Jointcases 9 and 10/56 Meroni & Co., Industrie Metallurgiche, Società in accomandita semplice v. High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community [1958] ECR 133

2. Commission of the European Economic Community v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Kingdom of Belgium. United cases 2/62 і 3/62 (ECR, 1962. – Р.425).

3. Confйdйra­ti­on Na­ti­ona­le des Pro­duc­ti­ons de Fru­its et Lйgu­mes v. Co­un­cil [1962] ECR 471, [1963] CMLR 160 (Cases 16&17/62)

4. Сase 26/62 Al­ge­me­ne Tran­sport-en Ex­pe­di­tie On­der­ne­ming van Gend en Lo­os v. Ne­der­lan­dse Ad­mi­nis­tra­tie der Ber­las­tin­gen (1963) ECR 1, (1963) CMLR 105

5. Cases 31&33/62 Milc­hwer­ke He­inz Wцhrmann & Sohn KG and Al­fons Lut­tic­ke GmbH v. Com­mis­si­on (1962) ECR 501, (1966) CMLR 152

6. Case С-75/63 Hoekstra v. Bestuur der Begrijfsvereniging voor Detailhandel en Amdfchten [1964] ECR 117

7. Сase 6/64 Cos­ta v. ENEL (1964) ECR 585, (1964) CMLR 425

8. Cases 56 & 58/64.Etab­lis­se­ments Con­sten SA and Grun­dig v. Com­mis­si­on (1964) ECR 299, (1996) CMLR 418

9. Case 57/65 Lüt­tic­ke (Al­fons) GmbH v. Ha­up­tzol­lamt So­ar­lo­u­is (1966) ECR 205

10. Case 24/67 Par­ke, Da­vis & Co. v. Pro­bel, Re­ese, Be­in­te­ma — In­ter­pharm and Cen­tra­farm (1968) ECR 55

11. Сase 27/67 Fink-Frucht GmbH v. Ha­up­tzol­lamt Mun­chen-Land­sber­gers­tras­se (1968) ECR 327

12. Case 24/67, Par­ke, Da­vis & Co. v. Pro­bel, Re­ese, Be­in­te­ma — In­ter­pharm and Cen­tra­farm (1968) ECR 55.

13. Case 7/68 Com­mis­si­on v. Ita­ly (Re Ex­port Tax on Art Tre­asu­res) (1968) ECR 423, (1969) CMLR 1.

14. Сase 24/68 Com­mis­si­on v. Ita­ly (Sta­ti­si­cal Le­vy) (1969) ECR 193, (1971) CMLR 611

15. Case 4/69 Lut­tic­ke GmbH v. Com­mis­si­on (1971) ECR 325

16. Case 5/69 Volk v. Vervaecke [1969] ECR 295

17. Case 48/69, ICI v. Commission [1972] ECR 619, [1972] CMLR 557

18. 22/70 AETR, Kommission der Europӓischen Gemeinschaften gegen den Rat der Europӓischen Gemeinschaften, ELR [1971]

19. Сase 9/70 Grad (Franz) v. Fi­nan­zamt Tra­un­ste­in (1970) ECR 825, (1971) CMLR 1

20. Сase 11/70 In­ter­na­ti­ona­le Han­del­sge­sellschaft GmbH v. E­in­fuhr-und Vor­rats­stel­le fur Get­re­ide und Fut­ter­mit­tel (1970) ECR 1125, (1972) CMLR 255

21. Judgment of the Court of Justice, AETR, Case 22/70 (31 March 1971) [1971]. P. 31

22. In­ter­na­ti­onal Fru­it Co. v. Com­mis­si­on [1971] ECR 411, [1975] 2 CMLR 515 (Case 41&44/70)

23. Case 15/71Mack­prang v. Com­mis­si­on (1971) ECR 797

24. Fril­li v. Bel­gi­um [1972] ECR 457, [1973] CMLR 386 (Сase 1/72).

25. Case 6/72 Continental Can v Commission [1973] ECR 215

26. Сase 2/73 Ged­do v. En­te Na­zi­ona­le Ri­si (1973) ECR 865

27. Сase 152/73 Sot­giu v. De­ust­che Bun­des­post (1974) ECR 153

28. Сase 155/73 Sac­chi (1974) ECR 409, (1974) 2 CMLR 177

29. Сase 167/73 Com­mis­si­on v. Fran­ce (French Mer­chant Se­amen) (1974) ECR 359

