In the train and at Magic Carpet Airways

Vocabulary notes:

to encounter – встречать(ся)

to acquire – требовать

to have time for subtle – иметь время на тонкости

to hook up with smb. – прицепиться к кому-либо

to be in mouring for smth. – жалеть

to waltz up – умотать

to be unscrupulous – быть недобросовестным

to barge in – вваливаться

to flush a toilet – спускать воду

to embrace smth. – принять что-либо

a fine line– тонкая грань

to keep feet on the ground– передвигаться по земле

to be destined– быть предназначенным

3.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. When Lord Imhotep last encountered the O’Connells they sent his immortal soul to the underworld.

2. Only with the Army of Anubis, Imhotep will be invincible.

3. This bracelet is a gift and a curse.

4. The sand of time has already begun to pour against Alex.

5. If Alex does not enter the pyramid before the sun strikes it on that very morning that the bracelet will suck the life out of him.

6. From the minute Alex puts the bracelet on, he has 5 days before the Scorpion King wakes up.

7. Horus (pet bird) let the commanders of the 10 tribes of the Medjai know of the progress so that they may follow.

8. If the Army of Anubis arises the commanders will do nothing they can to stop it.

9. Since the time of the Scorpion King, only one man who has laid eyes upon it has ever returned to tell the tale.

10. If Rick is some sort of a sacred Medjai, he can do anything.

11. When Imhotep reaches Ahm Shere, only the Scorpion King will be able to stop him.

12. Evy (Nefertiri) hasn’t been herself lately with these dreams and visions.

13. Her dreams are memories from her previous life.

3.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation:(Izzy, Evy, Ardeth, Lock-Nah)

1. “You’re not catching me at my best.”

2. “Airplanes are a thing of the past.”

3. “A dirigible is perfect for sneaking up on people.”

4. “O’Connell flies like Horus to the destiny.”

5. “If a man does not embrace his past, he has no future.”

6. “Honestly, I’m not losing my mind. It all makes perfect sense now.”

7. “My friend, there is a fine line between coincidence and fate.”

8. “When the time comes I shall truly enjoy killing you.”

3.3 Number these sentences in the right order. The first is correct:

Dialogue on the dirigible between Evy and Rick:

Evy: “I want him back, Rick. I want him in my arms.”

Rick: “I know. We both do. Alex knows that. I’ll get him back, Evy. I promise.”

Evy: “I know you will.

Rick: “I know. We taught him well. He’s smarter than you. He’s tougher than me.

Evy: “I love him so much, I just can’t …”

3.4 Translate from Russian into English:

1. быть уязвимым 2. быть непобедимым 3. заблудиться 4. получить награду 5. быть утончённым человеком 6. селезёнка 7. выглядеть симпатичным 8. быть надёжным 9. сходить с ума 10. подкрадываться к

3.5 Put these names correctly:

Evy, Rick and Alex

There are three sides of the pyramid:

1. a protector of Anubis bracelet, who is a reincarnated princess.

2. destined to protect this woman, who is a warrior for God.

3. ........leads the way to Ahm Shere, who wears the bracelet.

This was all preordained thousands of years ago.

3.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Could you describe the process of resurrecting?

2. What was the first sign which Alex left?

3. What was the second help road for his parents?

4. What was the mission of Horus?

5. What was a dirigible filled with?

6. Whom in ancient times did all this (the Blue Nile) belong to?

7. What were the O’Connells looking for?



Vocabulary notes:

to be mated together as one – слиться воедино (о душах)

to make perfect sense–иметь смысл

to be preordained– быть предназначенным

to finagle–мошенничать

shrunken heads– усохшие головы

to retrieve the bracelet– вернуть обратно браслет

to be in case of an emergency– в случае необходимости

It’s not worth your life. – Это не стоит вашей жизни.

to swear on the head of– поклясться головой

to get through with smb.– разобраться с кем-либо

4.1 Number the sentences in the right order:

How to shoot:

1. Squeeze the trigger.

2. Not to pull it.

3. Keep it tight in the shoulder.

4. Lead the target a little bit.

4.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation:(Izzy, Rick, Imhotep, the curator of a museum, Evy)

1. “I hope your parents enjoyed their journey.”

