Согласование времён. косвенная речь

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The secretary asked her boss what time (would he leave / he was leaving) for the airport.

2. He wondered what (he should do / should he do) to set the situation right.

3. Melvin promised (to pay / paying) back the money as soon as possible.

4. Mr. Ferrow suggested (talking / that he would talk) to the CEO in person.

5. The company’s executive director informed the staffers that they (will be given / would be given) a few days off.

6. The Marketing Director inquired when the launch campaign of the new product (is going / was going) to take place.

7. Mr. Martin denied that she (had taken / took) any money from the company.

8. The teacher explained that the elements of the marketing mix (focused / focus) on the consumer.

9. We found out that the new trainee (was promoted / had been promoted) over the heads of several of his seniors.

10. The shop assistant told us (do not touch / not to touch) any of the items on display.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Katherine’s told me she … for a better job at the moment.

a. was looking b. looks c. looked d. is looking

2. Last year’s financial statement indicates that it … a very profitable year for the company.

a. is b. was c. has been d. had been

3. The financial adviser convinced the CEO that the new project … a success.

a. will be b. is going to be c. would be d. was

4. The suppliers said that they already … us the duplicate invoice.

a. had sent b. have sent c. would send d. were sending

5. He warned me … my shares yet.

a. do not sell b. about selling c. to sell d. not to sell

6. Last year our company operated less efficiently than it … this year.

a. did b. does c. have done d. would do

7. The merger you … about now was announced yesterday.

a. were talking b. talked c. are talking d. have been talking

8. The correspondent asked the Returning Officer … on the election results.

a. to comment b. don’t comment c. commented d. would comment

9. I want to know … new staff for the summer.

a. would they be employing c. will they be employing

b. if they would be employing d. if they will be employing

10. The manager threatened … the clerk if he didn't change his attitude to work.

a. that he will dismiss c. to dismiss

b. dismissing d. that he dismissed

11. The Managing Director said at the meeting that he … a joint venture … the best way to break into the foreign market.

a. thinks; was b. thinks; is c. thought; is d. thought; was

12. We learnt that a market … an arrangement through which people … for the purpose of buying and selling merchandise.

a. is; meet b. was; met c. is; met d. was; meet

13. The bank ordered the company … its activity until a thorough inspection … .

a. suspend; is completed c. suspending; completes

b. to suspend; was completed d. not to suspend; completed

14. My personal assistant informed me that Ms Sullivan … while I … out.

a. phoned; was c. was phoning; had been

b. had phoned; had been d. had phoned; was

15. The purchasing director wanted to know how much … .

a. the new equipment costs c. the new equipment cost

b. did the new equipment cost d. does the new equipment cost

III. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. He said, “The company carries out a lot of research to make sure that the commercial will appeal to the target audience.”

2. The suppliers threatened us, “We’ll sue you if you cancel the agreement.”

3. The chief accountant said to the employees, “You’ll be given a 10% salary increase next month.”

4. The customs officer asked Mr. Vito, “Do you have anything to declare?”

5. She said, “I met Mr. Luis while I was attending Seattle World’s Fair.”

6. They cautioned me, “Don’t make a statement before you’ve consulted the lawyer.”

7. The book said, “Supply is the amount of a commodity that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at a specified price.”

8. The Vice President announced, “We’re not going to compromise with our rivals.”

9. We asked the corporate management, “When are you planning to set up a subsidiary?”

10. The director-general asked Miss Benson’s immediate boss, “Could you tell Miss Benson that she has been made redundant?”


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I hope that if I (do / will do) my best, they will give me a permanent contract after a few months.