30. Ha­ege­man v. Bel­gi­um [1974] ECR 449, [1975] CMLR 515 (Case 181/73)

31. Case 192/73, Van Zu­ylen Fre­res v. Hag AG [1974] ECR 731.

32. Case 2/74 Re­yners v. Bel­gi­um (1974) ECR 631, (1974) 2 CMLR 305

33. Сase 8/74 Pro­cu­re­ur du Roi v. Das­son­vil­le (1974) ECR 837

34. Сasee 9/74 Ca­sag­ran­de v. Lan­des­ha­upt­stadt Mun­chen (1974) ECR 837, (1974) 2 CMLR 423

35. Case 15/74, Cen­tra­farm BV & Ad­ri­a­an de Pe­ij­per v. Ster­ling Drug Inc. [1974] ECR 1147; [1974] CMLR 480

36. Case 16/74, Cen­tra­farm BV & Ad­ri­a­an de Pe­ij­per v. Wint­hrop BV [1974] ECR 1183; [1974] 2 CMLR 480

37. Case 33/74 Van Bin­sber­gen v. Bes­tu­ur van de Bed­rijf­sve­ren­ni­ging vo­or de Me­ta­al­nij­ver­he­id (1974) ECR 1299, (1975) 1 CMLR 298

38. Сase 36/74 Wal­ra­ve and Koch v. As­so­ci­ati­on Uni­on Cyc­lis­te In­ter­na­ti­ona­le (1975) ECR 1405, (1975) 1 CMLR 320

39. Сase 41/74 Van Du­yn v. Ho­me Of­fi­ce (1974) ECR 1337, (1975) 1 CMLR 1

40. Сase 67/74 Bon­sig­no­re v. Ober­stad­tdi­rek­tor of the Ci­ty of Co­log­ne (1975) ECR 297, (1975) 1 CMLR 472

41. 2/75, E­in­fuhr-und Vvor­rats­stel­le fur Get­re­ide und Fut­ter­mit­tel v. Fir­ma C. Mack­prang (1975) ECR 607, (1977) 1 CMLR 198

42. Сase 32/75 Cris­ti­ni v. SNCF (1975) ECR 1085, (1976) 1 CMLR 573.

43. Сase 36/75 Ru­ti­li v. Mi­nis­tre de l’Intйri­e­ur (1975) ECR 1219, (1976) 1 CMLR 140

44. Case 43/75 Def­ren­ne v. SA­BE­NA (No. 2) (1976) ECR 455, (1976) 2 CMLR 98

45. Сase 87/75 Bres­ci­ani v. Am­mi­nis­tra­zi­one del­le Fi­nan­ze del­lo Sta­to (1976) ECR 129, (1976) 2 CMLR 62

46. Сase 118/75 Wat­son v. Bel­mann (1976) ECR 1185, (1976) 2 CMLR 552

47. спра­вою 130/75, Pra­is v. Co­un­cil (1976) ECR 1589, (1976) 2 CMLR 708

48. Case 51/76 Ver­bond v. Ne­der­lan­dse On­dernemigen (1977) ECR 113 (Case 51/76).

49. Сase 74/76 I­anel­li & Vol­pi v. Me­ro­ni (1977) ECR 557, (1977) 2 CMLR 688

50. Спра­ва 78/76 Ste­ini­ke und We­in­lig, Fir­ma v. Bun­de­samt fьr Er­nah­rung und Fors­twirtschaft (1977) ECR 595, (1977) 2 CMLR 686

51. So­ciйtй po­ur l’Ex­por­ta­ti­on des Suc­res v. Com­mis­si­on [1977] ECR 709 ( Case88/76)

52. Case 13/76 Do­na v. Man­te­ro (1976) ECR 1333, (1976) 2 CMLR 578.

53. Case 26/76 Metro v. Commission [1997] ECR 11075, [1978] 2 CMLR 1

54. Case 27/76 United Brands Company and United Brands Continental BV v Commission of the European Communities (Chiquita Bananas) [1978] ECR 207

55. ECJ, Case 41/76 - Donckerwolcke, (1976) ECR,

56. Сase 46/76 Ba­uhu­is v. Net­her­lands (1977) ECR 5

57. Case 53/76 Pro­cu­re­ur de la Re­pub­li­que Be­sanзon v. Bo­uhe­li­er (1977) ECR 197, (1997) 1 CMLR 4376

58. Сase 71/76 Thi­ef­fry v. Co­un­se­il de l’Or­dre des Avo­cats a la Co­ur de Pa­ris (1977) ECR 765, (1977) 2 CMLR 373

59. Case 85/76 Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG v Commission of the European Communities [1979] ECR 461

60. Case 107/76 Hoffman-La Roche v. Centafarm [1977] ECR 957, [1977] 2 CMLR 334

61. Сase 11/77 Pat­rick v. Mi­nis­tre des Af­fa­irs Cul­tu­ral­les (1977) ECR 1199, (1977) 2 CMLR 523

62. Сase 30/77 R. v. Bo­uc­he­re­au (1977) ECR 1999, (1977) 2 CMLR 800.