2. “You know it’s not easy being a dad.”

3. “The great god Anubis has taken my powers.”

4. “I have released the Army of Anubis.”

5. “I must face the Scorpion King alone.”

6. “Go to hell and take your friends with you.”

7. “This whole damn place is gonna get sucked up.”

8. “Get your butts moving! Hurry up.”

9. “Would you like to know what heaven looks like?”

10. “I swear on the head of my wife.”

4.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. принести себя в жертву для кого-либо

2. священная кладбищенская земля

3. копьё

4. быть награждённым на небесах

5. быть в ловушке

6. кубический метр

7. нажимать на спусковой крючок

8. освободить армию

4.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was the only way to kill an Anubis warrior?

2. What was the decision of Ardeth when Horus was killed?

3. What did the bracelet of Anubis unlock? Is it the key?

4. Were there any local natives? How were they called?

5. What happened to Evy near the temple? Who could help her?

6. What did Alex decide to do with his dead mother?

7. What did Anubis wish to do with Imhotep?

8. Who released the Army of Anubis?

9. What was Rick’s plan?

10. Who won the battle?

11. Who and what could kill the Scorpion King?



Vocabulary notes:

to do a lap– пройтись

recessive genes–рецессивные гены

to rethink the strategy– передумать

foster parents– приёмные родители

to answer with a sentence– сказать словами

to make smb. dizzy – ошеломлять

to be overwhelmed with remorse– захлёстывает раскаяние

to be a new intern– быть новеньким

a new janitor– новый уборщик, дворник

to trash the theater– разбить театр

to take the routine to the next level– продвигаться дальше

to be sophisticated– быть утончённым, извращённым

to have a bad sprain– иметь растяжение

to take a breath– передохнуть

to be adequate – подходить

That’s my concern.– Это меня беспокоит

He looks like the real deal– он выглядит крутым

to set smb. up– подставить кого-либо

I am screwed– мне крышка

to slap smb.– дать пощёчину

to walk smb. home– проводить домой

to expand one’s range– расширять, улучшать

to ditch smb.– кинуть кого-либо

to dump smb.– опрокинуть кого-либо, выкинуть

I came down on my ankle wrong – я подвернул лодыжку

1.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. 150 hours of community service should be performed at the scene of the offense.

2. The cost of repairing the damage was not roughly the equivalent of the student’s tuition.

3. Nora was very mature for her age.

4. Tyler was so eager to get to work he was sprinting off to the supply closet.

5. Brett was so close with the music.

6. Nora wanted to find someone to rehearse with.

7. Rehearsing was not the most important part of Nora’s schoolwork.

8. Unimportant people from every major dance company in the country would be during this showcase.

9. Nora taught ballet class, it just put off her coming home a little longer.

10. Nora’s father died when she was a kid.

11. If Nora had enough dancers, she could have them all starting in unison and then slowly breaking out in a canon.

1.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation:(the director of a school, Andrew, Brett, Tyler, Nora, Nora’s mother, Mac)

1. “I need a daily report on his activities.”

2. “I come down on my ankle wrong.”

3. “He is not taking this seriously.”

4. “No offense to Miles, but he’s not involved in every aspect of the music as I am.”

5. “You talk about dancing like it’s rocket science or something.”

6. “Don’t make me regret my decision.”

7. “I won’t miss a beat when Andrew gets back.”

8. “If you don’t get a job from the showcase, you go to school in the fall.”

9. “People make stupid decisions every day.”

10. “You quit everything you start.”

11. “My mom doesn’t get the whole dancing thing.”

12. “You haven’t heard my side of the story.”

13. “I have to find out through everyone else.”

1.3 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the verbs in the conversation between Nora and Brett and act the dialogue:

Brett: “Hey, baby.”

Nora: “Is that why you (1)…… to New York last week?”

Brett: “Nora, (2)……… down.”

Nora: “You (3)……… Miles? After all the work you (4)……… together, you (5)……… him just like that?”