2. I wish you (attended / had attended) the meeting yesterday.

3. If a firm doesn’t advertise, it (would lose / loses) its market share.

4. Unless you (don’t send / send) us all the documents, we won’t be able to deliver you the merchandise.

5. If I were on the Board of this company, I (will argue / would argue) against the merger.

6. If we (anticipated / had anticipated) the financial collapse, we wouldn’t have lost so much money.

7. She (wouldn’t have missed / wouldn’t miss) the deadline if she weren’t so disorganized.

8. If you (were / had been) in his situation, what would you do?

9. I wish our partners (wouldn’t infringe / hadn’t infringed) terms and conditions of contracts from now on.

10. If you (granted / would grant) us a 15% trade discount, we’d make firm orders in advance for one year.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. We exchange goods only if you … a receipt.

a. will produce b. produced c. produce d. would produce

2. I wish I … a senior staff member so that I can use the car park.

a. was b. were c. had been d. would be

3. I’ll have to send them a reminder unless they … the invoice in due time.

a. pay b. will pay c. won’t pay d. don’t pay

4. But for the poor advertising campaign their sales … considerably.

a. would increase c. had increased

b. would have increased d. will increase

5. If he … in time, he would have taken all necessary measures.

a. were warned b. had warned c. was warned d. had been warned

6. They wish they … the job to an external candidate. Now they regret about it.

a. wouldn’t give b. didn’t give c. hadn’t given d. haven’t given

7. If the quality of the product hadn’t been so bad, we … .

a. hadn’t complained c. wouldn’t have complained

b. wouldn’t complain d. didn’t complain

8. There are so many similar models on the market now. If only we … our version earlier.

a. launched b. would launch c. have launched d. had launched

9. If he … so willing and energetic, he would have never got the position of the Managing Director.

a. weren’t b. hadn’t been c. isn’t d. wasn’t

10. If … in cash, … the price by 10%?

a. I paid; will you reduce c. I paid; would you reduce ü

b. did I pay; you would reduce d. I pay; you will reduce

11. If you … goods on the Internet, they always … you an email confirmation.

a. order; will send c. had ordered; would have sent

b. order; send d. ordered; would send

12. The bank … you money to set up a company unless you … some kind of business plan.

a. won’t lend; had c. won’t lend; have

b. wouldn’t lend; didn’t have d. will lend; don’t have

13. If you … sales by over 15%, the company … you a performance bonus.

a. increase; will paid c. would increase; paid

b. increased; would pay d. had increased; will pay

14. If … about their financial problems, I … business with them.

a. I’d known; wouldn’t have done c. I knew; wouldn’t have done

b. I’d know; didn’t do d. I’d have known; hadn’t done

15. If we … a notice concerning the respite of payment in proper time, we … a bank account for $5000.

a. would receive; established c. would have received; had established

b. received; would establish d. had received; would have established ü

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в требующейся форме сослагательного наклонения:

1. But for the delay in delivery we (not have) to pay damages.

2. I am confident that we (meet) our targets if we (maintain) our current level of sales.

3. If he (take) his job more seriously, he (advance) long ago.

4. I have no idea what the other party are going to propose in the negotiations tomorrow. – Neither do I. If I (know), I (tell) you.

5. If I (be) in your position, I (insist) on having more staff in the finance and accounts department.

6. If I (be) you, I (not waste) time. I would learn foreign languages. It’s very important for getting a good job.

7. We (stop) the meeting now if there (be) nothing else to discuss.

8. I think if I (obtain) a Master of Business Administration degree, I (improve) my job prospects.

9. If our side (be) better prepared, we (succeed) in yesterday’s talks.

10. I wish they (stop) criticizing our efforts to change the advertising strategy.

11. If that customer’s complaints (be) well-grounded, his losses (compensate).

12. They (survive) that awful recession if they (invest) in new technology.

13. If the Managing Director (not go) on a business trip, he (sign) the contract, I’m sure. But now you’ll have to wait for him to return.

14. Perhaps I (purchase) this equipment if you (throw in) the accessories.

15. If these figures (can break) down into parts, it (make) them easier to understand.

16. We (not employ) people unless they (be) experienced and eager to work hard.

17. If they (approve) this delivery schedule, we (be able) to dispatch the goods within 7 days.

18. Sometimes if you (taketake) a chance, it (paypays) off.

19. If they (promote) the brand better, they (gain) their share of market. But unfortunately, they can’t.

20. What laws you (changewould change) if you (bewere) the Prime Minister?

21. If we (break) into the Western market, our turnover (increase) substantially. So we should do our best to implement this plan.