63. спра­ва­ми 103&145/77, Ro­y­al Schol­ten-Ho­nig v. In­ter­ven­ti­on Bo­ard for Ag­ri­cul­tu­ral Pro­du­ce (1978) ECR 2037, (1979) 1 CMLR 675

64. Сase 106/77 Am­mi­nis­tra­zi­one del­le Fi­nan­za del­lo Sta­to v. Sim­men­thal SpA (1978) ECR 629, (1978) 3 CMLR 263 .

65. Denkavit Futtermittel GmbH v Finanzamt Warendorf. Case 139/77 (ECR, 1978. – Р.1317)

66. Case7/78 R. v. Thom­pson ((1978) ECR 2247, (1979) 1 CMLR 47

67. Case 22/78 Hugin Kassaregister AB and Hugin Cash Registers Ltd. v. Commission [1979] ECR 11069, [1979] 3 CMLR 345

68. спра­ва 83/78, Pigs Mar­ke­ting Bo­ard v. Red­mond (1978) ECR 2347, (1979) 2 CMLR 177

69. Сases 110&111/78 Mi­nis­tre Pub­lic v. Van We­se­ma­el (1979) ECR 35, (1979) 3 CMLR 87

70. Сase 120/78 Re­we-Zen­tra­le AG v. Bun­des­mo­no­pol­ver­wal­tung fur Branntwe­in (1979) ECR 649, (1979) 3 CMLR 494

71. Judgment of the Court of 21 February 1979. Hans-Markus Stцlting v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas.

Reference for a preliminary ruling: Finanzgericht Hamburg - Germany. Case 138/78 (ECR, 1979. - P. 00713).

1. Сase 170/78 Com­mis­si­on v. UK: ta­xa­ti­on of wi­ne (1980) ECR 417

2. Сase 148/78 Pub­bli­co Mi­nis­te­ro v. Tul­lio Rat­ti (1979) ECR 1629, (1980) 1 CMLR 96

3. Case 230/78 Eri­di­ana Zuc­he­eri­fi­ci Na­ti­ona­li v. Mi­nis­tre de l’Ag­ri­cal­tu­re et des Frets (1979) ECR 2749

4. Case 258/78 LC Nun­ges­ser KG & Kurt E­ise­le v. Com­mis­si­on (1982) ECR 2015; (1983) 1 CMLR 278

5. Сase 15/79 Gro­en­veld BV v. Pro­ductschap vo­or Vee en Vle­es (1979) ECR 3409, (1981) 1 CMLR 207

6. Сase 34/79 R. v. Henn & Der­by (1979) ECR 3795, (1990) 1 CMLR 246

7. Сase 52/79 Pro­cu­eror du Roi v. De­ba­uve (1980) ECR 833, (1981) 2 CMLR 362

8. Сase 55/79 Com­mis­si­on v. Ire­land (1980) ECR 833, (1981) 2 CMLR 734

9. Case 61/79 Denkavit v. Italy // [1980] ECR 01205

10. Case 62/79 S.A. Cam­pag­nie Ge­ne­ra­le po­ur la Dif­fu­si­on de la Te­le­vi­si­on Co­di­tel v. Sa Ci­ne Vog Films (1980) ECR 833, (1981) 1 CMLR 362

11. Сase 90/79 Com­mis­si­on v. Fran­ce (Re Le­vy on Rep­rog­rap­hic Machines) (1981) ECR 283

12. Сase 149/79 Com­mis­si­on v. Bel­gi­um (1980) ECR 3881, (1981) 2 CMLR 413

13. Kevin Lee v Minister for Agriculture. Case 152/79 (ECR, 1980. – Р.1495)

14. Сase 157/79 R. v. Pi­eck (1980) ECR 2171, (1980) 3 CMLR 220

15. Giacomo Cattaneo Adorno v Commission of the European Communities. Case 107/80 (ECR, 1981. – Р. І-1469).

16. Сase 113/80 Com­mis­si­on v. Ire­land (1981) ECR 1625, (1982) 1 CMLR 706

17. Сase 155/80 Sum­ma­ry pro­ce­edings aga­inst Ser­gi­us O­ebel (1981) ECR 1993

18. Casati. Case 203/80 (ECR, 1981. – Р. 2595

19. Сase 53/81 Le­vin v. Sta­at­ssec­re­ta­ris van Jus­ti­tie (1982) ECR 1035, (1982) CMLR 454

