Exercise 4. Scan the text to find the following dates and figures. Which events and facts are they related to?



Кафедра “Іноземні мови”


до розмовної теми “Our Academy”

з розвитку комунікативної компетенції

для студентів 1 курсу всіх факультетів

(англійська мова)

Харків, 2010

Методичні вказівки до розмовної теми з розвитку комунікативної компетенції для студентів 1 курсу всіх факультетів. (англ. мова).-Х: УкрДАЗТ, 2010

Видання підготовлено відповідно до програми навчальної дисципліни і є складовою частиною навчально-методичного комплексу дисципліни “Англійська мова”.

Метою цих методичних вказівок є розвиток навичок усного мовлення (діалогічного та монологічного), систематизація та розширення словникового запасу з теми “Моя Академія” у студентів 1 курсу всіх факультетів

Методичні вказівки містять в собі різноманітні передтекстові та післятекстові вправи, спрямовані на закріплення навичок усного мовлення, оволодіння новою лексикою. Методичні вказівки вміщують також ряд вправ творчого характеру, їх рекомендовано виконувати в парі, в групах, усно без підготовки або з попередньою підготовкою.

Методичні вказівки розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри “Іноземні мови” 29.01.2010, протокол № 6


викл. Дзюба О.А., викл. Печій І.О.


доц., к.ф.н. С.М. Донець

Congratulations! You are no more school leavers, now you are the first-year students of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport. Introduce yourself to your group-mates and continue your story with a few sentences about the Academy:

I entered the Academy because…

I chose this faculty because…

I want to become (a railway engineer, an economist) because…

I know that our Academy…

I hope that …

Exercise 1. Our Academy has a long history and rich traditions. Would you like to know how it all started? Read the text and be ready to answer the questions:

1. Why did Kharkiv become the centre of training railway specialists?

2. How did railway training develop in Kharkiv?

3. Prove with the facts and figures that our Academy is the leading centre of railway education and research.

Exercise 4. Scan the text to find the following dates and figures. Which events and facts are they related to? - student2.ru Our Academy was founded in 1930. But the history of railway education developed together with the rapid spread of railways in the whole world. Railway education in Ukraine is closely connected with the beginning of Kursk-Kharkiv-Azov railway in the 60-s of the 19th century. So, in 1869 the first railway line appeared in Kharkiv. It gave a new impulse to organize the first railway school for training qualified mechanics which was founded at Kharkiv railway station in 1870. At first it was a plain two-storeyed building. Later in 1901 this station was expanded and considered one of the largest in the Russian Empire. Thus, Kharkiv became the largest railway junction of Southern Railway and, consequently, an important centre of training railway specialists. In 1930 several technical schools and colleges were united to form the Kharkiv Institute of Railway Transport Engineers which opened its doors to the first 432 students.

In 1993 the Institute was given the status of the Academy for great achievements in training railway specialists and doing extensive research work. Since that time our Academy has trained over 70,000 specialists for different branches of railway transport. In 2010 the Academy celebrated its 80th anniversary. By the way, 80 years means 16 students’ generations which have contributed to developing our railway into the modern complex industry. Among the graduates of our Academy there are ministers, chiefs of railways, heads of the Ukrainian Railway and big enterprises, well-known statesmen and scientists. Here are some of them: M.S. Konarev (the Minister of communication lines of the USSR 1982-1991), G.M. Kyrpa (the Minister of Transport of Ukraine 2002-2004), B.E. Scherbina (the Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR), V.M. Ostapchuk (the chief of the Southern Railway)

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences:

1. Railway education in Ukraine is closely connected with …… .

2. The first railway line gave a new impulse to …… which was founded at Kharkiv railway station in 1870.

3. …… were united to form the Kharkiv Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.

4. In 1993 the Institute was given the status of …… .

5. Among the graduates of the Academy there are …… .

Exercise 3. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations from the text given above:

Швидке розповсюдження залізниць, тісно пов`язане з, новий поштовх, підготовка кваліфікованих механиків, найбільший залізничний вузол, було надано статус, науково-дослідна робота, формування та розвиток, між іншим, серед випускників, начальник залізниці, відомі державні діячі.

Exercise 4. Scan the text to find the following dates and figures. Which events and facts are they related to?

1930 1869 1870 432 1993 70,000 2010 80

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