22. If you (look) carefully at your copy of the contract, you (see) that this clause applies to you.

23. Unless we (meet) the debts by the end of December, we (force) to declare ourselves bankrupt.

24. We (accept) their terms of the agreement yesterday if they (prolong) the warranty period.

25. Will you inform them that if they (not settle) their account, we (take) them to court?



I. Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо:

1. … stay competitive, hi-tech firms must constantly … innovate otherwise their products become out of date.

2. Before we can … decide where … buy the equipment, we need … carry out market research.

3. He didn’t dare … argue with his superior.

4. The first thing a commercial must … do is … catch the potential customer’s eye.

5. Our main competitors were heard … become insolvent.

6. The employers tried a lock-out … make the workers … accept their terms.

7. There is nothing for you … do but … consult with the tax lawyer.

8. Why not … consider our own employees first for any vacancies?

9. The supervisor lost control of his subordinates after he allowed them … override his decisions.

10. Hi-Marks Company is an exclusive distributor in our region, so we are forced … purchase domestic appliances from them.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. There is no even a chance for him … .

a. to promote c. to be promoting

b. to be promoted d. to have been promoted

2. Our enterprise is expected … to prosper in the next twelve months in spite of some current problems.

a. to continue c. to have continued

b. to be continuing d. to be continued

3. I am proud … an opportunity of working on your staff.

a. to have given c. to have been given

b. to give d. to be giving

4. Insurance companies may use insurance adjusters to negotiate the amount of the insurance … .

a. to be paid c. to pay

b. to have been paid d. to have paid

5. The idea is said … from the research and development department.

a. to originate c. to be originating

b. to have originated d. to have been originated

6. We appear … very good progress nowadays.

a. to make c. to have made

b. to be making d. to have been making

7. … the increased demand for consumer goods, new supermarket has been opened in the city centre.

a. to meet c. to be met

b. to have met d. to have been met

8. The first question … at the meeting is the stimulation of the public interest to our new product line.

a. to discuss c. to be discussed

b. to be discussing d. to have been discussed

9. There is no reason for the other party … the terms of delivery.

a. to change c. to be changing

b. to have been changing d. to have changed

10. The Board of Directors seem … the proposal for more than an hour.

a. to negotiate c. to have negotiated

b. to be negotiating d. to have been negotiating

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. I want you to pay more attention to our new advertising campaign.

2. Managers who like power find it difficult to delegate responsibility.

3. Our share of market seems to have gone down a month ago.

4. She doesn’t seem to get on very well with her colleagues.

5. The applicant is too inexperienced for us to consider employing him.

6. This company is known to have gone bankrupt.

7. We expect the turnover toincreaseby at least 3 per cent.

8. Your assistant deserves to be paid more as he is regularly on overtime.

9. This is for the public relations department to project the right image of the company.

10. He waited for the CEO to discuss how to improve productivity and stay competitive.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. There’s a (growing / grown) awareness of the need to improve productivity.

2. (Enclosing / Enclosed) you will find our current catalogues and price lists.

3. Activity ratios are meaningful when (comparing / compared) with those of other companies.

4. The sales manager (confirming / confirmed) the company’s orders is out at the moment.

5. Although (allowing / allowed), it was preferred that staffers should not smoke inside.

6. Being absorbed in her work she didn’t pay any attention to the (ringing / rung) telephone.

7. I am (bothering / bothered) by our current financial status.

8. An accountant is a person (concerning / concerned) with the maintenance and audit of business accounts and the preparation of consultant reports in tax and finance.