20. Case 60/81 IBM v. Com­mis­si­on (1981) ECR 2639, (1981) 3 CMLR 635

21. Сase 65/81 Re­ina v. Lan­des­kdit­bank Ba­den-Wur­ttem­berg (1982) ECR 33, (1982) 1 CMLR 744

22. Сase С-76/81 SA Tran­spo­ro­ute et tra­va­ux v. Mi­nis­ter of Pub­lic Works (1982) ECR 417

23. Сase 95/81 Com­mis­si­on v. Ita­ly (1982) ECR 2187

24. Сase 104/81Ha­ut­tzol­lamt Ma­inz v. Kup­fer­berg and Cie KG (1982) ECR 3641, (1983) 1 CMLR 1

25. Сases 115&116/81 Ado­ui & Cor­nu­a­ile v. Bel­gi­um (1982) ECR 1665, (1982) 3 CMLR 631

26. Case 246/81 Bet­hell v. Com­mis­si­on (1982) ECR 2277

27. Сase 249/81 Com­mis­si­on v. Ire­land (Buy Irish) (1982) ECR 4005, (1983) 2 CMLR 104

28. Rau (Сase 261/81)

29. Сase 35&36/82 Mor­son and Jhan­jhan v. Net­her­lands (1982) ECR 3723, (1983) 2 CMLR 221

30. Сase 40/82 Com­mis­si­on v. UK (Po­ul­tri) (1983) ECR 2793, (1982) 3 CMLR 497

31. Сase 199/82 Am­mi­nis­tra­zi­one del­le Fi­nan­za del­lo Sta­to v. San Gi­or­gio (1983) ECR 3595, (1985) 2 CMLR 185

32. Case 203/82 Commission v. Italy [1983] ECR 02525

33. Cases 286/82 & 26/83 Lu­isi and Car­bo­ne v. Mi­nis­te­ro del Te­so­ro (1984) ECR 377

34. Сase 14/83Von Col­son and Ka­mann v. La­nel Nord­rhe­in-Wes­nfa­len (1984) ECR 1891, (1986) 2 CMLR 430

35. Сase 16/83 Prantl (Karl) (1984) ECR 1299, (1985) 2 CMLR 238

36. Сase 79/83 Harz v. De­uts­che Tra­dax (1984) ECR 1924

37. Case 182/83 Robert Fearon & Co Ltd v Irish Land Commission [1984] ECR 3677, p. 3677

38. Сase 220/83 Com­mis­si­on v. Fran­ce (1986) ECR 3663, (1987) 2 CMLR 113

39. C-240/83

40. Сase 261/83 Cas­tel­li v. ONPTS (1984) ECR 3199

41. Сase 267/83 Di­at­ta v. Land Ber­lin (1985) ECR 567, (1986) 2 CMLR 164

42. Сase 277/83 Com­mis­si­on v. Ita­ly: Mar­sa­le (1985) ECR 2049

43. Сase 293/83 Gra­vi­er v. Ci­ty of Li­ege (1985) ECR I-593, (1985) 3 CMLR 1

44. Case 2990/83 Commission v. France // [1985] ECR 00439

45. R. v. Sec­re­ta­ry of Sta­te for the Ho­me De­par­tment, ex par­te Dan­nen­berg (1984, Co­urt of Ap­pe­al) 2 CMLR 456

46. Case 19/84 Pharmon v. Hoechst [1985] ECR 2281

47. Сases 60&61/84 Ci­nethиque SA v. Fe­de­ra­ti­on Na­ti­ona­le des Ci­ni­mas Fran­ci­as (1985) ECR 2605, (1986) 2 CMLR 365

48. Сase 106/84 Com­mis­si­on v. Den­mark (1986) ECR 833

49. Сase 112/84 Hum­blot v. Di­rec­te­ur des Ser­vi­ces Fis­ca­ux (1985) ECR 1367

50. Сase 152/84 Mar­shall v. So­ut­ham­pton and So­uth-West Hamp­shi­re Area He­alth A­ut­ho­ri­ty (Te­ac­hing) (№ 1) (1986) ECR 723, (1986) 1 CMLR 688

1. Case 174/84 – Bulk Oil, (1986) ECR, p. 559

2. Case C-187/84 Italy v Caldana [1985] ECR I–3013

3. Сase 197/84 Ste­in­ha­user v. Ci­ty of Bi­ar­ritz (1985) ECR 1819

4. Сase 243/84 Wal­ker (John) v. Mi­nis­te­ri­et for Skat­ter (1986) ECR 875

5. Сase 307/84 Com­mis­si­on v. Fran­ce (1986) ECR 1725, (1987) 3 CMLR 555

6. Сase 59/85 Net­her­lands v. Re­ed (1986) ECR 1283, (1987) 2 CMLR 448

7. Сase 66/85 Law­rie-Blum v. Land Ba­den-Wьrttem­berg (1986) ECR 2121, (1987) 3 CMLR 389

