have been paid out.

8. This contract had been concluded when I returned.

Indefinite Tense Continuos Tenses Perfect Tense
Present The problem is discussed. Проблема обсуждается. …обсуждают. …обсуждена.   The problem is being discussed. …обсуждается. ...обсуждают.   The problem hasbeing discussed. …обсудили. … обсуждена.
Past The problem was discussed. …обсуждалась. …обсуждали. …обсуждена.   The problem wasbeing discussed. …обсуждалась. …обсуждали.   The problem hadbeen discussed. …обсудили. …была обсуждена.
Future The problem will be discussed. …будет обсуждаться. …будет обсуждать. …будет обсуждена.   Форма не существует (см. Future Indefinite Passive)   The problem will have been discussed. …обсудят. …будет обсуждена.  

Как видно из примеров русскому настоящему времени соответствуют две формы Present indefinite, Passive и Present Continued Passive, русскому прошедшему времени – 4. Английские формы: Past Indefinite Passive, Past Continuos, Present и Past Perfect Passive, русскому будущему времени соответствуют 2 английские формы: Future Indefinite и Future Perfect Passive.

Text A

How does economy develop?

We all have been different economic changes affecting our lives. When demand increases and supply is not /sufficient/2 we often have /shortages of goods/2, some people may /lose their jobs/3. It means that economy is /entering/3 an economic crisis. Economists have developed a system of indicators which help to /measure/3 and /assess/3 a country’s economy.

If we try to /draw a picture/3 of the total economy as it changes over time we shell have the following:

This is the most I can do for you -

These ups and downs /representing/3 “the life” of an economic system are called the business cycle. People looking carefully at the picture may/notice/2 that it consists of four elements. Back off them is a /phase/1 in the cycle characterised by its own /peculiarities/2.

Peak times. During /peak/1 time economy is doing very well. People are /working hard/2 and are getting high wages. Goods are being delivered to the stores on time and in sufficient quantities and consumers are spending their money buying all sorts of things. Firms are making profit, banks are giving loans to people, people are setting up small businesses and services are being provided everywhere and at low prices.

/Recession/3. But, as history shows, after a peak period there usually comes a /downward turn/2 into a /recession/3. Sales are decreasing. Business firms are being /cutting back on/3 their activities. Fewer things are being produced and more workers are /laid off/2. Not only the business firms are cutting down their work but also their suppliers: they produce less and lay off they workers. People losing their jobs spend less money, other workers /fear/3 that they might lose their jobs, too. Soon consumers in general are spending less, and business declines /even more/2.

/Trough/3. Usually all recessions /sooner or later/3 /reach a bottom/3 (i.e. the trough of the cycle) and then things start changing for the better. Firms stop laying off workers and begin ordering more and more supplies. Customers start buying more and the economic situation is beginning to /imrove/2.

/Recovery/2. It is increased in business activity which results in increased employment, greater consumer spending, more intensive cash flow and, of course, the beginning of another round of a business cycle.

Active vocabulary.

to affect воздействовать

sufficient достаточный

to lose a job потерять работу

to develop (a system ) разработать, создать(систему)

an indicator 1. Показатель (деловой активности).2. индикатор цикличности

economic(al) ~ s экономические показатели

measure мера, показатель; мерило, критерий , измерять

to assess оценивать, определять (размер налога)

business cycle цикл деловой активности; экономический цикл

recovery оживление, подъём

peak пик, наивысший подъём

business cycle peak высшая точка экономического цикла

time период, момент

peak times периоды наивысшего подъёма

through 1 самая глубокая точка (падения производства, цен);2 низшая точка, дно (цикла)

recession спад, падение, снижение (цен), сроса на товары, деловой активности

to get wages получать зарплату

to deliver goods доставлять товар(ы)

store 1 склад;2 магазин

to lay off увольнять (рабочих)

to decline падать, снижаться, понижаться

employment занятость, обеспечение работой

consumer spending потребительские расходы; расходование средств потребителями

Translation notes.

1 economy 1 экономика, (народное) хозяйство; экономия, бережливость; экономное обращение (с материальными ресурсами);3 экономия (как область знания) market economy рыночная экономика

economic(s) 1 экономика (учебная и научная дисциплины); экономическая теория; экономический анализ;2 “экономикс” современная буржуазная политэкономия; business economics экономика предприятий; industrial economics экономика промышленности

2 ups and downs подъёмы и спады

3 peculiarity особенность

4 to do well преуспевать, успешно вести дела

5 to result in иметь своим результатом; приводить к (чему-либо)

to result from получаться вследствие, проистекать, происходить от

При переходе следует учитывать, что первое из данных сочетаний указывает на следствие, а второе - на причину.

6 a downward turn into a recession = a change at the end of recession.

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