9. Mr. Thomson is not (experienced / experiencing) enough to take on such responsibilities.

10. The customer was (dissatisfying / dissatisfied) with the service and complained to the manager.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. … for an honest man, he is trusted absolutely.

a. Taking b. Being taken c. Having taken d. Being taking

2. I’ve just received an advisory note … me that the goods have been shipped.

a. told b. having told c. telling d. being told

3. … at 3 o’clock, the financial statement then was send to the CEO.

a. Completed c. Having completed

b. Completing d. Having been completing

4. With the inflation …, the purchasing power of the population has declined.

a. grown b. growing c. having growing d. having grown

5. The state of economy is really … at the moment.

a. worrying b. worried c. being worried d. being worrying

6. … to Scotland on urgent business, he left on the night’s train.

a. Being summoned c. Having summoned

b. Summoning d. Having been summoned

7. Job description is a detailed … document … all the duties and responsibilities of the worker.

a. writing; specifying c. written; specifying

b. written; specified d. writing; specified

8. A bill of lading is a document … full particulars of the goods, their destination and the name of the ship … them.

a. contained; carried c. containing; carried

b. contained; carrying d. containing; carrying

9. … the news she was so … that she didn’t know what to do.

a. Learning; shocking c. Learnt; shocked

b. Having learnt; shocked d. Having been learnt; shocking

10. Managers … information to pass it on to other managers depend on information … to them.

a. selecting; communicated c. having selecting; having communicated

b. selected; communicating d. having selected; being communicating

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The firm has a lot of contracts, some of them having been signed after the talks.

2. Buying that new equipment has seriously depleted our cash reserves.

3. The work being finished, everybody left.

4. Ice having been broken, the negotiations began.

5. Once approved, these people hold office for life.

6. The Personnel Director is an outspoken critic of the reorganization.

7. We must have the copy machine fixed.

8. The USA is rich in mineral resources, the main being iron, coal and oil.

9. Using standardized application forms and questionnaires ensures we find a candidate with all the qualifications we need.

10. The representatives came from ten countries, with Britain being represented by Gordon Brown.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I don’t think this work needs (correcting / being corrected).

2. On (coming / having come) home I began to work at my report.

3. She insisted on the documents (signing / being signed) at once.

4. Susie denied (giving / having given) the office keys to anyone else.

5. The problem is not worth (discussing / being discussed).

6. After (concluding / having concluded) the contract the delegation returned to their country.

7. Dismissal is the act of terminating employment or the condition of (dismissing / being dismissed) by the employer.

8. He mentioned (providing / having provided) venture capital for some small innovative company.

9. When I am giving a presentation, I don’t mind (asking / being asked) questions.

10. You’d better come back later. Mr. Bradbury dislikes (interrupting / being interrupted) when he’s in a meeting.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I tried (to get / getting) in touch with you last week but I think you were away.

2. Could you take this file to Mrs. Murray? I meant (to let / letting) her have it this morning, but I forgot (to give / giving) it to her.

3. I am sure that if you stop (to think / thinking) about our offer you will agree that the price is quite reasonable.

4. The secretary advised me (not to speak / against speaking) to the boss right now.

5. First I’ll speak about the background of the company, then I’ll go on (to describe / describing) our new range of products.

6. He found it very difficult (to get / getting) work because he was unemployed, and soon regretted (to resign / resigning) from his previous job.

7. I like my staff (to make / making) decisions for themselves, but they seem afraid (to show / of showing) any initiative.

8. The managing director prefers (to leave / leaving) financial affairs to his accountant.

9. I’m sorry (to spoil / for spoiling) your plans last weekend. – That’s OK. I was sorry (to hear / hearing) you weren’t feeling very well.

10. We like (to test / testing) the goods before we dispatch them.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме герундия или инфинитива:

1. We can’t afford (miss) this opportunity.

2. He failed (comprehend) the seriousness of the problem.

3. If we don’t make up our mind rather quickly, we risk (lose) the whole contract.

4. We guarantee (deliver) the goods by the end of December.

5. May I suggest (postpone) the meeting until next week?

6. The politician has been under a cloud over the possibility of (take) bribes.

7. He got to the top in business by his own efforts in spite of (have) little education and training.

8. The new product line is doing really well. I think we should go on (sell) it for another six months at least.

9. The Chairman is skillful at (avoid) (answer) awkward questions.

10. We like (contact) our potential customers to check their reactions to the advertising campaign.


I. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в соответствующей форме инфинитива, причастия или герундия:

1. There was nothing to do but (wait).

2. It will take a lot of time for the two parties (come) to an agreement.

3. I heard him (discuss) something with our manager.

4. James believes (offer) a promotion in 2 months.

5. She felt tired because she wasn’t used (work) so hard.

6. The e-mail (send) on Monday didn’t reach them. There’s something wrong with their server.

7. It is necessary for the company (make) this employee redundant.

8. The manager seems (get) impatient with the interviewee.

9. We felt (disappoint) at the results of the marketing research.

10. When (travel) from country to country on business or leisure, people have to convert one currency to another.

11. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me (do)?

12. They managed (launch) the product at the beginning of July.

13. Why did you change your decision? What made you (change) your mind?

14. Due to our disability (get) certain supplies, we lost the order.

15. He admitted (make) a serious mistake.

16. I tried to persuade him, but he refused (listen) to me.

17. It’s up to the accountant (interpret)various financial statements.

18. Make a careful assessment of all pros and cons before (take) a decision.

19. She looked at the certificate of origin (check) where the goods were produced.

20. The cargo is likely (deliver) with a two-week delay.

21. His explanation was rather (confuse). We didn’t understand anything.

22. They were seen (enter) their office at 10 p.m.

23. This question is too difficult (settle) without further consultations.

24. Would you mind (run) through the details once more?

25. You’d better (hurry) up or you’ll be late for the meeting.

26. (Analyze) all the data I was able to make a decision.

27. He was made (sign) a paper (admit) his guilt.

28. I’ve looked everywhere, but the file appears (misplace).

29. It’s important (create) a favourable impression when (meet) clients.

30. Our profits are up this year, so I expect (give) a pay rise.

31. People (involve) in management spend a great deal of their time (work).

32. She disapproved of Ms Newtown (engage) as a secretary.

33. The credit rating (give) to a customer will depend on the time s/he takes (pay) for the goods.

34. They are said (work) at the pilot project for two months.

35. We are looking forward (see) you again and (discuss) our plans.

36. (Be) an energetic and competent manager, Mr. Collins initiated several new projects since (join) the company.

37. A clerk is an employee responsible for (carry) out general office duties, (fill)in forms and (keep) records.

38. We try (stay) competitive by (invest) heavily in advertising and promotion.

39. A firm can encourage their customers (pay) more promptly by (increase) cash discounts.

40. Before (ask) a bank manager for money, it is wise (show) him a business plan.

41. A manufacturer may hold stock of (finish) goods with the purpose of (improve) the delivery time to customers.

42. It’s for you (decide) where (work) after (graduate) from the university.

43. Performance appraisals help (assure) that (promise) staff are not overlooked for promotion.

44. A mark-up is the amount (add) to the cost of a commodity (provide) the seller with a profit and (cover) expenses.

45. The market has reached saturation point so we need (concentrate) on(develop) new products.

46. Advertisers examine each newspaper’s circulation figures before (decide) where (place) their advertisements.

47. The Board of Directors is a committee (appoint) or(elect) by shareholders (sit) in council for the management or direction of some public or private business.

48. They proposed (minimize) the effect of redundancy by (rely) on natural wastage.

49. We regret (inform) you that we are unable (supply) the items you ordered, as we are completely out of stock.

50. A receptionist is a person (employ) in an office (receive) clients or guests, tell them how (get) to the right office, answer the telephone, and arrange appointments.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. (May / Can) I make a comment at this point? – Yes, of course you (may / can).

2. Analysts say that interest rates (may / can) risebefore the end of the year.

3. By examining the balance sheet we (were able to / could) find out that the company was not doing as well as they claimed.