8. Сase 79/85 Se­gers (1986) ECR 2375; (1987) 2 CMLR 247

9. Ahlstrom OY (A) v Commission (Wood Pulp) [1994] ECR I-99 (Cases C-89/85, C-104/85, C-114/85, C-116-7/85, C125-29/85)

10. Case 131/85, Gьl v. Re­gi­erungsprдsi­dent Dьssel­dorf (1986) ECR 1583, (1987) 1 CMLR 501

11. Сase 139/85 Kempf v. Sta­at­ssec­re­ta­ris van Jus­ti­tie (1986) ECR 1573, (1987) 1 CMLR 764

12. Villa Banfi v Regione Toscana and others. Case 312/85 (ECR, 1986. – Р. 4039)

13. 338/85, Fra­tel­li Par­di­ni SpA v. Mi­nis­te­ro del Com­mer­cio con l’Es­te­ro (1988) ECR 2041.

14. Case C – 429/85 Commission v Italian Republic [1988] ECR I–843

15. Case 12/86 De­mi­rel v. Stadt Schwa­bisch Gmund (1987) ECR 3719, (1989) 1 CMLR 421

16. cпра­ва 39/86, La­ir v. Uni­ver­si­ty of Li­eg­ne (1988) ECR 3161, (1989) 3 CMLR 54

17. Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 8 March 1988. Apple and Pear Development Council v
Commissioners of Customs and Excise. Reference for a preliminary ruling: House of Lords - United Kingdom. Common system of value-added tax - Supply of services effected for consideration. Case 102/86 (ECR, 1988, P. 01443).

18. Спра­ва 197/86, Brown v. Sec­re­ta­ry of Sta­te for Scot­land (1988) ECR 3205, (1988) 3 CMLR 403

19. Сase 222/86 UNEC­TEF v. He­ylens (1987) ECR 4097, (1989) 1 CMLR 91

20. Сase 263/86 Bel­gi­um v. Hum­bel (1988) ECR 5365

21. Case C-287/86 Landsorganisationen i Danmark for Tjenerforbundet i Danmark v. Ny Mølle Kro [1987] ECR 5465; Case C-487/03 Commission v. Spain

22. Case­ 302/86 Com­mis­si­on v. Den­mark (Re­cyc­lab­le Bot­tles) (1988) ECR 4607, (1989) 1 CMLR 619

23. Сase 318/86 Com­mis­si­on v. Fran­ce (1988) ECR 3559, (1989) 3 CMLR 569

24. Сase 18/87 Com­mis­si­on v. Ger­ma­ny (1988) ECR 5427

25. Case 45/87 Com­mis­si­on v. Ire­land (Ire­land Re Dun­dalk Wa­ter Sup­ply) (1988) ECR 4929, (1989) 1 CMLR 225

26. Сase 81/87 R. v. HM Tre­asu­ry and Com­mis­si­oners of In­land Re­ve­nue, ex p. Da­ily Ma­il Ge­ne­ral Trust PLC (1988) ECR 5483, (1988) 3 CMLR 713

27. Affaire 136/87 Ubbink Isolatie BV c. Daken Wandtechniek BV (CJCE, 1988. - Р. 4665)

28. Сase 186/87 Jan Wil­li­am Co­wan v. Tre­sor Pub­lic (1989) ECR 195, 221

29. Сases 266&267/87 R. v. Ro­y­al Phar­ma­ce­uti­cal So­ci­ety of Gre­at Bri­ta­in (1989) ECR 1295, (1989) 2 CMLR 751

30. Сase 305/87 Com­mis­si­on v. Gre­ece (1989) ECR 1461

31. Сase 397/87 Gro­ener v. Mi­nis­ter for Edu­ca­ti­on (1990) 1 CMLR 401

32. Сase 3/88 Com­mis­si­on v. Ita­ly (1989) ECR 4035

33. Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic. Case 68/88 (ECR, 1989. – P. 2965)

34. Сase С-69/88 Krantz (1990) ECR I-583

35. Спра­ва Case C-70/88 E­uro­pe­an Par­li­ament v. Co­un­cil (Cher­no­byl Ca­se) (1980) ECR I-2041, (1992) 1 CMLR 91

36. Сase 132/88 Com­mis­si­on v. Gre­ece: ta­xa­ti­on of mo­tor cars (1990) ECR I-1567

37. Спра­ва 145/88, Tor­fa­en Bo­ro­ugh Co­un­cil v. B&Qplc (Sun­day tra­ding) (1989) ECR 385, (1990) 1 CMLR 337