Brett: “You haven’t (6)………. my side of the story.”

Nora: “You don’t have time to (7)…….. your girlfriend. I have to (8)……… out through everyone else.”

Brett: “Nora, (9)……… on. I’m sorry. I didn’t (10)………… it to (11)………… like this. It’s just (12)………… . All right? Like we always (13)………. about.”

Nora: “We never (14)………. about (15)…………. on our friends.”

Brett: “When you’re (16)……….. your dream, you (17)………. it. You don’t (18)…….. questions. “

Nora: “I would.”

Brett: “You (19)………. you would. But you don’t (20)……….. until it’s right in front of you. Seriously, would you have (21)…………. away?”

Nora: “I don’t (22)………. but I’m (23)………… away now.”

Brett: “You’re (24)…………. up with me?”

Nora: “Yes.”

Brett: “This isn’t about me or Miles or any of that. It’s about Tyler, isn’t it?”

Nora: “No, it’s about me, Brett.”

Brett: “Fine. (25)………….. , that looser’s (26)………… nowhere fast and you (27)………. it.

1.4 Give Russian equivalents:

1. to get smb. a girl fast

2. to have no idea of the consequences actions

3. to keep denying the obvious

4. to be in the courtroom

5. to come to the audition

6. to mop floors

7. to be so tough

8. a bunch of dancers

1.5 Translate from Russian into English:

1. очень благородно 2. посадить в тюрьму 3. отметить хороший вкус 4. получать стипендию 5. выпускное выступление 6. получить права 7. разработать соло 8. быть надоедливым 9. быть на сигнализации (о машине) 10. попасть в беду

1.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was the music in the club when Tyler was dancing?

2. How did it happen to them to get in the Art School?

3. What was the end of their visiting school?

4. Why did Nora choose Tyler as a rehearsal partner?

5. What did she do after school? And why?

6. Why did she think that without this showcase she had nothing?

7. Who always encouraged Nora and drove her to rehearsals?

8. Why did Nora decide to break up with Brett?

9. What was Nora’s dream in dancing?

1.7 Discuss the following issues:

1. What could happen if Tyler didn’t get in the school?

2. What could happen if Nora’s partner hadn’t a bad sprain?


Vocabulary notes:

to apply to the school– учиться в школе

grueling program– самостоятельная программа

to work oneself into the ground– работать до седьмого пота

to do a favor–сделать одолжение

to break up with smb.–разорвать отношения с кем-либо

Don’t be mean!–не начинай!

to blow off– опрокинуть кого-либо

to leap around with– зависать с

That’s a relief. – прощай

to fill in for smb.– заменять кого-либо

to buy into– купиться на

to figure out– разобраться

to pull this routine off– выполнить программу

to be through with smth.–покончить с чем-либо

an art-school cat– толстопуз

to get a fraction closer to the goal – приближаться чуть ближе к цели

2.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Nora and Tyler were going to talk to Director Gordon about using the showcase as his audition to get into the Cambridge University.

2. Miles thought Lucy’d be smart enough to know she deserved better.

3. Tyler messed around with their friendship for a girl.

4. They kicked Skinny out the party because his mother prohibited his going outside.

5. The senior showcase was a highlight of their year at the Maryland School of the Art.

6. Tyler was not fighting for something real for the fist time in his life.

7. Tyler was said to send the Director Gordon his transcripts.

2.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation:(Tyler, the director of a school, Nora, company’s agent)

1. “I could finish out my school year here.”

2. “Saying the words doesn’t make it so.”

3. “Miles needed a wingman.”

4. “I was a chubby kid.”

5. “I could deal with the chubbiness.”

6. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this very special evening.”

7. “I’d like to discuss with Nora the possibility of joining our company after graduation.”

2.3 Fill in the gaps with the nouns in the conversation between Director Gordon and Tyler and act the dialogue:

Tyler: “(1)……… Gordon. I mean, (2)……… Gordon?”

Miss Gordon: “Can I help you, Tyler?”

Tyler: “Um. There’s something that I kinda[2] wanted to, um. It’s probably stupid.”

