Запомните значения следующих слов и переведите словосочетания.

А. practice (n.) – практика, применение; упражнение, тренировка; привычка, обычай, порядок; деятельность practice = practise (v.) – тренироваться, упражняться, практиковаться; обучать, тренировать; применять, осуществлять; пользоваться  
doctor practice, international practice, trade practice, running practice, usual practice, daily practice; to practise the piano, to practise tennis, to practise the pupils in English, to practise medicine  
B. technique [tek’ni:k] – a) техника, техническое оснащение, оборудование, аппаратура; b) техника, мастерство, владение, умение; c) технический прием, метод, способ, методика techniс [‘teknik] – технический термин, деталь, техническая сторона дела; технический, промышленный techniсs – a) техника; технические науки, терминология, технические подробности; b) техника, техническое мастерство, умение (=technique); с) технология ( = technology)  
computing technique, milling technique, engineers technique, biological techniques, processing techniques; non-waste technics, high technics; technic design

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст А6, выпишите незнакомые слова.


The system that will enable to consistently serve safe food by identifying and controlling possible hazards throughout the flow of food is called Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). A HACCP system is a dynamic process that uses a combination of proper foodhandling procedures, hazard and risk analysis, monitoring techniques, and record keeping to help ensure that the food you serve is safe. It allows to continuously update and improve food safety system as situations change. A HACCP plan is a written document, based on HACCP principles, which describes the procedures a particular establishment will follow.

It is developed using the HACCP principles and is specific to the facility, customers equipment, processes, and operations.

HACCP was developed by the Pillsbury Company in the early 1960s for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The system was designed to make the food served to astronauts as safe as possible. Since a foodborne illness on a space flight could be disastrous, the system had to ensure consistent food safety. The HACCP system is based on the idea that if significant biological, chemical, or physical hazards are identified at specific points within the flow of food, they can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to safe levels.

HACCP was so beneficial that it was adopted by many segments of the food industry, from growers to manufacturers, and from distributors to operators. Over the years, the system has been refined and improved, and it is now accepted worldwide. It is recommended to all food establishments, no matter how large or small. They develop and implement a HACCP system.

A HACCP program must be built on a solid foundation of prerequisite programs.

Prerequisite programs, also called standard operating procedures (SOPs), support a HACCP plan and are the basic operating conditions for producing safe food. They protect it from contamination, minimize microbial growth, and ensure the proper functioning of equipment. They may include the following:

Proper personal hygiene practices

Proper facility-design practices

Supplier selection and specification programs

Proper cleaning and sanitation programs

Appropriate equipment-maintenance programs.


1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые слова:

1. Nearly all plants have increased soft drinks manufacture this summer. 2. The food manufacturers pay more attention to the quality, food safety and nutrient level of their products. 3. The Confectionery “Krasniy October” began to manufacture some new types of chocolate confections. 4. The growers, manufacturers and processors must take into consideration various techniques concerned with foodstuffs. 5. The Strength of Materials is one of the important Technics. 6. The new system helps to implement the overall control. 7. The implement to keep the temperature at the required level for some period of time has been installed recently. 8. The new technique of sugar refining is practised at our refinery. 9. Their basic operating conditions for producing safe food must include hygiene practices.

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