38. Сase 170/88 Ford Es­paсa v. Spa­in (1989) ECR 2305

39. Joined cases C-206/88 and C-207/88.

40. Спра­ва C-322/88, Gri­mal­di v. Fo­unds des Ma­la­di­es Pro­fes­si­onel­les (1989) ECR 4407, (1991) 2 CMLR 265

41. Сase T-7/89 SA Her­cu­les Chem­mi­cals NV v. Com­mis­si­on (1991) ECR II-1711

42. Case C-10/89, SA CNL SU­CAL NV v. Hag GF AG [1990] ECR I-3711

43. Case Т-30/89 Hilti AG v. Commission [1990] ECR II-163, [1990] 4 CMLR 602

44. Joined cases Т-68, 77 та 78/89 Italian Flat Glass [1992] ECR II-1403

45. Сase C-106/89 Mar­le­asing SA v. La Co­mer­ci­al Ali­men­ta­ci­on SA (1990) ECR I-4135, (1992) 1 CMLR 305

46. Сase C-113/89 Rush Por­tu­gu­esa Ltda v. Of­fi­ce Na­ti­ona­le d’Im­mig­ra­ti­on [1990] ECR I-1417

47. Сase C-180/89 Com­mis­si­on v. Ita­li­an Re­pub­lic (1991) ECR I-709

48. Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 4 December 1990. W. M. van Tiem v Staatssecretaris van
Financial. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Hoge Raad - Netherlands. Assessment of turnover tax - Sixth VAT Directive. Case C-186/89 (ECR, 1990. - P. I-04363).

49. Сase C-188/89 Fos­ter v. Bri­tish Gas (1990) ECR I-3313, (1990) 2 CMLR 833

50. Сase C-192/89 S.Z. Se­vin­ce v. Sta­at­sec­ri­ta­ris van Jus­ti­tie (1990) ECR I-3461, (1992) 2 CMLR 57

51. Спра­ва C-213/89 R. v. Sec­re­na­ry of Sta­te for Tran­sport, ex par­te Fac­tor­ta­me and Ot­hers (1990) ECR I-2433, (1990) 3 CMLR 1

52. Affaire C-221/89 Factortame (CJCE, 25.07.1991. – Т. 1b. – Р. 3905)

53. Case С-234/89 Delimits [1991] ECRI-935,

54. Affaire C-246/89 Commission c. Royaume-Uni (CJCE, 4.10.1991. – Т. 1b. – Р. 4585)

55. Case 305/89 Italy v. Commission // [1991] ECR I-01603

56. Сase 340/89 Vlas­so­po­ulou v. Mi­nis­te­ri­um fur Jus­tiz (1991) ECR 2357, (1993) 2 CMLR 22

57. СaseС-357/89 Ra­ulin v. Mi­nis­ter van On­der­wijs en We­tens­chap­pen (1992) ECR I-1027

58. Case C-3/90 M. J. E. Bernini v. Minister van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen [1992] ECR I-1071

59. Сases C-6&9/90 Fran­co­vich and Bo­ni­fa­ci v. Ita­ly (1991) ECR I-5357, (1993) 2 CMLR 66.

60. Сase C-18/90 ONEM v. Kzi­ber (1991) ECR 199

61. Cases C-104/89&37/90 Mul­der v. Com­mis­si­on and Co­un­cil (1992) ECR I-3061

62. Case С-41/90 Hofner Elsver v. Macroton [1991] ECR I-1979

63. Case C-47/90 Ita­ly v. Com­mis­si­on (1992) ECR I-4145.

64. udgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 20 June 1991. Polysar Investments Netherlands BV v
Inspecteur der Invoerrechten en Accijnzen. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Gerechtshof Arnhem - Netherlands. Interpretation of Articles 4 and 13B (d) (5) of the Sixth Directive - Taxable person - Activities of a holding company. Case C-60/90 (ECR, 1991. - P. I-03111).

65. Сase С-76/90 Sager v. Den­ne­me­y­er & C. Ltd. (1991) ECR I-4221

66. Case C-159/90 Society for the protection of unborn children Ltd. v. Stephen Grogan and others [1991] ECR I-4685

67. Сase С-204/90 Bac­hmann v. Bel­gi­um (1992) ECR I-249, (1993) 1 CMLR 785

68. Сase C-370/90 R. v. Im­mig­ra­ti­on Ap­pe­als Tri­bu­nal and Su­rin­der Singh (1992) ECR I-4265, (1992) 3 CMLR 35

