A Family Affair - Вenetton

1. Benetton Group is a global brand, based in Treviso, Italy. The name comes from the Вenetton family who built probably the most remarkable family venture of the late 20th century. The Вenetton clothing line was created by three brothers and their sister in a small knitting shop in Ponzano Veneto, Italy. When their father died, the eldest, Luciano, left school to work in a clothing store in order to support his mother, a sister, and two younger brothers.

2. In the mid-1950s Guiliana Вenetton made her elder brother Luciano a multi-coloured pullover. The colours were more exciting than the ones normally used in men’s sweaters at that time. Luciano, who was then twenty and had worked as a men’s clothing salesman in Treviso, realized his 17-year-old sister’s talent. The two siblings sold their bicycle and accordion and scraped together enough cash to buy their first second-hand knitting machine in 1955. And so Вenetton was born. The bright colours in which the original sweater was knitted became its trademark.

3. In 1965 the Вenetton company was formed as a partnership with Luciano as Chairman, his brother Guilberto in charge of administration, their younger brother running production, and Guiliana as chief designer. The firm’s success depends on a family structure which is now rare in Italy and the rest of Europe. Six of their eleven children also work in the company. However, Luciano has also come to include friends and colleagues in the business once they have demonstrated a solid commitment to the firm, which is why he is unconcerned about the group’s future.

4. The Вenetton Group produces over 110 million garments every year, over 90 per cent in Europe. The Italian multinational company has become one of the world’s biggest suppliers of casual clothes. It is a corporation which has now diversified into banking, supermarkets, sporting equipment, restaurants and Formula One cars.


2. In the mid-1950s Guiliana Вenetton made her elder brother Luciano a multi-coloured pullover. The colours were more exciting than the ones normally used in men’s sweaters at that time. Luciano, who was then twenty and had worked as a men’s clothing salesman in Treviso, realized his 17-year-old sister’s talent. The two siblings sold their bicycle and accordion and scraped together enough cash to buy their first second-hand knitting machine in 1955. And so Вenetton was born. The bright colours in which the original sweater was knitted became its trademark.

3. In 1965 the Вenetton company was formed as a partnership with Luciano as Chairman, his brother Guilberto in charge of administration, their younger brother running production, and Guiliana as chief designer. The firm’s success depends on a family structure which is now rare in Italy and the rest of Europe. Six of their eleven children also work in the company. However, Luciano has also come to include friends and colleagues in the business once they have demonstrated a solid commitment to the firm, which is why he is unconcerned about the group’s future.


2. В середине 1950-х Guiliana Вenetton сделала своему старшему брату Лучано разноцветный свитер. Цвета были более захватывающими, чем те, которые обычно использовались в мужских свитеров в то время. Лучано, которому было тогда двадцать и работал продавцом мужской одежды в Тревизо, понял талант его 17 -летней сестры. Два брата, продав свой ​​велосипед и аккордеон, наскребли достаточно денег, чтобы купить свой первую подержанную вязальную машину в 1955 году. И так появился Вenetton. Яркие цвета, оригинального вязаного свитера стали его визитной карточкой.

В 1965 году компания Вenetton образовалась в партнерстве с Лучано в качестве Председателя, его брат Guilberto в ведении администрации, их младший брат производство, и Guiliana как главного дизайнер. Успех фирмы зависит от структуры семьи, которая в настоящее время редко встречается в Италии и других странах Европы. Шесть из своих одиннадцати детей также работают в компании. Тем не менее, Лучано также стало включать друзей и коллег в бизнес, как только они продемонстрировали твердую приверженность фирмы, и именно поэтому он не интересуется будущим группы.

VII. Определите, являются ли приведенные ниже утверждения (1, 2, 3):

A) истинными (true)

B) ложными (false)

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