4. Confidential documents (may not / cannot) be photocopied without prior approval.

5. I thought I was going to miss the plane but I (could / managed to) get to the airport on time.

6. She(could / might) have goneto Oxford but she went to Cambridge instead.

7. The computer system has just crashed. I think we might (lose / have lost) a lot of data.

8. They didn’t meet yesterday, so they could not(make / have made) the decision then.

9. Those who (cannot / may not) manage their time efficiently always have high stress levels.

10. Through effective advertising a company (can / may) become a household brand.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The supplier … deliver the goods on or by the date specified in the contract.

a. must b. have to c. needn’t d. should

2. I can work from home so I … to go to the office very often.

a. needn’t b. mustn’t c. oughtn’t d. don’t have

3. When the sales representatives arrived he was the only employee in the office, so he … show the visitors around.

a. was to b. should c. must d. might

4. An effective manager … keep the staff motivated, especially when things look black.

a. may b. must c. need d. ought

5. You … to keep an account of all your expenses.

a. should b. had better c. must d. ought

6. I … have phoned the sales engineer at 11 sharp but it totally slipped my mind.

a. could b. might c. should d. was to

7. … I move on to the next point on the agenda now?

a. Will b. Shall c. Can d. Would

8. He sold his shares at their peak, so he … have madea lot of money.

a. can b. may c. should d. must

9. I am going to an interview tomorrow. I … prepare all the necessary documents right now.

a. had better b. ought c. may d. should

10. If you open a bank account in the Bahamas, you … pay income tax.

a. may not b. must not c. won’t have to d. cannot

11. This information … have been given to the tax authorities two years ago.

a. could b. might c. must d. should

12. I … remind the boss to get in touch with the logistics manager.

a. must b. may c. need d. have to

13. Because he was from the European Union, he … get a visa to visit Britain.

a. didn’t have b. needn’t c. couldn’t d. wasn’t

14. We … wear a uniform at work, it’s not our choice.

a. have to b. must c. may d. should

15. You … sign the document until you have read it through.

a. may not b. should not c. must not d. had better not

16. The boss has left instructions that he … be disturbed.

a. shouldn’t b.is not to c. may not d. couldn’t

17. Our previous chairman … always begin the annual general meeting with a joke.

a. could b. should c. would d. will

18. The Financial Director … check that the company was financially sound.

a. is to b. had to c. should d. need to

19. Unauthorized personnel … pass this point.

a. cannot b. is not c. must not d. needn’t

20. Unless you comply with our requirements, we … be forced to initiate legal proceedings.

a. must b. have to c. are to d. will

III. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами:

1. … I go through the minutes of the last meeting first?

2. A firm is said to be insolvent when it … not fulfil its commitments.

3. Before Mr. Wellington, our bookkeeper, … become a CPA, he … meet a number of requirements.

4. Everyone in the research and development department … be working very long hours at the moment.

5. I’m afraid I’ll be late tonight – I … fetch the guests from the station.

6. Any decisions made … be consistent with the company’s overall strategy.

7. If a company needs to raise a lot of money, it … issue shares.

8. As the payment wasn’t made in due time, they … dissolve the agreement.

9. By using the multimedia projector the speaker … to communicate the information quite clearly.

10. It was a mistake to get rid of those shares. You … have soldthem.

11. Managers …strive for two-way communication with their subordinates.

12. Every company … watch its cash flow carefully if it …to avoid bankruptcy.

13. I’m sure they … be conversant with our products as they are sold all over Europe.

14. Mr. Golden is on holiday in Spain – you … have seenhim this morning.

15. If a country has a floating currency, importers … keep changing the prices of their goods.

16. The associate director … have carried on the negotiations with the sales agents but he didn’t.

17. If you don’t sign the new contract, we … move you to another post.

18. Mr. Brook … preside over the shareholders’ meeting yesterday.

19. The company … be forced to make a number of employees redundant in the coming months but the situation … improve in the longer term.

20. Ms Petty wasn’t at the meeting – she … have been delayed at the airport.

21. The customer … notify the supplier of any defects within five days.

22. Twenty years ago you … buy a computer as cheaply as you … now.

23. Unfortunately we … interview every applicant for this position.

24. We … have rushed to the airport as the plane was late.

25. When you retire early you … receive a compensating payment from your employer.

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