69. Alsthom Atlantique SA v Compagnie de construction mécanique Sulzer SA, ECR, 1991 [ I-00107].

70. Case 4/91 Ble­is v. Mi­nis­tre de l’Edu­ca­ti­on Na­ti­ona­le (1991) ECR I-5627, (1994) 1 CMLR 793

71. Joined cases С-159 та 160/91 Poucet Pistre v. Cancava [1993] ECR I-637

72. Società Tenuta il Bosco Srl v Ministero delle finanze dello Stato. Сase 162/91 (ECR, 1992. – Р.5279)

73. Case 183/91 Commission v. Greece // [1993] ECR I-03131

74. Сases C-267&268/91 Keck (Ber­nard) and Da­ni­еl Mit­ho­u­ard, Cri­mi­nal Pro­ce­eding Aga­inst (1993) ECR I-6097, (1995) 1 CMLR 101

75. Affaire С-0330/91 The Queen c. Commerzbank AG (Recueil de jurisprudence, 1993. - Р. І- 4017)

76. Case T-9/92 Automobiles Peugeot SA and Peugeot SA v Commission of the European Communitiest CFI [1993] ECR II-00493

77. Сase С-17/92 Dis­tri­bu­ido­res Ci­ne­ma­tog­ra­fi­cos (1993) ECR I-2239

78. Case С-49/92 Р Commission v.Anic [1999] ECR I-4125

79. Case C-91/92 Fac­ci­ni Do­ri v. Rec­reb Srl (1994) ECR I-3325, (1995) 1 CMLR 665

80. Case T-102/92, VIHO Europe BV v Commission of the European Communities [1995] ECR II-17

81. Сase C-109/92 Wirth v. Lan­des­ha­upt­stadt (1993) ECR I-6447

82. Спра­ва C-275/92, Cus­tom and Ex­ci­se Com­mis­si­oners v. Scy­in­dler and Schin­dler (1994) ECR I-1039

83. Сase С-319/92 Ha­im (1994) ECR І-425, Сase С-238/98 Hoc­sman (2000) ECR І-6623

84. Сases C-401/92 & C-402/93 Tank­sta­ti­on ’t He­uk­ske vof & J.B.E. Bo­er­mans (1994) ECR I-2199, (1995) 3 CMLR 501

85. Сase C-46/93 Bras­se­rie du Pкche­ur SA v. Ger­ma­ny (1996) ECR I-1029, (1996) 1 CMLR 889

86. Сase C-47/93 Com­mis­si­on v. Bel­gi­um (1994) ECR I-1593

87. Case C-48/93 R. v. Sec­re­ta­ry of Sta­te for Tran­sport, ex par­te Fac­tor­ta­me Ltd. (Fac­tor­ta­m III) (1996) ECR I-1029, (1996) 1 CMLR 889

88. Сases C-69&258/93 Pun­to Ca­sa SpA v. Sin­da­co de Com­mu­ne di Ca­pe­na and Ot­hers (1994) ECR I-2355

89. Judgment of the Court of 14 February 1995. Finanzamt Kцln-Altstadt v Roland Schumacker. Case C-279/93 (ECR, 1995. - P. I-00225)

90. Сases С-358 & 416/93 Cri­mi­nal pro­ce­edings aga­inst Al­do Bor­des­sa and Ot­hers (1995) ECR I-361, (1996) 2 CMLR 13

91. Сase C-412/93 So­ci­ete d’Im­por­ta­ti­on Edo­u­ard Lec­lerc-Sip­lec v. TF1 Pub­li­citй SA and M6 Pub­li­ci­te SA (1995) ECR I-179, (1995) 3 CMLR 422

92. Сase C-415/93 Uni­on Ro­y­ale Bel­ge des So­ci­etes de Fo­ot­ball As­so­ci­ati­on ASBL v. Ja­en Marc Bos­man (1995) ECR I-4921, (1995) 3 CMLR 422

93. Case C-418/93 Se­me­ra­ro Ca­sa Uno Srl v. Sin­da­co de Com­mu­ne di Er­bus­co (1996) 3 CMLR 648

94. Саse C-5/94 R. v. Mi­nis­try of Ag­ri­cul­tu­re, Fisheri­es and Fo­od, ex par­te Hed­ley Lo­mas (Ire­land) Ltd. (1996) ECR I-2553, (1996) 2 CMLR 391

95. Сase 55/94 Geb­hard v. Con­si­lio dell’Or­di­ne deg­li Av­vo­ca­ti e Pro­cu­ra­to­ri di Mi­la­no (1995) ECR I-4165

96. Case C-70/94 – Werner, (1995) ECR I, p. 3189

97. Case C-83/94 – Leifer, (1995) ECR I, p. 3231.

98. Affaire С-101/94 Commission c. Italie (Recueil de jurisprudence, 1996. – P. I - 02691)

99. Сases C-163,165&250/94 Cri­mi­nal Pro­ce­edings aga­inst Lu­cas Emi­lio Sanz de Le­ra and Ot­hers (1995) ECR I-4821