Miss Gordon: “Then perhaps it can wait.”

Tyler: “You know how me and Nora have been working together?” It’s been kinda making me think lately that may be I’d like to come here.

Miss Gordon: “You want to apply to the (3)………. ?

Tyler: “Yeah, kids (4)………. , don’t they? I was kinda hopin’[3] may be I could finish out my school (5)……… here.

Miss Gordon: “It’s not that you don’t have (6)…………, Tyler. But a lot of kids have (7)………. . It takes so much more than that. This is a grueling (8)……….. . My (9)……….. work themselves into the (10)…………. every day just to get a (11)……….. closer to their (12)……… . We’re tough as hell on them in here, because we know what they’re going to face out there. Only (13)……… that make it are the ones prepared to fight.”

Tyler: “Yeah, I understand that.

Miss Gordon: “I’m not sure that you do, not for something real. And I’ve already seen you give up once already.”

Tyler: “That’s not gonna[4] happen again.

Miss Gordon: “Saying the (14)………. doesn’t make it so.”

Tyler: “Then tell me what I gotta[5] do.”

Miss Gordon: “I can’t. You have to show me. Show me that you want it, really want it. You do that, then we can talk. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a 3:00.

2.4 Fill in the gaps with the nouns in the conversation between Nora and her mother and act the dialogue:

Nora: “Mom? Are you OK?”

Mother: “Do you know even when you were a (1)……… you danced better than you could walk? It was all you ever wanted to do. I remember the (2)……… on your (3)………. the (4)……… we took you to your first dance (5)………. .”

Nora: “You do?”

Mother: “I never expected that (6)……….. would still bring you such (7)…….. after all these (8)……… . Seeing you up there on the (9)………. so happy – it used to make me happy. I guess I forgot about that.”

Nora: “Mom, it’s OK.”

Mother: “I am so excited to see you dance in your (10)……………. .”

Nora: “Oh, Mom. I don’t even have a (11)………… anymore. Tyler’s not doing it and Andrew’s out.”

Mother: “(12)……… You can do this. You’re been doing this by yourself your whole (13)……… . Come here. You are gonna be great.”

Nora: “Thanks, Mom.”

2.5 Translate the dialogue between Tyler and Mac in order to understand what changes were after Skinny’s death:

Tyler: “Hey.”

Mac: “Hey.”

Tyler: “How long you been out here?”

Mac: “I don’t know.”

Tyler: “How’s your mom?”

Mac: “She spoke to me for the fist time today.”

Tyler: “You know they got PJ, right?”

Mac: “That’s not gonna bring Skinny back.”

Tyler: “This ain’t[6] your fault.”

Mac: “That don’t bring him back either.”

Tyler: “I hate seeing you beat yourself up.”

Mac: “I’m beating myself up? We been beating ourselves up way before Skinny… Skinny’s dead. He’s gone. My little brother’s gone. And that’s on me, Ty. I know that. I ain’t stupid. All the partying, stealing cars, messin’[7] around. You don’t think I know it’s a bunch of bull?”

Tyler: “We’re doing the best we can.”

Mac: ‘You really believe that? You really think this is the best we can be?”

Tyler: “No.”

Mac: “I wanna[8] be better. I wanna do better.”

Tyler: “You’re right.”

Mac: “We gotta do it for my mom, for Skinny.”

Tyler: “For Skinny. Can you do me favor?”

Mac: “Yeah.”

Tyler: “Will you come somewhere with me?”

2.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. What was Tyler’s idea while rehearsing with Nora at school?

2. Was there anything that Tyler wanted to have when he was a kid? And why?

3. Why didn’t Mac want to communicate with Tyler?

4. Who helped Nora when she was disappointed?

5. What happened to Skinny? And why could it happen to him?

6. Was there any difference in the behavior of Mac and Tyler after Skinny’s death?

7. Do you like the performance on the scene? Was it so exciting?

8. Could Nora get a job after such showcase?

9. What happened to Tyler?

2.7 Discuss the following issues:

1. What could happen if Nora’s mother didn’t help her to believe in herself?

2. What could happen if Skinny wasn’t shot?

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