A land surrounded.......................... sea is more than ideal.........................

keep its traditions and way........................ life. Everybody knows that cars

drive ................... the left..................... Britain, but there's more.................. it. What are these

traditions? Let's see three...................... them:

Pancake races...................... Shrove Tuesday

Even today several villages hold pancake races. The oldest takes place........................................

Olney................... Buckinghamshire and it is supposed........................... have started

................ the 15"1 century when an absent-minded cook ran................................ church

................ her pancake sizzling away........................... her hand. The race is open.........................

all women................... sixteen who have lived......................... the village......................

more than three months. They must wear a cap and an apron and run the 415 yard

course tossing their pancake......................... least three times. If they drop it - it goes

................ saying - they are disqualified.

Pig-killing..................... St Martin's Eve

There is a long tradition............................ Ireland...................... killing a pig

................ Martinmas - the eve......................... St Martin's Day, November

11. Originally this had pagan origins, the blood was sprinkled..................................

the doorstep to keep the evil spirits away. There were also practical reasons,

................ course, because pigs......................... November would be plump and

flavourful, having fattened all summer.

.................... the pig was butchered, some........................... the meat was

used as fresh pork and the rest was salted and stored in oak barrels, where it lasted
................ months.

St. Valentine's Day -February 14.

It's the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours exchange greetings ............... affection,

love or satirical, ironical love comments. The most modern way to do it today is to

send a Valentine card. They are.......................... all kinds to suit all tastes.......................... the

form................... hearts, roses, arrows, cupids, etc… the previous centuries, however, sweethearts both sexes used........................... spend hours fashioning a home-made card orpresent. The results those efforts which were painstaking, so... say, are still preserved museums.

There are a lot.......................... legends.................... St. Valentine's Day;the following being the most popular................................................ England. The first Valentine all was a bishop, a Christian martyr, who before he was put......death ........................... the Romans sent a note friendship his

jailer's blind and very beautiful daughter.


Attracting attention

The most common way of attracting attention in modern English is:

1. Excuse me (please).- It is used in the street addressing a stranger; in shops,
restaurants to attract the attention of a waiter or an assistant. It is used at meetings,
lectures and at work.

2. Other expressions are:

2. May / can I have your attention, please?- It is used to attract the attention of a group of people talking among themselves.

3. Attention, please.- It is used to introduce official announcements in public places.

4. / say.- It is used to draw attention to the following sentence.

5. Look here! - It is used to draw one's attention to something you disapprove.

6. Look/ watch out! - You use to warn of danger.

№ 16. Use the phrases of "Attracting attention " and think what you would say if:

1. You don't know how to get to your hotel in New York. You see a stranger.

2. You want to ask your doctor one more question about a medicine but she is talking to a nurse.

3. You want to ask a shop assistant if you can try a coat on.

4. A student has asked to give him your text-book in Economics for a moment. Now he walks off with it.

5. You want to express your opinion at a meeting.

6. You want to tell a group of tourists the time of visit to the Opera House is changed.

7. You see a young man is about to stop in front of a moving bus.

8. You want the waiter to bring the bill.

9. You see an old man walking towards a hole in the pavement.

10. There is an announcement about the change of the plane's departure to Greece.

11. You want to ask someone when the train arrives in Poltava.

12. You don't like someone put his luggage on yours.

Language and Humour

Frosh - "Professor, I can't go to class today."

Prof. - "Why?"

Frosh - "I don't feel well."

Prof. - "Where don't you feel well?"

Frosh - "In class."

* * *

A society woman came up to Michael Arlen and gushed about how she wanted to be a writer. What, she wanted to know, was the best way to start writing. "From left to right," the author answered brusquely.

Prof. - "Before we begin the examination, are there any questions?" Frosh - "What's the name of this course?"

Additional Reading1 Curious Statistics (Figures speak) It's interesting to know... that the world's largest temperature was recorded in Ethiopia. It was +63 °С;

... that the hottest place in the world is the Red Sea port of Massawa in Eritrea (Epirpea). The average day and night temperature is + 30° C;

... that the area of the Earth covered by the sea is approximately 139,573,699 square miles, 70,92 per cent of the world's surface; ... that the largest ocean in the world is the Pacific (47,31 per centj of the world's oceans and 66,030,124 square miles); ... that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away from the Earth; ... that the Moon is about 250,000 miles from the Earth; ... that the Moon circles the Earth once every 27 days; ... that there is no sound at all on the Moon.

Тематичне заняття № 5

Text A: The Functions of every Economic System.

Text В: What is Economic Growth?

Grammar: The Forms and Functions of «to have»


Translation: Макдональдс і Україна

Text AVocabulary № 1. Read the following words and word combinations and learn their meanings by heart:

a function- функція poverty- бідність inflation- інфляція unemployment- безробіття to make decisions- приймати рішення a growth- приріст an increase— зростання to increase— зростати an economic growth- економічне зростання Gross Domestic Product- валовий національний продукт total— загальний an indicator- показник an improvement- поліпшення to take into account- приймати до уваги a transition- перехід a decline- занепад, спад to decline- погіршуватися.

№ 2. Read and translate the following text.

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