100. Сase C-237/94O’Flynn v. Ad­ju­di­ca­ti­on Of­fi­cer (1996) ECR I-2617

101. Case С-244/94 Federation Francaise des Societes d’Assurances and Others v Ministere de l’Agriculture et de la Peche [1995] ECR I-4013

102. Affaire C-334/94 Commission c. Francе (CJCE, 7.03.1996. – Т. 1. – Р. 13070)

103. Case T-380/94 Association internationale des utilisateurs de fils de filaments artificiels et synthétiques et de soie naturelle (AIUFFASS) and Apparel, Knitting & Textiles Alliance (AKT) v Commission of the European Communities CFI [1996] ECR II-2169

104. Сase C-3/95 Re­ise­bu­ro Bro­ede v. Gerd San­dker (1996) ECR I-6511

105. Сases C-34&36/95 Kon­su­men­tom­bud­sman­nen (KO) v. De Agos­ti­ni (Sven­ska), For­lag AB v. TV Shop i Sve­ri­ge AB (1997) ECR I-3843

106. Сase C-43/95 Da­ta-De­lec­ta & For­sberg v. MSL Dy­na­mics (1996) ECR I-4661

107. Cases C-65&111/95, R. v. Sec­re­ta­ry of Sta­te for the Ho­me De­par­tment, ex par­te Singh Shin­ga­ra and Ab­bas Ra­di­on (1997) ECR I-3343

108. Сase C-192/95 So­ci­ete Co­ma­teb v. Di­rec­te­ur Ge­ne­ral des Du­o­anes et Dro­its In­de­rects (1997) ECR I-165, (1997) 2 CMLR 649

109. Сase C-368/95 Ve­re­inig­te Fa­mi­lap­ress Ze­itung­sver­lags und ver­tri­ebs GmbH (’Fa­mi­lap­ress’) v. He­in­rich Ba­u­er Ver­lag (1997) ECR I-3689, (1997) 3 CMLR 1329

110. Case С-35/96 Commission v Italy [1998] ECR I-31051

111. Case С-55/96 Job Centre[1997]ECR I-7119

112. Case C-45/96, Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank AG and Edgar Dietzinger [1998], ECR I-1199 (OJ 1985 L 372, p. 31)

113. Affaire C-63/96 Commission c. Grèce (CJCE, 27.11.1997. – Т. 1. – Р. 6725)

114. Affaire C-151/96 Commission c. Irlande (CJCE, 12.06.1997. – Т. 1. – Р. 3327)

115. Regione Piemonte v Saiagricola SpA. Сase 164/96 (ECR, 1997. – Р. 6129)

116. Grant v. So­uth West Tra­ins Ltd [1998] ECR I-621, [1998] IRLR 165 (Case C-249/96)

117. Judgment of the Court of 12 May 1998. Mr and Mrs Robert Gilly v Directeur des services fiscaux du Bas-Rhin. Case C-336/96 (ECR, 1998. - P. I-02793).

118. Raija-Liisa Jokela and Laura Pitkäranta. United cases 9/97 і 118/97 (ECR, 1998. – Р. І-6267).

119. Case C-63/97 BMW v Ronald Karel Deenik [1999] ECR I-905

120. Affaire C-212/97 Centros Ltd c. Erhvervs-og Selskabsstyrelsen (Recueil de jurisprudence, 1999. – P. I - 01459)

121. Сase C-222/97 Man­fred Trum­mer & Pe­ter Ma­y­er, (1999) ECR I-01661

122. Сase С-224/97 Ci­ola v. Land Vo­rar­lberg (1999) ECR І-2517

123. Case 237/97 AFC Intercultural Programs Finland [1999] ECR I-825

124. Affaire С-255/97 Pfeiffer (Recueil de jurisprudence. - 1999. - Р. І -2835)

125. Lemmens. Case C 226/97 (ECR, 1998. – Р. I3711

126. Judgment of the Court of 21 September 1999. Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, Zweigniederlassung
Deutschland v Finanzamt Aachen-Innenstadt. Case C-307/97 (ECR, 1999. - P. I-06161).

127. Joined cases C-418/97 and C-419/97.

128. Case C-35/98 Sta­at­ssec­re­ta­ris van Fi­nan­ciёn v. B.G.M. Ver­ko­o­ijen (2000) ECR I-4071

129. Case T-88/98 Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia v. Commission [2001] ECR II-01169

130. Case С-190/98 Graf (2000) ECR I-493

131. С – 208/98 Berliner Kindl Brauerei AG v Andreas Siepert

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